
Reborn with Steve Stand

This FanFic Novel is about a Chinese Guy from Earth who died, transmigrated, and awakened with Steve (Minecraft) Stand (Jojo). Get overpowered by using Minecraft Mod, travel through different worlds, anime or movies. And also, because he's Chinese, he likes to make fun of... Black people, Hitler, Japanese Nuclear Bomb, etc. you name it, he dare make fun of it. Like all Chinese FanFic, this fic loves to make tons of Jokes that are unhinged and not "popular" to western people. = Worlds: Minecraft -> Marvel -> X-Men -> Naruto -> Bleach -> Jojo -> Chainsaw Man -> One Punch Man -> DNF/DFO -> Fate/Stay Night -> = This is TRANSLATION! (AND ALL MY WORKS ARE TRANSLATION) Support me Financially Here: Patreon.com/Bleam — 100 Chapters in Advance in Patreon.

Bleam · Tranh châm biếm
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712 Chs

Chapter 3

Fang Mo was surprised when he unexpectedly discovered a dungeon while mining. It was not uncommon to come across dungeons, but finding one so easily was a stroke of luck.

Instructing Steve to clear away the moss-covered rock, Fang Mo peered into the dungeon. Inside, a narrow and dimly lit space revealed a central spawn cage, from which zombies emerged amidst burning particles, wandering aimlessly.

Noticing a wooden chest tucked in one corner, Fang Mo couldn't resist the temptation to open it.

Everyone knows that, except for Dark Souls players, no one can resist the urge to open treasure chests in the game.

With confidence in his well-equipped state, he wasted no time. Steve shattered the moss-covered rock with a swift swing of the pickaxe, and Fang Mo quickly dispatched the zombies with his trusty iron sword.

After dealing with the zombies, Fang Mo sealed the spawn cage with torches and approached the chest. Inside, he discovered ordinary rewards: a handful of gold ingots and a regular golden apple. However, there was also a peculiar golden leather book.

Filled with curiosity, Fang Mo examined the book. It had a golden cover adorned with the words 'Mrvl Cmcs' written in English. Although familiar with the name, Fang Mo couldn't grasp its significance due to his lack of knowledge in English.

Recognizing it as a mod item but unable to recall its origin, Fang Mo remained undeterred. He decided to take a chance and instructed Steve to use the golden leather book.

To his astonishment, as soon as the book was opened, a towering black mist billowed out, engulfing Fang Mo and Steve.

[Achievement Obtained: One-Way Journey.]

Accompanied by a chilling electronic sound echoing in his mind, Fang Mo felt a sudden darkness surround him. He experienced a rapid descent, a disorienting sensation that lasted only a few seconds before everything returned to normal.

As Fang Mo opened his eyes, he found himself in a strange and gloomy cave. A cluttered table nearby displayed various items, while a heavy iron door emitted an unpleasant odor that filled the air.

Surprised by the unfamiliar surroundings, Fang Mo realized he was still on Earth, although he couldn't recognize the location. The realism of the cave astonished him—it was unlike the cubic blocks of Minecraft, with irregular and untouched rocks.

"I actually made it back?" Fang Mo felt a surge of excitement. Though unsure about the circumstances, he hadn't expected to truly return. This was fantastic news as it meant he could finally see his family again.

However, his joy was short-lived as a commotion erupted outside. The heavy iron door swung open, revealing a group of armed men dragging two bloodied prisoners. When they noticed Fang Mo inside, both sides froze for a moment.

"What the hell!?"

Before Fang Mo could utter a word, the group swiftly reacted, pointing their guns at him and speaking in an unfamiliar language.

"Oh, sh*t..."

Fear gripped Fang Mo as he faced the sight of the guns. As a modern person, he instinctively panicked in such a situation. He raised his hands and stammered, "I... Brain, think fast, come up with a solution!"

[System Prompt: Translation Module Downloading...]


Caught off guard by the sudden sound, Fang Mo was momentarily stunned. Before he could react, the group in front of him sprang into action.

A gunshot shattered the silence, and Fang Mo felt an immense force strike his forehead. In the next instant, he involuntarily fell backward.


As Fang Mo fell, the group erupted in cruel and mocking laughter. In contrast, the two captives seemed exhilarated, with one of them shouting "NO!" and "You demons!"


But the more excited the captives became, the more the others reveled in the scene, wearing mocking smiles.

However, their laughter abruptly ceased.

They watched in astonishment as Fang Mo's 'lifeless' body slowly rose once again.

"What the hell? Do you think I'm easy to kill?"

With deliberate slowness, Fang Mo straightened his body. Despite a bullet passing through his forehead, creating an entrance and exit wound, he remained unscathed. Not a drop of blood flowed from the injury.

In fact, Fang Mo was completely unharmed.

Even with his head blown apart, he felt no pain.

Oddly enough, it was Steve who experienced a sudden jolt and lost half a heart.

But this loss helped Fang Mo regain his composure. He finally remembered his true identity.

How could a Stand User with a formidable Stand fear a group of ordinary individuals armed with guns?

With this realization, Fang Mo's expression turned icy.

If this were an anime, an ominous purple aura would engulf Fang Mo, intensifying the scene. Perhaps a menacing background score would accompany it, emphasizing his transformation into a true villainous boss.

Silently, Steve appeared behind Fang Mo, his expressionless face emanating an eerie aura.

After witnessing the harsh realities and brutality of this world, Fang Mo's already fragile moral compass shattered instantly. The countless days and nights Steve had spent honing his combat skills in the game finally paid off. With a subtle mental command, Steve moved like a specter, delivering a devastating blow to the bearded leader.

For a brief moment, the bearded man froze, a thin trail of blood trickling down his forehead.

In the next second, his lifeless body collapsed to the ground, with intestines spilling out and the air filled with the pungent scent of blood.

"Uh... Ahhhhh!"

Terrified by the gruesome sight of their fallen comrade, the remaining individuals raised their guns and unleashed a frantic barrage of bullets at Fang Mo.

However, to their astonishment, the projectiles inexplicably froze in mid-air as they neared Fang Mo.

Steve, holding a shield resembling a heavy door, intercepted every bullet aimed at Fang Mo.

However, Steve existed solely as a manifestation of Fang Mo's mental willpower, visible only to "similar beings." From the perspective of those on the opposing side, it seemed as if Fang Mo effortlessly halted the bullets.


The sight of Fang Mo blocking the bullets intensified the group's fear. They continued to aim and pull the trigger, unleashing a barrage of gunfire. Steve's shield rapidly deteriorated in durability.

Fang Mo narrowed his eyes and swiftly commanded Steve to retrieve several rounded stones and arrange them as a protective barrier.

The bullets struck the stones, creating sparks and ricocheting in various directions. The assailants were taken aback by this unexpected turn of events, their confidence waning.

Seizing the moment, Fang Mo lunged forward, with Steve closely following behind. The enemies attempted to defend themselves, but their efforts were futile against the relentless onslaught of Fang Mo and his formidable Stand.

Fang Mo swiftly dispatched each assailant, leaving them defeated and at his mercy. Tension filled the air as the remaining captives watched in disbelief, unable to comprehend the power they had underestimated.

With an otherworldly intensity in his eyes, Fang Mo confronted the captives, the crackling energy adding to the chilling silence that surrounded them.

"You thought you could kill me?" Fang Mo's voice echoed with contempt and superiority. "You underestimated the power of a Stand User. Now, face the consequences."

The captives trembled, fully aware of their mistake and the overwhelming power of Fang Mo and his unstoppable Stand. They were no match for him, facing a force beyond their comprehension. Now, they would pay the price for their actions.

Confidently, Fang Mo advanced, his Stand ready for the final strike. Embracing his identity as a Stand User, he felt a surge of purpose and determination.

The battle swiftly concluded, leaving only defeated foes in its wake. Fang Mo stood amidst the aftermath, his Stand fading away. The captives were in awe, realizing they had encountered something far greater than they had ever imagined.

From that moment on, Fang Mo's journey as a Stand User took a decisive turn. The world became his playground, where he would explore his extraordinary abilities and unravel the mysteries that awaited him.

With each step, Fang Mo embarked on a path of adventure, danger, and the pursuit of truth. Guided by the power of his Stand, he aimed to master his destiny.

[System Prompt: Chinese Translation Mod Download Complete... Load it?]

"Chinese Translation Mod?"

Fang Mo paused, contemplating its purpose. Could there be something in the Minecraft world that required translation? Then it hit him—perhaps this mod could translate English text to chinese, just like the golden book from earlier.

Curiosity ignited, Fang Mo made up his mind.

"Yes, load the Chinese Translation Mod," he commanded, eager to uncover the surprises it held within the vast virtual realm. Little did he know that his journey as a Stand User had only just begun, and the mysteries he would uncover went beyond both the Minecraft world and his wildest imagination.

[System Prompt: You have downloaded and activated a new mod, granting you a Lucky Block that randomly generates items from any known mod.]

Upon hearing the electronic prompt, Fang Mo felt a peculiar sensation in his mind, as if something had been added to his consciousness. At the same time, a vibrant block materialized in Steve's backpack.

"A Lucky Block?"

Surprised by the sudden appearance of the colorful block, Fang Mo's expression mirrored his astonishment. He knew about the Lucky Block mod, which rewarded players with valuable items from the original version when opened. However, this particular Lucky Block seemed different. It had the ability to draw items from other mods as well, making it a modified version created by someone.

Now, Fang Mo was slightly perplexed. He couldn't fully grasp the workings of this "randomly known mod."

Did it encompass all the mods within his modpack?

Or... could it potentially include any mod he was familiar with?

"Hey, buddy, how did you pull off that trick? Is it magic?" a voice suddenly chimed in, and two sly figures emerged from a nearby corner.

Instinctively, Fang Mo turned his head to investigate, only to find himself completely dumbfounded. "Iron... Iron Man?!"