
Reborn to Rule

Being different is not always a good thing. Sometimes, being outstanding can lead to its own difficulties. For Michael Asher, this was true for his entire first life. Being outcast from society for being smarter than most and more athletic than average lead him to the military. After gross negligence from another individual, Michael was forced to a mediocre life before abruptly meeting his new beginning. After his death, Michael finds himself in the body of a degenerate noble in a foreign world. With his previous life's knowledge still held within his mind coupled with the memories of the original owner of his new body, Michael sets out to rebuild the desolate city he has inherited with his new life. Just how far can somebody go in a primitive society when he retained knowledge from an advanced civilization?

SiegerInducer · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

A Life Lesson

After finishing their meal, the two began a casual stroll around the city. As the sun began to sink below the horizon and children were being called inside by their mothers, the two found themselves standing atop one of the cobbled bridges Michael had constructed over the canal.

Staring out over the horizon, Michael broke the silence that had built between the two ever since they left the bar.

"Two years ago, I never would have pictured myself standing where I am today."

Assuming the meaning behind his words, Alice offered a retort.

"Two years ago, you likely wouldn't have even imagined that you would wake up in a world foreign to the one you knew."

"You're right about that but it's not what I meant. Would you care to know about my life before I came here?"

Sorrow covered Michael's face and almost caused Alice to not ask. From how he had rarely talked about his past and the look on his face, it was evident that he had suffered to some degree.

"If you feel up to it then I have no issue listening. I'm sure I won't understand everything, but I will still listen."

Seeing that she was determined to hear out everything he would say, Michael leaned forward and rested his arms on the stone railing that line either side of the bridge.

"Growing up, it was just my mother and me. My father left before I was even born. To support us, my mother worked tirelessly day after day. She sent me to the best school she could because she wanted me to be able to make something of myself when I got older.

Due to work, she was hardly ever home. That wouldn't have been a problem in the neighborhood we liven in if it weren't for one simple fact. I was different than the other kids my age. My mind absorbed knowledge as if there was no limit.

I could have read an entire book in a day's time and rewrote the entire contents without reference a week later. From that, I never really had to study or try in school. All the other kids didn't know how to associate with me, so I turned to more books."

Michael paused to steal a glance at the attentive beauty beside him.

"All though my schooling, I only had one goal for the future. I wanted to find a place where I could be myself and not be outcast by my peers. When I turned seventeen, two men in fancy uniforms set up a table in my school. With the offer of fame and glory they began attempting to recruit some of the students to their branch of our military.

I happened to be one of the ones that listened. I didn't care so much about the travel they promised. I had little desire to see the rest of the world. I wasn't interested in the recognition they claimed came from wearing the uniform.

I simply wanted to fit in. Attending school regularly hadn't worked for the past twelve years so I saw no benefit to putting myself through another four years of it. What they offered and what sold me on their offer was a place to belong and make a difference in my life as well as the lives of others."

At this point, Alice began to understand Michael a little better. She now understood that his efforts to rebuild the city had nothing to do with his reputation. It was born from his desire to make a difference in the lives of others.

"That night, I handed my mother a release form that would enable me to join the military. At first, she hesitated. She wanted me to continue my schooling and get a job that wouldn't put me in an early grave. Had I listened to her, I wouldn't be standing here today.

After debating the matter for what felt like hours, she finally signed the papers. Th next day, I told the teachers that I intended to graduate early. I had long since finished the required learning and I was more so just showing up because I had to."

A smile threatened to break the expression on his face as Michael recalled the look on his peer's faces when they learned that he was graduating before them.

"A few months later, I found myself in an entirely new place. Nearly one hundred other men roughly the same age as me were there as well. Day after day, we ate together, trained side by side, and fell asleep in the same room. Pretty sure by the end I had seen more men without clothes than I had seen women with clothes.

When we all finished our training, we were sent to various cities around our country. Shortly after, a war broke out. Every nation in the world was involved in one way or another. My country seemed to believe themselves to be the all-powerful enforcers of justice.

We had no need to be involved in this war. Still, our government sent wave after wave of young men and women to their deaths. I was sent over three times and returned without incident each time. For my actions, I was quickly rising through the ranks.

By my fourth deployment, I have reached a rank many would never see within their first contract. It was for that reason that I believe things went as badly as they did. My team was instructed to clear a city of all hostiles we encountered alongside a team that my previous superior was leading."

Michael took a pause in order to find the wording that would allow Alice to understand the coming tragedy the best.

"Although we were the same rank, the other team leader had been in the position longer than me. When we arrived at the last building to clear out, he disregarded my thoughts on how to proceed. Whether it was his own pride or the fact he could have truly despised me for outperforming him, he ordered both teams tom take the riskiest approach."