
Reconquest of the World

After a giant invasion wiped out a large part of Humanity, the women of the world received a power enabling them to combat these mysterious invaders from another world. Males however, did not receive any kind of new power and were because of that, relegated to second class citizens. Having been born as a man and without any kind of power, Fried had to learn first hand just how bad the treatment had gotten. However, one day, Fried finds out that he has indeed been blessed with a gift. How will his life and world around him change from that point onward? And will Fried be able to achieve his goals.

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3 Chs

Chapter 2 – The inciting Incident part 2

With the smoke cleared and his eyesight restored, Fried looked at the monster that stood in front of him. Towering over him like a beast, the four armed monster seemed to be grinning as he looked at him. In one of his arms, he held Lisandra, Fried's soon to be wife.

Holding her by one of her legs, Lisandra was hanging upside down, with her head facing the floor. Of course, because of gravity, the skirt she had been wearing fell downwards as well, exposing her naked legs and her underwear underneath.

Looking at this sight, Fried didn't know whether he should be more disgusted by the monster or by the sight of the underwear of this person he barely considered to be a girl. With hairy legs and stained underwear, the sight was truly hard to look at. In more ways than one.

"Help me! What are you doing just standing there! Save me from this monster!!!" Lisandra screamed.

"What do you expect me to do?! It's not like I can fight it! I'll end up dead if I get any closer to that monster." Fried responded.

His adrenaline was pumping and his mind had gone berserk. With his thoughts racing at a hundred miles per hour, he couldn't think straight.

How had a monster gotten inside the town? There was supposed to be a protective barrier around the walls that kept monsters from entering. Had something happened at the wall? Or did this monster just somehow end up getting lucky? Most importantly, what is Fried supposed to do now?

He has neither the power nor the will to save Lisandra. If he got close, nothing but a cruel death awaited him. Looking at the monster, it looked like he would be able to end his life in mere seconds. Fried didn't want to end up sacrificing himself for someone like Lisandra.

"I don't care what you have to do, just get me away from here!" Lisandra screamed. "If you don't do that, I'll cancel the marriage!"


If Lisandra died here, Fried would most likely end up taking the blame for it. Even if he could do nothing, if his soon to be wife were to die, it would be viewed as a bad omen by the others and he wouldn't be able to get married. Meaning, he was doomed if he acted and doomed if he didn't.

"Do it already you idiot!!! This monster is going to destroy my beautiful skin! AHHHH!!!" A scream louder than the one's before left Lisandra's mouth, as the monster lifted her up into the air.

The moment was crucial, Fried's thoughts were going faster than they had ever before in the past, yet for some reason, he was still unsure. Should he save Lisandra or let her die and face the consequences later. He was weighing both options against one another and was coming to his conclusion.

"Now, you idiot!!!" Lisandra shouted.

"Damn it all! If I already have to die, I at least want to be able to choose when I die!" Fried shouted as he began running forward.

His future was doomed either way. At least if he acted now, he held his own fate in his hands. If he did nothing, his fate would be in the hands of the authority and the government and they would decide when he would die. Running in now meant he held the reins to his destiny.

Saving a disgusting person like Lisandra didn't feel right or good. Fried could almost call the feeling disgusting. But he made his choice. He wanted to hold his own future in his hands and if his death was already a forgone conclusion, he at least wanted the satisfaction of knowing he was the one that had made the choice. He was the one that determined where and when he would die.

Picking up a rock from the rumble, he threw it at the monsters face. Even though the monster was massive, the head was small and looked to be the same size as a child's.


The rock hit the monster head on, knocking it's head back a bit. Ignoring it, the monster continued to hold Lisandra, however, Fried continued throwing rocks, until the monster looked at him and growled. One rock hadn't been enough to hurt him, however the constant barrage of projectiles seemed to have irritated him and he finally changed his target.


Fried had successfully gotten its attention. The monster glared at Fried, barring it's teeth in the process. Red with various pieces missing, the teeth of the monster looked like a mess.

"Come after me! I know that fat pig has more meat than I do, but I can promise you it's worse quality!" Fried shouted at the monster.

'If I already have to die, then I want to express my real thoughts at least in the end. It's not like anything can happen to me after I'm already dead. I want my real thoughts to be heard in the end.'

"How dare you say something like-"

Before Lisandra could finish her sentence, the monster let go of her leg and she fell to the ground, hitting her head in the process. Fried glanced over to see whether she was alive or not, and it seemed she was still breathing.


The monster released a scream and in the next instant it began rushing towards Fried, who could feel the cold sweat descend his back. If that monster got so much as a single scratch on him, he would die immediately. He turned around and his legs immediately began running as fast as they could.

Giant, earth shaking steps came from behind him, as the monster fully began to chase after him. Fried turned his head to look at the monster, and in a split-second decision, he jumped to the left.


A giant red hand smashed down on the place Fried had been a second earlier. The monster had smashed his hand down, intending to squash Fried like a bug. Cracked pavement and rubble all over, if he had stayed there, Fried would be dead right now.

The monster didn't give up however and immediately began to wind up its next attack. Not wanting to die, Fried jumped to his feet and began running, avoiding attacks by ducking or avoiding to the side.

'What am I supposed to do now?! I can't keep up this pace forever. If it hits me once, I'm dead!' Fried's time was running out. His wheels where spinning, trying to figure out a way for him to survive. If he kept running, he would eventually get tired. But, it wasn't like he could just fight the monster. That was a death sentence as well.


As if to answer Fried's questions, in the corner of his eye, an object piqued his interest. A plan began to formulate within his mind and before he knew it, his legs began taking him to it unconsciously.

Running whilst avoiding the monsters slams, Fried entered an abandoned construction site, full with metal poles and other construction materials still present. He didn't have a concrete plan on how to survive, but for some reason, he felt like this was the place he should be going to.


-Back at the giant hole in the ground

Leaping out from the darkness, a girl wearing a black colored military uniform surveyed her area. She had long black hair, that was tied into a ponytail and eyes that matched the color. Her uniform was black, however, because of its stripes and the way it looked, it was recognizably a uniform issued by the military. The girl's frame was somewhat petite, however, she still had a modest figure and breasts that were at least average size.

"Hey, you there! Help me!"

The girl heard the voice of a person calling for help. Soon she found the source of the voice, it was a girl that was laying on her back and clutching her legs. The girl approached and asked her what happened.

"What happened here?"

"How am I supposed to know that! A monster just suddenly appeared and attacked me. I almost died because of that stupid monster." The girl on the ground complained.

"How did you survive? Did you…kill the monster?" with suspicion in her eyes, the girl asked.

"What? Of course not. Some idiot just sacrificed himself in order for me to live. He drew the monster away."

The girls brows perked up; her face became more serious and her arms lowered themselves to the sword at her hip.

"Where did they go?" she asked.

"I don't know…He ran towards that construction site, so maybe there. Anyway, enough about that useless idiot, carry me to the hospital-"

There wasn't anything else she needed to hear. Right now, she needed to find and slay the monster that had gotten inside the city, before any more people get hurt. She didn't know how the monster managed to sneak in, but that wasn't important right now. All that mattered was tracking it down and ending its life.

She left the girl and ran towards the abandoned construction site, her arm on her blade.

-Chapter 2 End