
RECOVERING - Accepting who I am

Cece! Her father called out with anger, I am your father, and I can do with you anything I want. No, you can't! Cece yelled, yes! You are my father but I am not some kind of property! You can't marry me off because of your greed dad! She said with tears in her eyes. No father, please, she begged. Mr. Cooper seems to have made up his mind on what to do, he said calmly, it's either you marry Linton or I kill you, myself, he added devilishly. D....dad, Cece called in astonishment. You are going to kill me? Your daughter? She looks lost. Okay, I will do whatever you want, Cece said with serious face and she walked out of the living room immediately. Mr. Cooper looked up in anger.

Afolabi_Mariam · Thành thị
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Uncovering secrets

As Dr. Bernie stood in Mrs. Edgar's hospital room, a sense of determination welled up within him. He knew that he had to protect her and her children from the looming threat of Edgar Linton, but the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty.

Over the days that followed, Dr. Bernie tirelessly continued his investigation into Edgar's activities. He delved deep into the shadows of the criminal underworld, gathering evidence that would expose Edgar's true nature. He couldn't deny the personal vendetta that drove him, but he also recognized the importance of justice for all the innocent victims entangled in Edgar's web of deceit.

Mrs. Edgar, unaware of the true extent of Dr. Bernie's motivations, began to confide in him. She shared stories of her life with Edgar, the struggles, and the moments of happiness that were now overshadowed by fear. Dr. Bernie listened attentively, offering her solace and reassurance, all the while concealing the torment that still haunted him from their shared past.

As their bond grew stronger, Dr. Bernie found himself torn between his duty as a doctor and his desire for redemption. He knew that he couldn't let his personal vendetta cloud his judgment, but the scars of that fateful night continued to ache within him.

One evening, as the sun set and cast a warm, golden glow across the hospital room, Mrs. Edgar turned to Dr. Bernie with a pensive look in her eyes. "Dr. Bernie," she began hesitantly, "there's something I need to tell you."

Dr. Bernie's heart raced as he leaned in, ready to listen. He had a sense that the revelation she was about to make would change everything.

She took a deep breath and said, "My memory, the one I lost all those years ago, it's slowly starting to return. Bits and pieces, like scattered pages of a long-forgotten book. And Dr. Bernie, I think I remember that night."

A heavy silence filled the room as Dr. Bernie grappled with the implications of her words. The past he had tried so hard to bury was resurfacing, threatening to expose the truth and shatter the delicate balance he had maintained.