

A book that foretells bloodshed and the world’s apocalypse falls into the hands of a notorious crew, led by a seemingly weak captain with a hidden past. Follow Jafar Ruziel as he embarks on a perilous journey to unearth the mysteries of true magic, facing treacherous enemies, ancient secrets, and the looming threat of global destruction. Will he unlock the book’s secrets in time, or will its dark prophecy come to pass?

Drjeath · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Markus Tragic love

The skull's voice took on a somber tone as it continued its tale, the air in the chamber growing colder as it spoke.

"Markus Servus was no ordinary demon. He was a being of immense power, feared and respected across the realms. But even such a mighty demon had his weaknesses—one of which was his love for a mortal woman, the wife of His Majesty Luuman. It was this love that led him to accept a dangerous task from Luuman himself: to steal the Potion of Eternal Life within 125 days, in exchange for one wish of his choosing."

Jafar and Yelisa exchanged glances, intrigued by the story. *What kind of demon would risk so much for love?* Jafar thought, as the skull's tale unfolded.

"Markus succeeded in his task, retrieving the potion from the treacherous lands of the underworld. Upon his return, he presented the potion to Luuman, but before handing it over, Markus made his wish known."

The skull's eyes flickered, casting shadows on the walls as it continued. "'My wish,' Markus declared, 'is to have your wife as my own.'"

Jafar could almost feel the tension that must have filled the throne room at that moment. Luuman, known for his wisdom and patience, did not react with anger at first. Instead, he regarded Markus with a cold, calculating gaze.

"'You have served me well, Markus,' Luuman said, his voice steady, 'but you forget your place. I cannot grant you this wish. No demon, no matter how powerful, shall lay claim to the Queen of my kingdom.'"

Markus's eyes blazed with fury, but before he could speak, Luuman raised his hand. "'You have overstepped, demon. For your insolence, I banish you from my kingdom. Never return, or you will face my wrath.'"

The skull's voice lowered, filled with a sense of inevitable tragedy. "Banished and filled with despair, Markus left the kingdom, but his love for the Queen did not wane. He could not bear the thought of being separated from her forever. Driven by his emotions, he made a fateful decision. He would return to the palace for just one night, to be with her one last time."

Jafar's eyes widened, caught up in the tale. He could almost picture the dark and silent night, the tension in the air as Markus slipped past the palace guards, his heart heavy with both love and dread.

"Markus entered the palace secretly, moving like a shadow through the grand halls. The palace was the most exquisite in the land, its walls adorned with gold and jewels, the floors of polished marble that gleamed in the moonlight. He made his way to the Queen's chamber, a room more opulent than any other, with silk drapes, a bed of the finest fabrics, and priceless artifacts lining the walls."

The skull paused, as if to let the image sink in, before continuing. "Markus entered the room, his heart pounding in his chest. There she was, the woman he loved more than anything in the world. She stood before him, her eyes wide with both fear and longing. They had little time, and Markus knew it."

"But before he could speak, before he could express the depth of his feelings, there was a sudden banging at the door. The room was flooded with light as thousands of soldiers poured in, led by none other than Luuman himself."

Jafar held his breath, imagining the chaos and confusion. The skull's eyes gleamed as it recounted the confrontation. "'Markus,' Luuman said, his voice colder than the winter wind, 'I have banished you from my kingdom, yet you dare to return. For this, you shall be punished.'"

The Queen cried out in protest, but Luuman's eyes were fixed on Markus. The guards, clad in armor as black as night, moved to apprehend him. Markus, filled with both rage and desperation, thought he could fight his way out. But these were no ordinary guards—they were the strongest of the Black Demon Clan, warriors as powerful as Markus himself."

"The battle that followed was fierce. For ten breaths, the room echoed with the clash of weapons and the roars of demons. But in the end, Markus was overpowered. The Black Demons subdued him, their strength unmatched, and forced him into a magic coffin, sealing it with a rank nine padlock."

The skull's voice grew quieter, as if the weight of the story was even too much for it to bear. "Markus was taken to the deepest dungeon, far beneath the palace, where he was imprisoned for all eternity. His love, his sacrifice, all in vain."

The tale ended, leaving a heavy silence in the room. Jafar, Yelisa, and Gulzum stared at the skull, their expressions blank with shock and awe.

"Well," the skull said with a slight chuckle, breaking the silence, "I hope you feel your Golden Circle Crystals were well spent, Mistress Yelisa."




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