
oof this one's too long

When I walked in, I immediately noticed the clothes on the bed. The most revealing clothes ever. How could anyone even want to wear these clothes? I looked away from the bed and saw a bell on the bedside table with the word "Jillian" imprinted on it. Curious, I picked up the handbell and jingled it, saying Jillian's name. Not a second after I replaced the bell, the servant was at the door.

"Miss, you called?" She said innocently.

"Would you mind telling me why these clothes are so revealing?" I asked.

"You might not have noticed, but it is a lot cooler up here because it is closer to the surface of the Earth. It is a cool part of the day, and later on, it will become like a desert, meaning you have to wear clothes that are more revealing to not be consumed by the heat." She said brightly.

"But why are you wearing clothes that cover most of your body?" I said.

"Because…" Jillian hesitated. "Because most of the servants here are dead.

We don't feel the heat, and well, you're, alive, so you do feel the heat."

"Oh." I softened my tone. "But you look so young, and so did a lot of the other servants here."

"Yeah, you have no idea how many people come from around the world who just died of cancer or were shot by a terrorist or something like that." She laughed nervously.

"How long have you been here?" I piped up.

"Only around a hundred years." Jillian shrugged.

"100 YEARS?!" I cried out. Jillian nodded her head. I sighed and asked her to go so I could change into these ridiculous clothes. She closed the door behind her and I slowly pulled off the clothes stuck onto my body. When I took off my clothes, I realised that I only noticed the heat now. The adrenaline must've worn off. I picked out 'the most revealing clothes ever', a blood-red tube top and a pitch black cotton skirt that barely covered my ass. I rolled my eyes at the stupid outfit, and spotted a sewing machine (I don't know why it was there either) and decided to try and make the skirt into a pair of shorts. After a few attempts I still failed, as so I gave up. I folded up my old clothes and placed them on the end of the bed. I walked out of the room and trudged down the stairs to eventually meet Stefan at the bottom, who was topless and wearing shorts. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore that fact that he had a six-pack.

'Oh dear God.' I thought, blushing internally.

"What? Do I make you nervous?" Stefan said leaning against the staircase.

'Maybe.' I thought.

"What was that?" He smirked again.

"N-no." I stammered.

"Come on. My father wants to see us both." I nodded, and headed toward the throne room. I swear, when Stefan said he would follow me in, I think he just wanted to stare at my ass. Before we entered, I asked him the same question that I said before we got here.

"Can you permanently block someone out?" Stefan only nodded. I asked if he had done it on someone. He didn't answer again and instead opened the door. I scowled and walked inside. I immediately wiped the sour look from my face when I walked inside. I curtseyed when I reached the king, wiearing a grim smile. I eyed Stefan with a look that said, "I hate you". I even thought it as well.

'Aw, I hate you too!' I heard Stefan think. I glared at him and focused my attention on the king of hell himself, trying to block out all my thoughts so Stefan couldn't hear them. Firstly, he turned to Stefan.

"Stefan, I need you to block all thoughts from Arrabella."

'Yes!' I thought with glory. Stefan rolled his eyes at me and focused his attention on his father again.

"When would you like me to do this?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

"Soon. Actually, I want you to reverse the effects. She can hear every thought from your head, but you will not be able to hear any thoughts from Arrabella." Hades nodded. Stefan sighed.

"Yes, father."

"Now, both of you off to your rooms. I suspect Arrabella will want some rest." I nodded and just before I left, I heard the king's voice behind me.

"Arrabella, just to let you know, I heard that you asked if there were any elevators, and you may use it. 2 lefts from here." I thanked him grimly without turning around and took two lefts to find an elevator. I pressed the up button, and patiently waited for the elevator to arrive. I heard a ding and the doors opened. I stepped inside and just before the doors closed, they froze and Stefan hopped inside as well. As soon as he was safely inside the elevator, the doors closed. I shuffled towards the front of the elevator to press the button to go to the third floor, where I would be staying. However, there were no buttons, which I found surprising.

"How am I going to get to the third floor?" I murmured. A moment later, a voice piped up.

"Going to: third floor." Said the computerised voice through the speakers. While we went up, I felt tense and uncomfortable, and it felt like I was in the elevator for hours, when in reality I was actually only in there for a couple minutes. Yes, the elevator was very slow. When the door finally opened, I began to step outside the cramped area, when Stefan stopped me in my tracks, gripped his hand on my shoulder, and pulled me back inside, turning me around. The door closed and I shouted at him angrily.

"Why did you do that?! I wanted to go get some rest and-" I stopped talking while my mouth gaped open in awe. My words wouldn't come out of my mouth. What I saw in front of my eyes was probably the most beautiful room I have ever seen. An ivory coloured floor was covered in delicately painted roses, with a circle in the middle created by chalk. In and around the circle, were symbols marked out, and a smaller circle in the centre. The room had an arched ceiling, painted ivory. I never thought that a place like Hell would have such beautiful and decorative rooms. I finally managed to get something out of my mouth.

"Um, wow, this is just, um, beautiful…" I stammered.

"I know." Stefan said. "I come here all the time to think, but in your case, it's to block out my powers." He sighed. I don't think he was looking forward to this. Without looking at me, Stefan told me (no, ordered me) to stand in the centre circle inside the larger one. I moved to the middle, and Stefan said something in a foreign language I couldn't understand. I assumed it was Latin, and just went with that.

"You need to do everything that I say, ok?" He said. I nodded. He said something in Latin again, and a sceptre appeared in his hands. The sceptre was silver with slits of gold. The end of it was tipped with a jewel, a sapphire, I presumed.

"Stand still, feet shoulder width apart firm on the ground, and position your hands to a place where you can stay balanced." Stefan commanded. I ignored him, and just slouched with my arms crossed, and he pointed the sceptre at me. He summoned an enchantment book, and flipped to a section marked with a red ribbon. He read the spell, and said the enchantment. I saw a beam of blood red light that stormed towards me. I was engulfed in this light, temporarily blinded by its brightness. I felt a sudden surge of power flooding into and through my veins. I then heard a voice.

'Can you hear me?' It was Stefan, but I could hear him thinking. I stared at him and responded.

'Yes, I can. Can you?'

"Well? Could you hear me, or are you going to ignore what I said?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

"What? I swear I answered you." I replied, surprised.

"Mm, hmm. It worked then." He mumbled, and then Stefan crumpled to the floor, exhausted. I felt stiff, and I tried to move but fell to the floor face first. I managed to get up, and ran over to Stefan to help him up. He was weak, so I told him to go get some rest. I offered to accompany him, but he refused, and I let him be. He staggered back to the elevator and I followed him. I figured he was too weak to shift on his own.

"Open rear door." I commanded. The other door of the elevator opened and I trailed to my room. Yes. I called it my room. I guessed I would be staying here for a while, so I came to call it my own.

definitely too long. i need to make these a lot shorter, and i might start putting effort into the names of the chapters. i hate school, opinions?

sophiaoenningcreators' thoughts