
God of... what?

Makoto: "Oww...my head..." *looks around* "Huh, everything is white? Who are you?"

Eptia: "I am the God of Reincarnation. You have chosen to reincarnate, and I shall grant you a planet with random stats and skills. Or, you may refuse and die. What will it be, Makoto?"

Makoto: "Venus?"

Eptia: "No, not like that...you enjoy manga and anime, don't you?"

Makoto: "Yes."

Eptia: "Choose one to reincarnate."

Makato: "No way! Hmmm... World End Harem!"

Eptia: "Okay, but you'll be a girl."

Makato: "Aw hell no!"

Eptia: "Choose a normal one."

Makato: "Demon Slayer."

Eptia: "A'ight."

Eptia snaps his fingers and a bright white light surrounds Makoto. The light slowly fades, and in his place stands a young woman, looking around in confusion.