
Recreate The Villains Story

— 2024, Yoo Suyeon, the young girl from Korea just expelled from the University, enter the novel she write when she 15 years old. In worst case, she become the Villain named ‘Morgan Laurengher’in her cringe novel. Steal the male lead? Nope. Curse the female lead? Nope. Save the world? Nope. Who care about that? Money is important. Survival is number one priority!! But the problem is she can't use magic until age 13. Morgan was fated to be final boss in the novel and powerful mage in the world. Unfortunately, right now, she can't use any magic. Age 10 years old, Morgan was send into Lundeberg territory under Emperor order. Until the accident happen. Morgan fall into abyss world where monster living. Survive without magic in demon territory, she meet the Grand Duke in Abyss world. The Grand Duke who is one of main villain in her novel. “For god sake, what the heck grand duke doing in demon territory, especially Abyss World?”— Morgan Laurengher. “You better watch your mouth, kid. Before I kick you into the mouth of dragon.”— Grand Duke Claude Lundeberg. Trapping in Abyss World together, Morgan and Grand Duke decide to survive together. “You have two choice, reveal yourself or die.”— Nicholas Von Pendragon. “Can I have third choice?" “Hmph. No fucking way.” Nicholas, one of main villain, the evil second prince who try steal female lead, decided to make Morgan as enemy. With this sword, both of them will dance in battle together. “I'm sorry.... for curse you... I just.... Young mortal, Will you replace me? Will you consume me? Will you volunteer to be the next Ocean?" — Nimue “First of all, who the fuck are you?” “The Ocean.” “The heck?” Accidentally, Morgan just meet water spirit or water dragon in Abyss World. Don't know how but since she lose in rock-paper-scissors in random, she get cursed by Nimue. “As the Emperor of Avalon Empire, Morgan Laurengher!!! You will be punished via the death sentence!!!”— Emperor of Avalon Empire. Not enough mistake as villain, Morgan was accused for murder her family. As the criminals, how can she survive in this world? “I heard about you.... HOW DARE YOU BULLY RACHEL!!!!”— Male Lead of novel ‘All down for lover’, Carsian Von Pendragon. “You will fated as monster... as the demon king... the one who bring destruction to empire... Lady Morgan....” — Female Lead of novel ‘All down for love’, Saintess Rachel. Be accused as Demon and other bad things, Morgan have to facing many obstacles. How can she do that? How can she avoid the death? How can she change the story in her own novel? “Everyone!! Listen!! Fuck You, Fuck you and fuck you too!! I will show this world that I don't give fuck about anything!!!” Embrace her own journey. Morgan or Yoo Suyeon will face her own fate. Genre : Fantasy, Female Protagonist, magic, royalty, action, conflict, romance, comedy. Warning : Swearing, cursing (Too much bad word) Note : This is my first story. English is not my first language, please forgive my poor grammar.

SyuAme_1 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Beginning of Story


You know, famous creature around the world. I believe all of you know about dragon. Giant body, big wings, sharp teeth, deadly horns. Everyone love dragon!!

Dragon is big, powerful, intimidating and menacing. Dragon was described as protection, evil and balance. Do you know? In this world----


Morgan slammed the desk after she throw the book 'Dragon History' into floor. She absolutely piss off with this book content. In her opinion, that book only filled with nonsense instead a fact.

Morgan Laurengher. The illegitimate daughter from Laurengher House.

Morgan is daughter of Marquess Laurengher and pitiful unknown maid who die due childbirth. She was take by Marquess Laurengher since her mother is beautiful, It's absolutely Morgan can be beautiful woman with great asset in future.

Marquess Laurengher is asshole. He have several mistress. How many his mistress? It's 2 to be honest. Not to much but actually it's disaster in Laurengher house.

"How dare you!!!---"

Mnh? Someone just yelled at corridor?

I immediately come out from my room and see the interesting moment. The fight between Mistress of Laurengher House.

"Lady Maria!! Do you have any manner!!? My daughter said that your daughter try to spill the tea into her favourite dress!!"

The woman who yelled right now is Lady Priscilla, The first wife of Marquess Laurengher. She currently have 2 son and 1 daughter. She also come from pure blood noble family, Erekia. Priscilla have red hair and red eyes, that became one of important traits in Erekia family. Erekia is famous magician family but Priscilla isn't magician except his second son, Alex.

"Lady Priscilla, I believe that is nonsense. Your daughter must be blind to not watch her dress from get dirty." Replied the woman who have blonde hair.

The current opponent of Priscilla in this arguments, Maria Iviane, is second wife of Marquess Laurengher. Of course, she is one of noble family. Unlike Priscilla, Maria come from alchemist family. She have one daughter and that girl name is Luvia.

That's enough about her family.

"What do you say!!? You call my Beatrice is blind!!? Look at yourself, woman! You're blind! You can't teach your daughter about manner!!" Priscilla yelled with angry.

"Lady, please be calm.... I think you should cool your hot head. We don't know what happen if your head exploded because too much work." Reply Maria with fake smile.

Wow, that Maria woman definitely scary woman.


With angry, Priscilla slapped Maria with her fan. The red cheeks look beautiful from the view to be honest— forget what I'm saying.

"How dare you!! You just second wife! A mistress who dare stole my husband!!"

"Maybe you husband don't know how to keep his pants. That's why he don't love you."

"You... You imbre---"

"What's going here?" Marquess Laurengher arrived on time as he stop the conflict between his wife. Marquess Laurengher have silver hair with blue eyes, intimidating face with wrinkles like old man—Marquess Laurengher just 45 years old, perfect time to assassination, hehehe....

"My lord!!" Everyone in the room including Morgan bowing before Marquess Laurengher as the sign of respect. Respect not respect if Priscilla and Maria still exchange death glare each other.

"I'm asking you all, what's going here?" Marquess Laurengher continue repeating his question.

The whole atmosphere change from noisy into dead sea. No one dare answer Marquess Laurengher. Why? Because that fucking asshole is powerful paladin of Avalon Empire.

Paladin my ass!! You just corrupt paladin!!

As you know, my name is Morgan Laurengher, the illegitimate daughter of that asshole. The one who useless, pitiful and weaklings girl born from powerful Marquess and unknown maid. But all is disaster to be honest. The truth is....

I'm Yoo Suyeon, the normal University student who take medical course. Of course, I was expelled from university because I beat two—nope, three bastard who harrassing me. That three bastard come from rich family and then, they abuse their wealth and destroy my reputation and my dream.

Not only that, because I useless and don't have any partner, My parents forced me into arrange marriage. Guess What? I kick my future husband's genital. Why? I don't have any reason. I just want fuck off and leave this fucking life.

And then.... I get kidnapped. What miserable life.... I get kidnapped, being treat like fucking slave and then lastly, when I try run away, I get into accident—Fuck you truck-kun.

Such a crazy life. I'm dead and then I wake up— AS FUCKING VILLAIN IN THE NOVEL!!!!! GOD, WHAT I HAVE DONE THAT YOU LET ME BECOME LIKE THIS!!!?

«Morgan Laurengher»

(How many I repeat her name? Whatever)

She's villain in cliché novel named "Down all for love". The novel that I write when I'm 15 years old!! What a embarrassed!!!

Like usual romance novel, the male lead is powerful man and the female lead is lovely, kind and Saintess like. They fight together against the Villain and after that, they fall in love with happy ever after. The end—


Morgan was destined to die on Male Lead hands. The guy who she love and obsessed, the guy who she want to touch, kiss and have sex— Not that. Please not that. It's cringe!!! Really forget what i say!!

Anyway, Morgan is one of the main villain in "Down all for love". The novel i write have 3 main villain. One of them is Morgan. The other two is Second Prince of Avalon Empire and Grand Duke of Lundebreg. Just like usual novel scenario type, Morgan was describe as witch, powerful mage. She was final boss in novel which in the end, Male Lead will kill her.

BAM!! BAM!! BAM!!!


Damn, I really have angry issue. Forget that.

"Darling, look at this ungrateful woman! She even can't teach her daughter a manner. Her daugther just spill tea into our lovely Beatrice favourite dress!!" Priscilla continue complain to her husband with cute voice. She pressing her chest against her husband arms, to seduce him. It's old tricks. Seduce someone into their side is one of noble tricks. That why noble can have mistress.

Maria replied with calm, "No, my lord. I believe Lady Priscilla just misunderstood. Luvia never want to ruin Beatrice's favorite dress. She probably look at wrong way. Or maybe.... she have poor vision."

"Are you try to said that I'm blind!!!?"

"No way. I never have intention to claim that you blind, lady. You shouldn't too much offended with what i said, lady."

At this point, I think Priscilla more suite with mistress role than Maria. I can't believe tat Mari actually second wife. She really kind woman----

"That's enough, both of you!!!" Marquess Laurengher immediately raise his voice to stop both of his wife. Fierce face that always wear on his face, always made Morgan scared in novel.

He sighed, "I don't care what is going on but enough. Just enough. Priscilla, buy Beatrice new dress if you still have problem. Maria, you may go now."

"Yes, my lord." Maria and her maid give curtsy before leave as Priscilla watch Maria with hatred eyes.

That's right. None want their husband have another wife. But this is Noble Community. To be powerful, marriage is one of methods to increase their authority.

[Dinner — Dinner Hall]

All the member of Laurengher family was eating peaceful on table together. Only sound of fork and knife hitting the plate. Yeah, everything is silent until Marquess Laurengher open his mouth.

"The Imperial Family order to send one of Laurengher member to Duchy of Lundeberg."

The whole atmosphere change into shocked. One by one, I can see their worried and scared face.

Laurengher and Lundeberg have really bad relationship but Lundeberg family is main force and first wall of protecting Empire from demon territory. Since Avalon Empire is nearby with demon territory and the most nearest with demon territory is Lundeberg family, that noble house haven't choice but be choose in charge of protect the Empire.

10 years ago, the demon invasion become decrease when Claude become Duke of Lundeberg. With his almighty and powerful swordsmanship, he managed avoid the massive victim.

«Claude Lundeberg»

The Grand Duke of Lundeberg, The Guardian of Eternal Winter and one of main villain in 'All down for love'. He become first villain in first arc in the novel, where the Male Lead have to fight him from survival.

"Clovis, Alex, Beatrice, Luvia and... Morgan."

One by one, Marquess Laurengher look at his children on table, ignoring the wife. He definitely want send one of his children into Lundeberg territory.

"Who volunteer to go Lundeberg?"

Ahhh... It's coming. That's questions. The question that decided their future.

Suddenly, Clovis raise his hand with proud, "I'm sorry, Father but I have to attend the sword academy."

"Then, Clovis is disqualified. Who the next?"

What? You accept like that? Ah... You never intended to send your favorite son.

And then, Beatrice raise her hands with sadness eyes, "I'm sorry, Father but I can't see blood. I have Hemophobia."

Hemophobia you ass!! You just don't want go there because it's troublesome!! You just want protect your wonderful fucking nails!!!

"Beatrice, you stay home."

"Thank you, Father."

WHAT THE HECK!!!? Ah.... So you playing favorites hah!? In this case, i'm the one who have most disadvantages here...

In the novel, Morgan don't get any love from his father or his mistress. Her siblings, yeah, Beatrice and Clovis hate Morgan meanwhile Luvia and Alex remain neutral. That's mean Morgan is most disadvantages because:

One, She illegitimate child.

Two, Her mother is maid.

Three, She can't control any magic or use any magic.

Four, none love her.

Five, she don't have common acknowledge such an aristocratic etiquettes.

Basically, she's idiot, stupid and useless. Until she awaken her power as powerful mage at the age of thirteen.

Marquess Laurengher look at Alex, his second son with Lady Priscilla, "Alex, what about you?"

"I don't have any comments, Father. It's up to you if you want send me." Alex replied.

"Then, you don't have to go. I hear you get accepted into prestigious magic academy."


Marquess Laurengher turn into Livia, "Livia, what about you?"

"I can't, Father. I don't have any talent as magician. Beside, I'm only focus on alchemy."

"Yeah. You just waste your time life only for that stupid thing. You better learn as lady because I hear someone just send proposal to you."

Livia reply with silent. She know her fate on her father. Soon or late, Livia will go marry into another noble. In Marquess Laurengher eyes, her interest in alchemy is useless.

"And lastly...." Marquess look at Morgan who sit alone on table. Left, right, there's none dare sit beside her. Even they sit on same table, everyone keep their distance with Morgan.

"Morgan, you will go to Lundeberg family."

Woah? You don't even ask my opinion. That's pretty dirty trick, Marquess Laurengher.

"But I—!!" Before I can defend myself, Priscilla interrupted.

"What? You dare against your father? Did your mother don't teach you manner?—Oh! Forgive me. I almost forget that your mother just commoner." Said Priscilla with mocking smile.

Oh? So you want play mother things hah? If only I older than you... Thankfully that I'm just 10 years old kid now.

"I... I'm sorry....." Reply Morgan as she try hold back her tears. Of course, it's fake.


"Morgan, I will send you to Lundeberg territory. Thank you to be volunteer for our family." Said Marquess Laurengher with fake smile.


"Yes... Father...."

[Several days later....]

The carriage walk through the cliff, the one who bring Morgan into Lundeberg territory.

Damn, they don't even give me time to think. So, this is their plan to avoid the punishment from Emperor. Escape from their duty by send someone useless to fulfil. Whatever, in the end, I will awaken soon or late. But.... Currently I'm just ten years old kid. I have to wait for whole 3 damn years so I can use my magic. Ugh... Suck to be me.

"Mmm.... Should I burn Laurengher mansion once I awaken?"

Yeah, that's is most sense I have think. But too much random. Whatever. Let's not think about that, Yoo Suyeon. Currently, You're the villain in your own story, Morgan Laurengher. You have to survive, even you should burn—


The whole carriage shaking suddenly. Morgan lost balance because the shaking that made her fall into floor.

What the heck is happening now!!!?

Outside their, she hear someone scream. Definitely the guard who guide this carriage into Lundeberg territory.



Monster!? No way.... Why suddenly monster appeared!!? Fuck!! Right now I don't even have magic now....

Morgan keep the door close. Her body trembling with fear, fear of death. None want die at young age, including her who just get reincarnated as villain. Hopeless, fear, despair, afraid....


Shit. The door is cracking!!! For the love, please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please!!!!!!!

"AAAGGGRRRAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" A monster with giant body, drooling mouth, scaring claws and red eyes watch Morgan after breaking the door.

Fuck — Morgan, 14 Amber Calendar.

The big claws grab Morgan and forced her out from them. Morgan screaming with fear. Who don't get scared when they saw terrifying monster?

"GRAAAAWWWWW!!!!" The monster shouting that send the blow of wind into Morgan face. It's running into some cave near cliff with other monsters.

Am I going be their food!!!? No way, no way, no way!!

Morgan trying to escape from the monster grip but fail. It's much stronger than her. Definitely stronger that it's can rip Morgan into pieces anytime. When the monster try enter the cave near cliff, suddenly, the monster accidentally let Morgan go.


Morgan fall into cliff without any protection, any weapon or any magic. Useless and hopeless.... Morgan screaming as she fall into cliff.


This is the beginning where Morgan— No, Yoo Suyeon, will facing the TRUE OF NIGHTMARE.

This is the adventure of Morgan in dungeon full with monster, ABYSS.

“This is my first time write novel. Please give me support!!!! The first chapter probably kind cringe. Beside, English is not my first language and this is my first time write novel in english.... please forgive my poor english/language....”

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