
reborn with supreme OP system

a young man who happens to live the dream of every fan of anime, manga and novel that is to say traveling there -op mc if you don't like it, it's not for you -I do not speak or write in English so very high risk of error

AkiraKonoe · Tranh châm biếm
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chapter 3: my adventure will finally begin

- Akira: shit... I hurt everywhere I'm already in - my new body?


Akira: (shit don't tell me I have another soul in my body, this is unacceptable I hate this kind of situation the most. I wonder if I can devour it, I feel two other souls in this body one very weak about to disappear and the other very strong and full of malice)

????: SO? Are you going to IGNORE ME HUMAN FOR A LONG TIME!

-Akira: silence you're annoying, anyway, you probably don't have long to live...

(Let's test my power to devour on the weak soul first)

*Innate ability: DEVOUR

-Akira: Hum.... interesting, I seem to recover all the memories Is it a special case or a hidden point in my power

(interesting ....the person with infinite Talent and potential is an Au version of Naruto Uzumaki... not bad he knows a lot of guts and huge combat experience at only 6 years old because of the hunt, he suffered while running away from Konoha in addition, it already has the best cake Genkei all anyway I have everything I need from this world later I will come back to play in this world I am in no hurry)


-Akira: From that...

*Innate ability: DEVOUR

-Akira: Incredible! I gained all these powers as for the memory I only had access to the memory of combat and technique, but that is more than enough for me, what is good is that it does not impact my personality in any way

(Well, I can go to the world, I actually want to go to right now and then come back to conquer the world of Naruto after...)

-Um... I'm surrounded, probably Konoha ninjas

. Dimensional travel: Duluo world

(Shit... first time using my dimensional travel it wasn't stable and I brought the ninja motherfuckers home with me

It doesn't matter since you are here you will be my Exp but before that allow me to search for the system I want)

. Dimensional Travel: The Gamer

On a normal street a young boy appeared out of nowhere a little dazed but quickly returned to normal he started to wait until he saw a teenager walking and clicking in the air all mumbling stuff

It is indeed Han Jihan the protagonist of The Gamer with a very versatile and trouble-free system that does not force its host to do what he does not want Bia missions or crap like that.

Akira: (he's here... let's get started)

-Akira: um... excuse me big brother can you help me?

-Jihan: (what is a kid doing all alone? Damn, I going to be late....) Hello, are you lost? Where is your mother kid?

-Akira *smiles: she is dead

-Jihan: huh? Ah, I sorry to bring back bad memories, so tell me where your father is I'll help you find him

-Akira * smiles: dead

Jihan Facepalm:... sorry so do you have someone to take care of you?

-Akira: yes

-Jihan: Great, let's find it !

-Akira: but...

-Jihan: (don't tell me he's dead too!)

-Akira: he wants to kill me


-Akira:... it's good no need to be angry I'll manage

Akira walks towards him and passes him all lightly touching him

*Innate ability: COPY

... Ding.... installation of the Gamer System..... complete... acquisition of the body and mind of the player..... acquisition of the skills of Han Jihan... complete.... stop innate skill

Akira :( perfect I go to this alley and I teleport. I love my body directly it has enough mana to be as strong as my chakra so as long as I am in contact with an energy it enters my body then increases I don't I just have to increase one type of energy and the others will follow)

-Jihan: (Du Mana?) wait, I not angry I'll take you back to the nearest police station

Akira: it's not necessary thank you for your time goodbye

Johan: (just to be sure. Observe)



LV :?????

-Akira: (by releasing Mana to put pressure): sir player, it's unpleasant to look at my personal information without asking my permission I guess I can spare you this time but there will be no second chance

(I guess I'll be nice this time since he gave me a system that I really like besides being in a good mood)

. Dimensional travel: Duluo world


Hi guys I still need you help me find a Chinese and Japanese name to use in the culture world, I am not sure it would be good if I name it myself otherwise I will go there call it Long Tian or something like that as for the Japanese name I could call him Akira Konoe but if you have a better suggestion I'll consider it