
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Thành thị
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109 Chs


Gotten to the dining table, Leo was till a little daze from seeing his mom.


Leo called out with unreadable emotions. In his past life losing his mom and sis were one of his most painful nightmare, but seeing them again, seeing their loving faces, he vowed to always protect them.

"Oh… Morning honey, breakfast is ready, come and eat." Carol said with a smile looking at Leo.

She stopped what she was doing, staring at her son with a smile.

A beautiful mature woman with Inky black hair, D-cup size breast and a stunning curvy figure. She was nothing but a mature beauty.

Leo walked up to his mom and gave her a hug crying silently. Carol became confuse and turned to Nora, she just shrugged feeling a little confuse too.

Carol hug Leo back letting him cry for a while then coaxed with a smile. "It's ok honey, tell me what wrong did anyone offend you?"

Leo didn't answer he just hug her and cry silently. If someone saw this scene they will be confused, because a 25 years old young man was hugging his mom crying like a 5 years old child, Leo didn't care about all these, he was releasing all his past grievance from his past life.

After a while he stopped crying, release his mom from the hug and said,"I'm ok MOM, just missing you."

Carol furrow her brows and asked in a worried tone. "What is wrong with you dear? I was with you two last night, are you sure you are ok? Should I call the doctor?"

"No mom, am fine nothing wrong" Leo repeated his words looking around and ask,"where is Dad.?"

"Dad have gone to work. Mama boy" Nora said with a teasing look.

"Ok stop teasing your brother, now eat your breakfast" Carol said with a smile putting pork rip on Leo plate.

Leo sat down looking at the delicacies in front of him, his mom is one of the best cook in the world, in his past life they could only eat these delicacies after surviving a big attack.

They always used it as victory reward in the base, in his past life... food were as rare as gold, countless people killed each other for just a bag of snacks.

Leo shook his head, removing all these painful thought, he was brought back to change the world in two months, for others it might be a difficult task but for Leo who knows everything about DOOMSDAY and with the help of the DOOMSDAY SYSTEM, It will be a little difficult.

The breakfast move smoothly with Leo spending time with his mom and sister.

They celebrated their high school graduation last week, so the two siblings were free for these past few months, their only tasks now are to look for jobs to support their parents. That was Leo plan in his past life but now... with the SYSTEM... he had more serious matter to focus on.

"Mom. Thanks for the breakfast, I will be in my room." After helping Nora with the plates he went straight to his room.

Closing the door he brought out the map from the system storage, The map mysteriously appears in his right palm.

Leo stared at the map in his hand, till getting use to everything.

With no time to delay, he opened the map, revealing the map of A-CITY, with a big red X in the north of the city.

"System are you saying that the tomb is in this city?." Leo asked a little surprise that a tomb will be in a city and no one knew about it.

[Yes Host, follow the map to the location]

"Ok." Leo said and started parking his hiking tools putting them in his Bag with a little dagger. 'Of course I am going to a tomb, I need to arm myself'

Before Leo could stand up from his bed someone ran into the room.

"Can't you knock?" Leo asked with a growl.

Nora didn't answer but observed Leo closely, seeing the hiking bag her face lit up and asked excitedly, "Bro are you going hiking, can I come With you?"

"No way... it might be dangerous." Leo refuse on the spot.


She even used her puppy eyes on him, Nora a beautiful young woman at 20 was acting like a child in front of her brother. Leo was about to refuse, but the system voice sounded in his mind.

[Host I detect a strong presence in her, she might achieve something great or become one of the strongest enhancers in the world].

When Leo heard these he was clearly surprised, his mischievous little sister might be one of the strongest enhancer in the world. After thinking for a moment he looked at Nora seriously and ask.

"Will you be my subordinate?."

Nora furrow her brows and said, "I hope I WON'T be your helper or slave that will follow all your orders mindlessly? And Also if I become your subordinate I will have the right to go with you, right...?."

'Is she negotiating with me?'

Leo thought and nodded calmly, she smiled and said.

'OK I'll be your subordinate'

[Congratulation for the host for having his first subordinate, host have been rewarded with 2000 Doom stones]

[Congratulation Host subordinate screen have been unlocked.]

'Really… Show me my profile and subordinate screen.'

Name: Leo John

Realm: NONE

Attribute: 5

Status: Healthy

Species: Normal human

Wealth: $1000

Doom stones: 2300

Missions: 2.

Subordinates screen

Subordinates name: Nora John

Realm: NONE

Attribute: 6

Status: Healthy

Species: Normal human

Loyalty: 85%[Trustworthy]

'Am presently surprise, she trusts me to this extant, I promise to always protect her in these dangerous world' Leo thought inwardly.

"GO and get ready, we are leaving in 10."

"Thank you so much, let me get ready!!" Nora skipped out with great ecstasy while Leo just shook his head helplessly.

Close to 10 minutes Nora appear downstairs in a blue top and black shorts with her silver hair, styled in a ponytail, she looks cute and adorable. "Am ready, let go!." She said happily.

"Be careful you two and be back before dinner" Carol said staring at their departing figures.

After walking for almost 2 hours, accompany by talkative Nora who was talking NON-STOP, she advised to take a taxi, but Leo stopped her with the excuse "we should enjoy the view of the city." After walking for more hours they finally reached a suburb in the periphery of the city.

Leo opened the map and started walking forward with the help of the map, Nora was drain of energy after walking and talking for hours, she's just following Leo with a little bit of energy in her. If someone saw her, it will seem like she will fall at any moment.

Fortunately for her Leo stopped and said,"this is the place" Leo stood at the entrance of a cave staring inside, calculating his next move. Nora was so tired that when she heard Leo words, she plopped on the ground with no self-preservation.

Leo turned around and ask,"are you coming with?" Nora looked at the entrance of the DARK cave and shook her head, "No way… Am scared of the DARK, and we don't know how many dangers are in there."

"You are right we don't know, ok, this is what we're going to do, you stay here and wait for me, I will be back."

"What…!? What if there are dangers inside?" Nora asked standing up quickly. "I'll be ok and do you think your senior brother is scared of anything" Leo said with a smile.

"But..." Nora sighed and said "Be careful Leo, but I don't understand why we're here?"

"You will know everything when I return."

With that said Leo switched on his flashlight and walk into the cave, even with the help of the flashlight he could only see 10 steps away from him. After walking in a straight path for a while, he stopped in front of a clear lake.

"How did a lake appear here?" He asked observing the big lake with caution.

[Jump into the lake host]

Hearing the system words, Leo was first stunned, After hesitating for a while he jumped into the lake. Leo held his breath the dive deeper, gotten to a certain point he saw light, he was a little dumbfounded, but he continued going deeper following the system words.

To his surprise he came out in another location, after walking out from the lake he slowly looked around and discovered this place was once a magnificent temple. With silver pillars holding the temple in place. Golden floor and with a touch of luxury.

After observing his surrounding he walked inside the space which look like an alter. Middle of the alter lied a magnificent golden coffin and 3 fearsome knight statues, the first statue holding a sword, the second holding a deadly spear while the third a quiver filled with arrows and a bow. Leo looked at them for a second, then turned his attention to the golden coffin. Looking at the coffin he felt somehow... like he had seen this coffin before.

'System what is this tomb?'

[Host You are in the QIN EMPEROR TOMB]

'QIN EMPEROR TOMB?, we searched for this tomb in my past life but didn't discover it, System what about the knights statues?'

Leo asked feeling a bad premonition from these rocks.

[Host need to pay 300 Doom stones to know]

'Damn it… Fine do it.'

[Successful Host, These statues are known as the Qin Emperor private guards who sworn to die with the EMPEROR, the EMPEROR was touched by the knights loyalty and asked the royal wizard to fortify their souls so if he dies one day their souls would watch him in his slumber. The knights were overjoyed hearing the EMPEROR Verdict. When the EMPEROR finally died the knights souls turned into the guardians of these tomb.]

'What the hell,' Leo exclaimed backing away from the coffin looking at the 3 knights statues with horror.

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