
RECOVERING - Accepting who I am

Cece! Her father called out with anger, I am your father, and I can do with you anything I want. No, you can't! Cece yelled, yes! You are my father but I am not some kind of property! You can't marry me off because of your greed dad! She said with tears in her eyes. No father, please, she begged. Mr. Cooper seems to have made up his mind on what to do, he said calmly, it's either you marry Linton or I kill you, myself, he added devilishly. D....dad, Cece called in astonishment. You are going to kill me? Your daughter? She looks lost. Okay, I will do whatever you want, Cece said with serious face and she walked out of the living room immediately. Mr. Cooper looked up in anger.

Afolabi_Mariam · Thành thị
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Echoes of chaos

Dr. Bernie's heart raced as he sat beside Mrs. Edgar, her revelation hanging in the air like a storm cloud ready to burst. The room seemed to grow colder, and the weight of the past pressed down on him.

"What do you remember?" Dr. Bernie asked, his voice barely a whisper, though it carried the weight of a lifetime of guilt and secrets.

Mrs. Edgar closed her eyes, her brows furrowing as she searched her resurfacing memories. "I remember the night you confronted Edgar," she began, her voice trembling with emotion. "There was shouting, a struggle. I was caught in the middle. I remember pain, fear, and then... darkness."

Dr. Bernie couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze. The memories of that night rushed back to him like a tidal wave. He had hoped that the truth would remain buried, but now it threatened to consume him.

"I didn't want you to be hurt," he finally confessed, his voice heavy with remorse. "I was trying to protect you from Edgar, but it all went horribly wrong. I've carried the guilt for all these years, unable to forgive myself."

Tears welled up in Mrs. Edgar's eyes as she reached out to gently touch Dr. Bernie's hand. "Dr. Bernie," she said softly, "we were all victims that night, victims of Edgar's darkness. I don't blame you for what happened. In fact, I remember you trying to shield me from harm."

Dr. Bernie's shoulders slumped as he released a breath he hadn't known he was holding. Her forgiveness was a balm to his wounded soul, but the road to redemption was still fraught with challenges.

As they continued to share their memories of that fateful night, they realized that they held the missing pieces of the puzzle that would expose Edgar Linton's criminal activities. With renewed determination, Dr. Bernie and Mrs. Edgar decided to work together to bring Edgar to justice while protecting their fragile connection.

But Edgar was no ordinary adversary. He had eyes and ears in the darkest corners of the city, and he would stop at nothing to protect his empire of crime. Dr. Bernie knew that the path ahead would be treacherous, and the truth they sought could cost them dearly.

Mrs Edgar got trapped in her thought, "what if something happens to her children?" she is never going to forgive herself, she thought. "Maybe we should just forget about digging out Edgar's past Dr Bernie, I .... I am afraid, what if something bad happens to my babies?" He knows I can't do without them.

"Nothing bad will happen to your children, just keep calm, I will protect you and your kids" he said. "Presently, they are at my house and my maids are taking care of them" Dr Bernie assured her.

"Thank you Dr Bernie, but can I see them?"

"of course!" he dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out his phone, dialed his house mobile.

"Hello", a lady's voice sounded from the other end. "How's Raymond and Raynell?" Dr Bernie asked.

"They are both fine, they just seems to have missed their mom" she replied.

"okay, call them, I will video call you now "

The twins felt so happy that their mom is finally calling. Raynell held the phone so tightly, jumping with joy.

"mommmm...." she cried out staring at the screen. "Hello my peanut", Mrs Edgar said.

"I missed you so much mom", Raymond said.

"Yeah, I missed you too baby" she replied.

"Mom, aunt Eva is really taking care of us, she is very nice!" they both said.

"Wow, I am definitely going to appreciate her when we meet", Mrs Edgar replied her children.

"okay kids, be good and well behaved, mummy will come for you soon, okay?"

" Yes mom, we will miss you" they said in unison.

"I will miss you too babies", Muah! she blew them kisses and bade them good bye.

With a new calmness and satisfaction all over her face, she returned the phone back to Dr Bernie muttering a "thank you".

"it's the least I can do for you, we are in this together Cath, right from the beginning, and we will see to it till the end", Dr Bernie assured her.