
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · Tranh châm biếm
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78 Chs

Chapter 60 Police Officer

  On February 9, Leon was practicing sniper rifle shooting zombies with Kevila on the top floor of the hotel.

  Daryl's team, who were exploring the city center, received a message.

  "Boss, there's a group of people who want to see you. They're from Grady Memorial Hospital."

  Leon didn't find the news strange. He had always sent people to keep a close eye on this place. It was because he didn't have much interest in this group of survivors that they had been left there and not dealt with yet.

  As members of the security department continued to explore the city center, more and more blocks were liberated, and the zombies on some outer streets began to be cleared on a large scale.

  Under Lyon's arrangement, the Security Department and the Logistics Department cooperated with each other and adopted a strategy of area division. They used various large vehicles and metal mesh walls to quickly block various traffic intersections, block passages between different streets, and divide the blocks near the city center into many small areas.

  For these small areas, Lyon dispatched a large number of personnel and improved trap trucks, and began to gradually and effectively eliminate the zombies on every street.

  After the zombies on the street where Grady Memorial Hospital was located were cleared out, the survivors inside the hospital also began to explore the outside world cautiously.

  After several days of trial and error, this group of survivors who had been trapped in the hospital finally seemed to have mustered up the courage and decided to try to contact the Umbrella Corporation, the overlord of survivors in the Atlanta area.

  Leon thought about it and decided to meet them since they had come to him on their own initiative, although he did not have a very good impression of these surviving police officers.

  "Take their weapons and bring them to me here at the hotel."

  On the other side of the radio, two survivors dressed as criminal police were surrounded by soldiers from the security department.

  Daryl looked at Metis and Cassius with a serious expression, and said in a hoarse voice:

  "Our boss is willing to see you, but for safety reasons, your weapons must be temporarily confiscated."

  The bald strong policeman Cassius and the blonde policewoman Mitis looked at each other and obediently handed over their weapons.

  As professional criminal police in Atlanta, they can easily see that the team of strong men in front of them are not easy to deal with. Not only are they well-equipped, comparable to armed special police, but also everyone's eyes are filled with the kind of determination and calmness that comes from having experienced hundreds of battles and long-term killing, which is not comparable to ordinary gangsters.

  Daryl nodded, asked his men to drive a modified van, and then ordered:

  "Ron, Ali, you two come with me and take them to see the boss."

  "Others continue to carry out the cleanup mission."

  "As you command, Captain Daryl."

  After receiving the order, the strong men took action.

  Two strong men walked out of the crowd, holding assault rifles. They sandwiched Mitis and Cassius on the left and right and entered the back seat of the van.

  Daryl placed his alloy crossbow in the co-pilot's seat, skillfully ignited it, and drove the van with a few people to the Umbrella base.

  After driving in silence for a few minutes, the bald detective Cassius gave a look to his team member Mitis.

  The pretty policewoman, Mitis, took a deep breath, smiled professionally and kindly, and asked Daryl:

  "Mr. Daryl, what kind of organization is your Umbrella Corporation? We have been trapped in the hospital for too long and have not had any contact with the outside world for half a year."

  The silent tough guy Daryl glanced at Mitis through the rearview mirror, pondered for more than ten seconds, and then spoke:

  "Don't worry, we're not bad people."

  Mitis smiled awkwardly upon hearing this, and then asked:

  "I know you are not bad people. I saw you clearing out the zombies nearby in the hospital. You cleared at least several blocks, wasting a lot of manpower and resources. Why did you do this?"

  Daryl was silent for more than ten seconds before he said:

  "We need to clean up the city center and collect the resources inside."

  Hearing this kind of question that didn't seem to match the question, Mitis's smile paused for a few seconds and she decided to change her target. The smile on her face became more friendly, and she asked the fat and strong man on her right:

  "Mr. Ron, can I call you that?"

  The fat Ron looked the policewoman up and down and said:

  "Ma'am, you don't need to ask so many questions. You just need to know that our organization is fighting for the future of mankind. It is an organization full of civilization and order. That's enough."

  "When you meet our boss later, be polite and answer his questions honestly, and you won't get hurt."

  Ron thought for a moment and added:

  "Behave yourself and don't have any bad intentions. Our organization is extremely powerful. We can crush your camp with just a flick of our fingers."

  After hearing Ron's words that sounded like threats and warnings, the two detectives became obedient. They looked at each other and silently observed the scenery outside the window.

  The journey was very safe. Both sides of the road were lined with walls made of stones or car wreckage, and all the zombies and obstacles on the road had been cleared.

  The car drove for about 10 minutes and arrived at the industrial area of ​​Atlanta.

  In the impressions of Mitis and Cassius, this is where one of the few heavy industrial factories in Atlanta is located. Because there are very few disputes here, they, the criminal police, seldom come here and are not very familiar with it.

  Soon, the van drove farther and farther away, gradually moving away from the factories and arriving at the city center near the interstate highway.

  A three-meter-high and unknown-length wall made of a mixture of metal mesh and steel suddenly appeared in front of them. The heavy metal base and dense metal support poles made the wall look extremely solid.

  The astonishing length and the distance that seemed as if there was no end made the two secretly surprised. They didn't know when such a wall appeared here.

  The van drove around the metal fence for several kilometers and stopped in front of a huge metal gate guarded by many soldiers.

  As Daryl stuck his head out and explained his purpose to the sentry at the gate, the huge metal gate was slowly opened.

  As the van slowly drove in, a huge square appeared in front of Mitis and Cassius. At a glance, they saw the iconic building of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the center of the square, a high-end hotel several dozen meters high on the right side of the square, and many cars carrying building materials transporting back and forth between various construction sites. Hundreds of workers in heavy work clothes were working hard at different construction sites.

  It is hard to imagine that in the current doomsday world, right here in their city of Atlanta, they can still see such a united and prosperous scene of humanity.

  Daryl looked through the rearview mirror and saw the stunned expressions of the two detectives. He couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth. He spoke hoarsely:

  "This is the base of our Umbrella Corporation. Our boss is waiting for you there."

  "Organize your words carefully. He is very busy."


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