
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · Tranh châm biếm
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78 Chs

Chapter 56: Developing a Strategy

  Leon looked serious and asked in a deep voice:

  "So, you were all kidnapped?"

  Robo hesitated, looked at his two companions behind him, and said:

  "I don't know if it can be considered hijacking. They never let the entire family go out. They always detain some of them. Every time we collect supplies from outside, they also take away a large part of them."

  "In the camp, they don't allow us to have any weapons, and when we go out, they don't give us weapons."

  "Some people tried to resist them, but they were brutally killed."

  "They are not good people, but they will protect others in the camp after the zombies attack."

  Lyon and Colonel William looked at each other, and Colonel William asked in a serious tone:

  "How many men does that Lieutenant Nawick have under his command, and what weapons did they get from the military warehouse?"

  Rob thought about it and said uncertainly:

  "I saw that each of them had an automatic rifle and some grenades. I also saw heavy machine guns in the defensive positions of our camp."

  "Lieutenant Nawick has a group of soldiers under him, about 30 people. Later, many desperate criminals joined them one after another. Now there should be 70 to 80 people."

  "They usually hide in the camp and don't go out. Only when they receive news from survivors will they send a team to capture those people."

  "Mr. Custer, the intelligence I mentioned was what I saw with my own eyes, but it's just what I saw, so it's not necessarily accurate."

  Next, Leon and William asked many more details to confirm that Robbo did not lie, at least not the kind of lie that was full of mistakes and omissions.

  Leon wrote down the confessions of the three people and said to them in a gentle manner:

  "Next, you will stay here for a while. We will provide food and accommodation. After this is over, we will give you freedom."

  "If you think of other important information, you can tell us. If they are really valuable, I will reward you."

  When they found out they were going to be locked up here, Robo and the other two didn't make a fuss. This was something that was foreseeable and they were mentally prepared for it.

  The brown-haired boy, Rob, lowered his head and pleaded softly:

  "Mr. Custer, we still have relatives imprisoned in that camp, and most of the people there are not working for them voluntarily."

  "If you want to do something about that camp, please be merciful and don't let our loved ones die!"

  Leon took a deep look at the boy and assured him sincerely:

  "There is already too much suffering in this world, but I will be forced to do something to keep my people safe."

  "But I assure you that we will do our utmost to kill as few people as possible if possible."

  In the evening, Lyon and several heads of the security department gathered together to discuss the war issue in Feisil Town.

  Currently, in addition to Glenn's team stationed at Hershel Farm, the Security Department has a total of 120 combatants remaining near the base.

  If there are about 80 combatants in the camp in Feisier Town, then the gap in the number of combatants on both sides is not too big.

  Lyon believes that they currently only have two of the conditions that could lead to a decisive victory.

  The first is the sneak attack tactic. Now both sides are in the dark while the enemy is in the open. Only by using sneak attacks at the first moment and inflicting a devastating blow to the enemy's fighters can we effectively reduce the losses of Umbrella Corporation in subsequent battles.

  The second is the difference in combat equipment. According to intelligence, the enemy has two tanks and automatic rifles, so their weapons and equipment are not weak.

  But Lyon has just acquired a batch of rocket launchers. If this batch of heavy weapons can be used effectively, it should be able to inflict a fatal blow to the enemy.

  Everyone agreed with the boss's point of view. Those who could hold the meeting here, Moore, Darryl, Aggie, and Colonel William, were all Lyon's trusted confidants. There was no such thing as a soft-hearted saint.

  They were the type who would rather kill all the enemies than leave any threats and let their own people get hurt, which saved Leon a lot of explanation.

  When everyone was carefully discussing the details of each step, Colonel William suddenly spoke seriously:

  "General, I have an idea."

  Leon held out his hand and motioned for him to speak out.

  Colonel William nodded respectfully to Lyon and said in a loud voice:

  "We know from the prisoners that if the enemy finds any survivors, they will most likely send troops to abduct them."

  "If we send people to disguise themselves as survivors and set up an ambush, we can let them split up their forces and eliminate a group of enemies before launching a general attack."

  Use bait to keep them apart?

  Leon nodded in approval of the plan.

  Moore also touched his forehead and said:

  "Boss, can we lure a group of zombies over there at the same time? We don't need too many, just a few to attract their attention and confirm their main position so that we can launch a surprise attack."

  Leon thought for a moment, stroking his stubble and said:

  "We can give it a try. It won't cause any loss to us anyway."

  After another period of discussion, which lasted until late at night, everyone finally came up with a detailed plan.

  Lyon asked someone to prepare a midnight snack, and after they ate to their heart's content, they ended the discussion.

  "Then the plan has been decided. Gather the soldiers and make preliminary preparations. Three days later, we will officially start the operation."

  "Yes, General."

  "Yes, boss."

  After seeing off a few people, Leon sat back in his office chair with mixed feelings.

  When he watched the TV series before, Rick's team was always fighting with other camps, and he always felt that this kind of fighting was too low.

  Now that he has become the leader of the camp and is responsible for the lives of the employees who trust him in the camp, he realizes that the reason for the struggle with other camps is not for trivial interests, but is similar to the law of the dark forest.

  You don't know whether the opponent is a good guy or a bad guy, but the opponent has the ability to destroy you. Once the opponent finds you and launches a sneak attack on you, the team you cherish may be destroyed.

  Can you take a gamble?

  Bet that the other party is a good person?

  Just like this time, the Umbrella Corporation took the initiative and took advantage of the other party's lack of knowledge of its own intelligence to capture the other party and learn about their intelligence.

  This puts the choice in your hands.

  If the enemy gets hold of the intelligence and seizes the opportunity to take action next time, then it is likely that his umbrella company will be hit hard.

  This feeling of being unable to grasp made Leon feel quite irritated. He was in high spirits and returned to the room. He tossed the lovely Amy around so hard that the girl fell into a deep sleep.

  Still not satisfied, he sent another call to call Kevera up. Under the girl's contemptuous gaze, he tormented this wild beauty. Although he hadn't slept all night, his mood became particularly smooth after the intense exercise.

  Early the next morning.

  Leon specially prepared breakfast for Amy who was in a deep sleep, and took Kevera to the shooting training ground, intending to practice his shooting skills in the next few days. He wanted to exert his fighting power and kill a lot in the upcoming war.


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