
Part 4

"What was that about?" the stubby girl asked as Roza joined her at a booth.

"Just some assholes."

Throughout that night Roza had forgotten how many drinks she had since she stopped tallying on her forearm with her lipstick. All she remembered was about four vodka cranberries, three margaritas, two joints, a blunt, and five beers. Everything was just so 'wavy.' She must have set the record in her friend group for getting so smashed in a single night. She now had a mission for herself; to find Samora. The drunken woman found herself stumbling around until she bumped into someone.

Turning around in a haze, she turned around, "O-o-oh geez," she then hiccupped, "Yo I-I'm sss ooo so-sorry," her words slurred from her mouth as if her tongue and lips had malfunctioned. It wasn't until about thirty seconds later until she realized it was Samora. The chubby woman just laughed and shook her head.

"Dude you're so fucked," Samora chuckled as she helped the spider of a woman to stand up.

"Y-yeah… I'm gonna go pee," The two women laughed at Roza's disoriented state as she stumbled away.

It was another thirty seconds until Roza was lost again. "Oh god…" she murmured to herself as she stood in the corner. She would press her back against the wall behind her and slide down to sit. That's when the blond man came over again. He wasn't alone. He had a friend with him, another man. The person beside him was tall and muscular, his hair was brunette, it acted as a curtain over his face. The two towered over her as she sighed.

"What do you want?"

"I told you that you would regret what you said."

The brunette man had swooped in and grabbed her off the floor, bringing her to the closest exit, near the bathrooms. Roza had tried to get out of his grasp. With being so messed up from the earlier events of tonight, she was too weak to fight. The men had gotten her out into the back alley where they dropped her body off like a rag doll. She tried to stumble away, but the blond one grabbed onto her ankle, pulling her back.

"I don't know where you think you're going."

That's when it started…