
Reborn to Rule

Being different is not always a good thing. Sometimes, being outstanding can lead to its own difficulties. For Michael Asher, this was true for his entire first life. Being outcast from society for being smarter than most and more athletic than average lead him to the military. After gross negligence from another individual, Michael was forced to a mediocre life before abruptly meeting his new beginning. After his death, Michael finds himself in the body of a degenerate noble in a foreign world. With his previous life's knowledge still held within his mind coupled with the memories of the original owner of his new body, Michael sets out to rebuild the desolate city he has inherited with his new life. Just how far can somebody go in a primitive society when he retained knowledge from an advanced civilization?

SiegerInducer · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Prosperous Income

With the amount of construction underway, Michael's savings were beginning to thin. Even with the collected taxes, he was barely able to afford to continue paying the laborers. He needed to increase his income drastically.

Utilizing an unassigned mason, Michael began constructing a new shop near the center of the city. This shop will be larger and more flashy than the other specialized businesses. There was going to be a large open area with a bay-style door off to the right side.

The inside would have several rows of shelves lining either side of a main walkway. At the very back would be a long counter. An additional room was added to the rear of the main building. This would serve as a storeroom for additional products as well as a vault for the incoming coin.

With the building completed and the larger items being stored at a separate location, Michael needed to decide on what he would fill the shelves with. With the knowledge of two worlds within his mind, he had a plethora of ideas. The first required a trip to Smith's shop.

"I have some items I would like to contract you to produce from here on. You will be adequately paid for the items; however, you would be barred from selling them yourself. If you agree to those terms, we can make the deal official with this contract."

After considering the proposal for a brief moment, Smith nodded and picked up the pen.

"You know boy, I may not understand exactly what it was that sparked this change in you but I am glad it happened. The old you was on the verge of losing everything had things gotten much worse here. You seriously were about to lose your life."

"How exactly would I have lost my life?"

"People were talking of revolting. You had driven the citizens of Astra so close to death that they were out of options. In the last year alone, you have improved their lives so much that I would bet that they are now willing to die for this city. It is this fact that I am willing to go into business with you. Contract or no contract."

With the contract signed, Michael made his way down the cobbled street towards the baker's shop. Even as a family of three, they were the primary supply for food within the city. In his hand, Michael held several simple recipes and a contract.

Unlike with Smith, these recipes were going to be directly sold to the baker. Michael would then receive a percentage of profit off the sales associated with the contract. Being grateful for the recently completed renovations as well as the upgrades that were made to the shop at the expense of the Duke himself, the family had no problem in signing the contract.

Immediately, the began production of several confectionery treats. It took less than a day for these products to become popular, especially amongst the younger generations. Even with only receiving ten percent of the sale's revenue, Michael was already beginning to profit.

After a week's time, Michael had earned more from sales at the baker's shop than he had in taxes the previous year. He also collected the first stock of items he had Smith construct. Lining several shelves within his shop, that he had yet to open to the public, were an assortment of cooking utensils.

Cast iron pots and pans along with ladles, spatulas, spoons, forks, and knives were now stocked along one side of the shop. The other side had rows of empty shelves. Behind those shelves was an open showroom. Three different carriage and cart deigns as well as the plow were on display.

All that was left was to fill the remaining shelves and Michael already had several ideas on what would be housed on them. With another trip to the resident pottery workshop, Michael had handed over several more blueprints as well as procured another contract similar to Smith's.

For the time being, these contracts would serve as the primary income for Michael. With his income problem sorted out, he returned home to find Alice sorting through several papers in regards to the ongoing construction as well as the recently formed city guard corps.

Seeing how dedicated she has been to her work, Michael decided it was time for a break.

"Thank you for everything you've done thus far. I believe it is time for you to stop for the day."

Without lifting her gaze from the work in front of her, Alice responded with a tired tone.

"I will rest once I am finished going over these documents. So long as I handle these, you seem more than fit to continue the progression of the city."

"It is true that I have been able to advance my plans faster than I had hoped and it is all thanks to your hard work these past few months. For that, I am eternally grateful. However, as your employer, I'm telling you you're done for the day."

Hearing a tone that left no room for argument, Alice set aside the documents she had been working on and leaned back in her chair.

"For a while there, I was worried about the amount of spending you were doing. At the rate you were spending money, you would have been broke before the renovations were complete and the city would have run out of funds before the end of the year."

"Taking your words into account, I will assume that my recent ventures have changed that for the better. I'd say that is cause for a celebration."

"What would we be celebrating exactly? You not being broke?"

With a laugh, Michael stepped closer to Alice with an outstretched hand.

"We will be celebrating the rebirth and prosperity of the city. Now, how about we step out and enjoy the improvements firsthand?"

Seeing the sincerity housed in his eyes, Alice could only smile before standing up and taking his hand. The two then made their way out of the estate and down the cobbled road.