
i'm not good with names someone tell me what to name these

"Arrabella, open the door! We're trying to help you!" He said.

"I'm not opening the door!" I yelled back. He probably thinks I have mental problems. The doctor pushed a final push against the door, and opened it, knocking me over to the floor. He walked through, and offered his hand to help me, but I refused and got up myself. The doctor then gave me a stern look.

"You're supposed to be in bed resting, Arrabella." He said gently but firmly.

"But I don't think I need to, I feel perfectly fine!" I replied angrily. He picked me up, threw me behind his back and I punched his back to drop me, and he did. Onto the bed.

"If you keep up this act, you will be moved to a different room, one for people in an unstable mental state." He said, this time, more coldly. I didn't say anything and crossed my arms. He left, and as soon as he did, I closed the door, locked it and checked to see if the window was unlocked. Yes! It was. I opened it all the way and looked down. I just realised that I was in a building that was 15 stories high and I was on the tenth. No one in their right mind would do that. Lucky for me, or perhaps unlucky, I wasn't in any right mind. If any, I was in the wrong one. I closed the window and unlocked the door, and walked to the nearest bathroom. Why I'm going there, you may ask? Because I had to get supplies for the run. And also because I needed to pee really badly. The hospital usually keeps a bunch of toothbrushes and some toothpaste near the sink, so I closed the door of the cubicle and did my business, and before taking anything, I checked to see if anyone was there, and took a couple toothbrushes and the toothpaste. I left the bathroom, and quietly walked back to my room without anyone noticing that I had left. Before leaving, I waited for my dinner to arrive, because I didn't have any money, and without food or water, I would die. Or just become so hungry and thirsty I couldn't move. Same thing, really. Soon after, my dinner arrived, and fortunately, it was quite large. The drink, of course, was water, but at the time I was craving lemonade. But I knew that wouldn't last me more than an hour. At least water would keep me hydrated. As always, the food was inside a plastic container, but the hospital food tasted like rotten eggs. Trust me, I tried rotten eggs on accident and I was sick for days. As soon as the nurse dropped off my food, before she left, I asked her if she could get me a plastic bag. She didn't bother to ask why, I guess she just didn't care. She returned a few minutes later with the bag and, with a large bottle of water?

"I know you want to run away, and if I was you, I would too." She said quietly, making sure that no one heard. I thanked her and asked her to pretend that I was here, and that she didn't see me leave. She left and I closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it. I popped the food and water bottle inside the plastic bag and opened the window. Just before I hopped onto the ledge to leave, I forgot that I still had my hospital clothes on. Damn it. I found my clothes scrunched in a corner of the room, and looked for some proper shoes. I found them next to the 'torture' machine I saw earlier. I threw on my clothes and shoes and ruffled up the bed sheets to look like I was sleeping. Then, I jumped onto the window ledge and felt the night breeze punch my face. Before I jumped, I looked for a tree, anything to break my fall. The only thing I found was the window ledge beneath me. So, I jumped, well, fell actually. As I landed, I felt the window ledge beneath me, really hard. It was almost sunset, around eight thirty, so everyone in the hospital should've gone to bed by now. Everyone outside the hospital… Well, I hoped that the darkness would be enough to shield me from the eyes of others. Thanks the gods that my clothes that I had on weren't very colourful. I as I jumped down to the next window ledge, I felt like I was being watched. I ignored the feeling and continued downwards. At around the 4th or 5th storey, I noticed a tree. It seemed safer to clamber down it, rather than continuing to jump down storey from storey. I push myself as far as I can against the exterior hospital wall, and leap. I land on a wide, thick branch near the top of the tree, and began scaling down the overgrown plant. I soon reached the bottom, and sprinted as fast as I could to the nearest building, besides the hospital, which turned out to be a McDonald's. Shit. I didn't have any money on me. Thank god I had my dinner. I figured that trying to beg for food from there wouldn't work, as I would've had to mention that I ran away from the hospital, which would mean they would send me back, and into a room where mentally affected people would go. I did not want to end up there, not after I worked so hard to get away. Instead, I quickly steered myself away from the fast food store, and directed my legs to an alleyway. I knew that now wasn't the best time to go into an alley, considering what happens at this time of day, but sooner or later, someone would notice that I wasn't at the hospital, and would come looking for me. I took out my dinner from the plastic bag, and began eating. Then I suddenly heard footsteps, and I held my breath, still with a chunk of food in my mouth. Easier said than done. I slowly felt the food inching down my throat, and as sudden as I heard the footsteps, they stopped. I exhaled deeply, accidentally spitting out some food in the process, as a result in trying not to choke. I heard a whoosh noise, and a sack was thrown over my head, hands bound behind my back and I was flipped over someone's back. I was chucked into the back of a car and the engine revved, zooming into the night. It felt like hours when the car finally stopped and the door opened. I was flipped over some person's back again, and the cooled down when my carrier entered a building, but the air smelt damp. I got dropped into a chair and ropes tied me up to a chair, and then the sack got pulled off my face, and I was left staring at the back of a brown haired teen. He turned around, and I guessed he was about 18 maybe 19 years old. He had a defined jaw, with tan skin. As I studied his face, he became more and more familiar to me. Suddenly, it hit me. This was the dude from my flashbacks with the crown on his head!

oops this one's 200 words more than the other two... anyway I don't wanna post the next one until I find a way to fix the italics, posting on my phone and tryna get italics is hard... I reckon I should just start updating on my laptop cuz then I might actually be able to do friggin italics. that's the end of my ramble, tell me how your day was/is going in the comments or whatever, I'll be reading them :) if there are any lol #unrecognisedauthor that was cringey I won't do that again XD

sophiaoenningcreators' thoughts