
Reborn to Rule: The Rise of the Underworld Empress

Jiang Yan was at the peak of power and success in the business world. But her hidden enemies had finally caught up to her. In a shocking twist of fate, she was betrayed and killed along with everyone close to her. Jiang Yan thought it was the end, but fate had some other plans. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in her 18-year-old body, a decade in the past. This was her second chance, and she was determined to make the most of it. Armed with the knowledge of her future, she set out to rebuild her empire and take revenge on those who wronged her. "I will rule over everyone," she declared, her voice laced with determination. "I will make them all pay." But as Jiang Yan navigated the treacherous waters of the business world, she discovered that not everything was as it seemed. She had thought her ex-husband, Feng Yuansheng, hated her. However, his love for her went beyond life and death. As she uncovered the truth, she began to question everything she thought she knew about their relationship. Suddenly, a popular superstar appeared before her, declaring, "Jiang Yan, you are my goddess!" A sports star chimed in, "You are my master!" and a certain bigshot said, "You are my saviour!" But the ruthless CEO, watching all of this unfold, simply stated, "Backoff, she is my wife." The unknown person lurking in the shadows, retorted, "Really? We will see!" As she worked tirelessly to rebuild her empire and take revenge, Jiang Yan was plagued by the memory of the unknown person who had saved her life. Who were they? Why had they intervened? But as the pieces of the puzzle started to fit together, Jiang Yan realized that the truth was much deeper than she ever could have imagined. As the identity of the unknown person was finally revealed, Jiang Yan was faced with a shocking realization. The person she had despised the most was actually working to protect her all this time. But as she tried to wrap her head around this revelation, she couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there were still things hidden from her. The truth behind was even more complex than anyone could have ever imagined. As the past was finally revealed, Jiang Yan was faced with the ultimate test of her character. Would she be able to protect everyone close to her? In this thrilling tale of love, betrayal, and redemption, Jiang Yan would uncover shocking revelations about herself and those around her. Join her journey to uncover the mystery of her rebirth and the true purpose of her second chance at life. *** Jiang Yan stormed into Feng Yuansheng's office, her eyes burning with fury. "What the hell, FENG YUANSHENG? Your men just attacked my business rival! I had my own plans for him," she demanded, her voice sharp and biting. Feng Yuansheng reclined in his chair, his gaze locked onto hers. "I couldn't let anyone harm you, Yan. I had to take action," he replied, his voice low and smooth. Jiang Yan's fists clenched, her anger simmering just beneath the surface. "I don't need your protection, Yuansheng. I can handle myself," she retorted. Feng Yuansheng's expression softened as he realized his error. "I'm sorry! I overstepped. It won't happen again," he said, his hand reaching out to take hers. As Jiang Yan looked into his eyes, she saw his sincerity and felt her anger dissipating. "Okay, I'll let it go this time. But don't think you can do as you please," she said, giving him a playful smile. Feng Yuansheng grinned back, pulling her into his embrace as he plotted how to hid his actions from her in the future. "I won't repeat the same mistake," he thought, amused by their game. Note: This novel is part fantasy and sci-fi! With multiple power couples, and the best kind of twist ever! Also, find me on Instagram @kashin_san to see the previews of this book! Book Cover Credit: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/471189179770284164/

Kashin_san · Thành thị
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166 Chs

Chapter 37: Salvage the situation

Madam Tian spoke up first, "Oh, Yiyi! We were just discussing your uncle's new venture. He's very excited about it." Tian Jun chimed in, "Yes, I'm thinking of expanding our perfume business and I was wondering if you would be interested in being our brand ambassador."

Jiang Yixuan nodded politely and sat beside her mother. "I'll have to talk to my manager first, but I'll let you know," she replied.

Tian Jun then asked her about her latest film project. "How's the movie going? Have you finished shooting?"

Jiang Yixuan smiled, "Yes, we finished shooting, but I have to go on a promotional tour soon."

Madam Tian interjected sadly, "Oh, that means we won't get to spend much time together. Ever since you started acting, we hardly see you anymore."

Jiang Yixuan tried to cheer her up, "Don't worry, Mom. I'll make time for you. Maybe we can have a spa day or something."

Tian Jun then complimented her on her hard work and success, "You've done so well for yourself, Yixuan. You're becoming quite the superstar. Maybe you could even land a better collaboration than my small perfume company."

Jiang Yixuan laughed, "It's not about that, Uncle. It's just following some company rules."

Madam Tian interrupted them, "Alright, that's enough teasing for today. Yixuan, are you free in two weeks? We're planning a party to celebrate your latest movie."

Jiang Yixuan was hesitant, "Mom, it's not necessary to have a party for me. But if you really want to, I'll come."

Madam Tian insisted, "Of course we have to celebrate your success! And your father wants to have a party too."

Jiang Yixuan finally gave in and nodded. Just then, her phone rang. She excused herself and picked up the call. It was from Qin Rui, her assistant.

As soon as Qin Rui reported Jiang Yixuan everything, she glanced at her mother. Jiang Yixuan quickly instructed Qin Rui, "Just keep an eye on her." After that she hung up the phone. As she walked back to her mother, she smirked and muttered to herself, "Little sister, looks like you are in big trouble."


Du Hong sat in his chair, intently staring at his phone as he scrolled through the real-time feedback from Long Lei's fans. "Senior Long, your fans are not taking the news in a good way," Du Hong said, turning to his colleague who sat in silence on the sofa.

"What are they saying?" Long Lei finally spoke up, his voice monotone and uninterested.

"Well, there are some fans who are supporting your duet with Bi Xiaohong, but the majority are not happy about it," Du Hong replied, reading out some of the comments.

"Long Lei, you've disappointed us with this collaboration. We expected better from you."

"I don't understand why Long Lei would choose to work with someone like Bi Xiaohong. Her voice is terrible!"

"I'm so excited for Long Lei's duet with Bi Xiaohong! I'm sure it will be amazing!"

"Hubby Lei and Xiaoxiao look so good together."

"The one above, are you fan of Long Lei or Bi Xiaohong? How can you say they are a couple?"

"I'm sorry Long Lei, but I can't support this duo. I will not be buying your album anymore."

"Hubby Lei, I've been your fan for years, but I can't stand by this decision. This collaboration is a mistake."

"I trust Lei Lei's judgement. If he chose to collaborate with Bi Xiaohong, then there must be a good reason for it."

"Hubby Lei, don't listen to the haters. Your fans will support you no matter what."

Long Lei let out a deep sigh, "I knew this was going to happen." He shifted his gaze towards the window, seemingly lost in thought.

Just then, Sister Lin burst into the room, her high heels clicking on the floor. "Long Lei, why aren't you completing your recordings? We have a tight schedule to follow!" she exclaimed.

"I am not going to record anymore," Long Lei replied.

Sister Lin was surprised, "But why?"

Long Lei turned his head towards her, his eyes narrowed. "I will not let the management change anything in my album, no matter what," he stated firmly.

Sister Lin tried to reason with him, "But Long Lei, at least you have to complete your recording."

"No," Long Lei snapped. "I am not going to continue recording anymore."

"Long Lei, at least think about your fans. They will be disappointed to know that you are not going to release your album," Sister Lin said weakly.

Du Hong interjected, "Senior Long's fans are already expressing their disappointment about the collaboration. In fact, releasing this album will only hurt his image more."

Sister Lin's face fell, "I see. That's not good news. We need to find a way to make this work, but we also need to be mindful of Long Lei's artistic vision."

Long Lei was already frustrated as he spoke, "I don't want to disappoint my fans, nor can I compromise on my music. The company is simply using me to promote a new talent. They don't care about my album at all."

Du Hong nodded, "I agree. This collaboration is only beneficial to the company, but it will hurt Senior Long's image in the long run."

Sister Lin sat down helplessly, clutching her head, "I don't understand what to do. The director is so adamant. He will not let you release your album unless you agree to his terms. But then his terms themselves are a suicide."

Du Hong suddenly sat upright, "I have an idea."

Long Lei looked at him curiously.

As Du Hong explained everything, a smile lit up on Long Lei and Sister Lin's faces. Long Lei patted Du Hong's back, "Du Hong, it looks like you have finally become smarter."

Du Hong proudly nodded, with a smile.


Jiang Yan was pacing back and forth in her office, her eyes darting around the space anxiously. Meanwhile, Ling Meili sat at a nearby table, looking concerned. It's already been hours but they have yet to get any response from the Education department.

"I can't believe this is happening," Jiang Yan muttered under her breath.

Ling Meili nodded sympathetically. "I know, it's frustrating. But don't worry, we'll find a way to fix this."

Jiang Yan let out a heavy sigh. "I hope so. I already sent the forms and my soft copy of the application to the department, but they're saying they'll just compensate and find me another college. Like that's supposed to make up for missing out on the best university in the country."

Ling Meili scowled. "That's ridiculous! They're mocking you by saying that."

Jiang Yan slumped in her chair, feeling defeated. "I don't know what to do. I've tried everything, but nothing seems to work."

Just then, Jiang Yan's phone rang. She hesitated for a moment before picking it up, dreading the thought of hearing more bad news.

"Mei Mei?" Jiang Yan said in surprise as she answered the call.

"Yan Yan," Hua Mei's voice came through the speaker. "I heard about what happened with your application. Are you okay?"

Jiang Yan's eyes flicked towards Ling Meili, who was now staring at her with wide, curious eyes.

"I'm hanging in there," Jiang Yan replied. "It's just frustrating, you know?"

"I understand," Hua Mei said sympathetically. "But listen, I might have an idea that could help."

Jiang Yan perked up, intrigued. "What kind of idea?"

"Well," Hua Mei hesitated for a moment before telling her the idea.

Jiang Yan's eyes widened as Hua Mei's words sunk in. "You mean, ask them for help?"

Hua Mei nodded. "It's worth a shot, isn't it? You have nothing to lose."

Jiang Yan bit her lip, considering the idea. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea to rely on that person to help her get into university, but at this point, she was willing to try anything.

Jiang Yan hesitated before finally responding, "I'll consider it, but I'm unsure if it's the right decision to make."

Hua Mei let out a sigh and said, "Yan Yan, you can always repay their kindness in the future. Just think of it as a debt owed."

Jiang Yan massaged her temples and then took a deep breath. "Alright, I'll give it a try."

Hua Mei's face lit up with joy. "That's my girl!"

After ending the call, Jiang Yan turned to Ling Meili, who had been observing her closely. "What do you think? Is it a good idea?"

"I believe Miss Hua idea is good," Ling Meili shook her head. "It's not something you can accomplish on your own."

Jiang Yan let out a deep sigh. "I understand, but-"

Interrupting her, Ling Meili asked, "Are you willing to let go of this opportunity?"

Although hesitant, Jiang Yan knew that Hua Mei was right and this was her last chance. After taking a deep breath, she reluctantly agreed, "Fine, I'll give it a try."

Jiang Yan picked up her phone. She searched through her contacts and finally found the familiar number she was looking for. She hesitated for a moment before finally pressing the call button.

"Hello?" a deep voice answered.