
Reclaiming Lyonesse

In the kingdom of Lyonesse, Princess Eliana's life is shattered by a ruthless betrayal. Poisoned by her betrothed, Prince Cedric, and her closest friend, Mara, Eliana narrowly escapes death and finds refuge with a humble woodsman, Ronan, and his son, Aiden. As she regains her strength, Eliana learns of Cedric and Mara's sinister plot to seize the throne and plunge the kingdom into darkness. Determined to reclaim her birthright and save her people, Eliana embarks on a perilous journey to gather allies and rally the forces of justice. Along the way, she must navigate treacherous political intrigue, forge new alliances, and confront her deepest fears. With the weight of her father's legacy on her shoulders, Eliana vows to fight for Lyonesse, even if it means sacrificing everything.

Ranch64 · Lịch sử
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5 Chs

Awakening in Safety

Eliana awoke to the gentle sound of a crackling fire and the faint smell of herbs and wood smoke. She blinked, her eyes adjusting to the dim light filtering through the small windows of the cottage. Her body throbbed, but the burning pain caused by the poison had subsided to a dull throb. She tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness forced her back down onto the soft, straw-filled mattress.

"Easy there," a deep voice said from nearby. "You've been through quite an ordeal."

Eliana turned her head and saw a man about her age standing beside the bed. He had kind eyes, a strong jawline, and a rugged, handsome face framed by dark, wavy hair. His clothes were simple but well-made, and his hands were rough from hard work. Beside him stood a young boy, no more than seven or eight years old, with the same dark hair and striking blue eyes.

"Papa, is she going to be okay?" the boy asked, his voice filled with concern.

The man nodded, giving his son a reassuring smile. "She'll be just fine, Aiden. She's strong."

Eliana tried to speak, her voice coming out as a hoarse whisper. "Where am I?"

"You're safe," the man replied, his voice soothing. "This is my home. My name is Ronan, and this is my son, Aiden. We found you by the river and brought you here. You've been unconscious for a few days."

Eliana's mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of her memory. The betrayal, the escape, Gareth's sacrifice—all of it came flooding back. She was alive, and she had found help.

"Thank you," she managed to say, her voice stronger now. "I owe you my life."

Ronan shook his head. "You don't owe us anything. We're just glad we could help. When we found you, you were in bad shape. Poisoned, from what I could tell. I did my best to heal you, but you still need to rest and regain your strength."

Aiden stepped closer, his eyes wide with curiosity. "Are you a princess? Papa says you might be."

Eliana managed a weak smile. "Yes, I am. My name is Eliana."

The boy's eyes lit up with awe. "A real princess! Papa, do you hear that?"

Ronan chuckled, ruffling his son's hair. "Yes, I heard. Now, let's give her some space to rest. She needs all the strength she can get."

Eliana's heart warmed by their kindness, she watched as Ronan led Aiden out of the room. With her eyes closed, she let herself fall back into a sound sleep, reassured that she was in capable hands.


Over the next few days, Eliana slowly regained her strength. Ronan tended to her with care, administering herbal remedies and making sure she ate nourishing meals. Aiden was a constant presence; his boundless energy and innocent curiosity were a welcome distraction from her worries.

One evening, as the sun began to set, Ronan brought her a bowl of warm soup and sat beside her bed. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his eyes searching her face for signs of improvement.

"Better," Eliana replied, her voice steady. "Thanks to you."

Ronan nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Do you feel strong enough to tell me what happened? How did you end up in the river?"

Eliana took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. She didn't entirely trust Ronan, but she needed his help. "I was betrayed by those I thought I could trust. My betrothed, Prince Cedric, and my closest friend, Mara. They poisoned me and tried to seize the throne."

Ronan's eyes narrowed slightly as he listened to Eliana's story, a mix of concern and skepticism crossing his face. He stirred the soup in his bowl thoughtfully before setting it down and meeting her gaze.

"That's a heavy burden to carry," Ronan said slowly. "But I need to be honest with you, Eliana. My primary concern is my son, Aiden. We live a quiet life here, away from the troubles of the world. Bringing royal affairs into our home puts him in danger."

Eliana's heart sank a little at his words. She understood his fear, but she also knew she couldn't do this alone. "I understand your concerns, Ronan," she replied, her voice earnest. "But Cedric and Mara won't stop with me. Their greed will spread, and innocent people will suffer. You may think you're safe here, but no one truly is when the kingdom falls into chaos."

Ronan sighed, rubbing his temples as if he were trying to ward off a headache. "And what if they come looking for you? If they find you here, they'll kill us all. I can't risk Aiden's life for a fight that isn't ours."

Eliana leaned forward, her expression imploring. "Ronan, I don't want to put you or Aiden in danger. But I need your help to gather allies and reclaim the throne. Without it, Cedric and Mara will plunge the entire kingdom into darkness. I can't do this without you."

Ronan stood up, pacing the small room, his movements agitated. "You don't understand, Eliana. I lost Aiden's mother to this kind of conflict. She got caught in the crossfire of political ambitions and died for it. I swore I'd keep him safe, away from all this."

Eliana's eyes softened with empathy. "I'm so sorry, Ronan. I can't imagine the pain you've endured. But running away won't keep Aiden safe forever. Sooner or later, this conflict will reach even the quietest corners of the kingdom."

Ronan paused, his back to her, his shoulders tense. "And what do you suggest, Eliana? That we march into battle, a father and his young son, against a prince and his army?"

"No," Eliana said, shaking her head. "I suggest that we find others who believe in justice and the rightful rule of the land. We find those who are willing to stand up against tyranny. You don't have to fight alone. Neither do I."

Ronan turned to face her, his expression torn. "You're asking a lot, Eliana. A lot more than I think you realize."

Eliana took a deep breath, her eyes locked on his. "I'm asking for a chance to make things right. For your son's future, and for the future of all the children in Lyonesse. If Cedric and Mara aren't stopped, what kind of world will Aiden grow up in?"

Eliana watched as Ronan's eyes softened slightly, his gaze lingering on the door where Aiden's voice could be heard playing outside. "He deserves to grow up in peace," he murmured, almost to himself.

Eliana took a deep breath, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. She understood Ronan's fears and couldn't bear to bring danger to his doorstep. "Ronan," she began softly, "I understand your need to protect Aiden. Truly, I do. You've already done more for me than I could have ever asked."

Ronan turned back to her, his expression still conflicted but softening further as he saw the sincerity in her eyes.

"I will leave in three days," Eliana continued, her voice steady but tinged with sadness. "I can't risk your lives or your peace for my fight. I will find another way to gather allies and reclaim my throne without bringing harm to you and Aiden."

Ronan looked at her, surprised by her willingness to leave despite her dire situation. "You don't have to go, Eliana. Not like this. We can find a way to help you without endangering Aiden."

Eliana shook her head, determination hardening her resolve. "No, Ronan. You've already risked so much just by taking me in and nursing me back to health. I won't ask any more of you. These three days will give me enough time to regain my strength and plan my next steps."

Ronan sighed, his heart aching at the thought of sending her away. "Eliana, I admire your bravery and your commitment to your people. But... where will you go? How will you survive out there alone, especially with Cedric and Mara searching for you?"

Eliana gave him a sad smile. "I've faced challenges before, and I'll face them again. I'll find a way to survive and fight back. My father taught me to be resourceful and resilient. I'll find allies, and together we will reclaim Lyonesse."

Ronan sat back down, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "You're incredibly brave, Eliana. But you're also incredibly stubborn."

Eliana chuckled softly, appreciating his concern. "Maybe I am. But sometimes, stubbornness is what we need to overcome the odds."

The two sat in silence for a moment, the crackling fire the only sound in the cozy cottage. Finally, Ronan spoke again, his voice filled with resignation but also a hint of admiration. "If you insist on leaving, then I won't stop you. But at least let us help you prepare. We'll make sure you have supplies and whatever else you might need."

Eliana's eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Ronan. I won't forget your kindness. And I promise, once this is over, I'll find a way to repay you."

Ronan nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "You don't need to repay us, Eliana. Just promise me you'll stay safe."

"I promise," Eliana said, her voice firm. "For the sake of Lyonesse and for the memory of those who have already sacrificed so much, I will stay safe and I will fight."

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