
Reborn to Rule: The Rise of the Underworld Empress

Jiang Yan was at the peak of power and success in the business world. But her hidden enemies had finally caught up to her. In a shocking twist of fate, she was betrayed and killed along with everyone close to her. Jiang Yan thought it was the end, but fate had some other plans. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in her 18-year-old body, a decade in the past. This was her second chance, and she was determined to make the most of it. Armed with the knowledge of her future, she set out to rebuild her empire and take revenge on those who wronged her. "I will rule over everyone," she declared, her voice laced with determination. "I will make them all pay." But as Jiang Yan navigated the treacherous waters of the business world, she discovered that not everything was as it seemed. She had thought her ex-husband, Feng Yuansheng, hated her. However, his love for her went beyond life and death. As she uncovered the truth, she began to question everything she thought she knew about their relationship. Suddenly, a popular superstar appeared before her, declaring, "Jiang Yan, you are my goddess!" A sports star chimed in, "You are my master!" and a certain bigshot said, "You are my saviour!" But the ruthless CEO, watching all of this unfold, simply stated, "Backoff, she is my wife." The unknown person lurking in the shadows, retorted, "Really? We will see!" As she worked tirelessly to rebuild her empire and take revenge, Jiang Yan was plagued by the memory of the unknown person who had saved her life. Who were they? Why had they intervened? But as the pieces of the puzzle started to fit together, Jiang Yan realized that the truth was much deeper than she ever could have imagined. As the identity of the unknown person was finally revealed, Jiang Yan was faced with a shocking realization. The person she had despised the most was actually working to protect her all this time. But as she tried to wrap her head around this revelation, she couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there were still things hidden from her. The truth behind was even more complex than anyone could have ever imagined. As the past was finally revealed, Jiang Yan was faced with the ultimate test of her character. Would she be able to protect everyone close to her? In this thrilling tale of love, betrayal, and redemption, Jiang Yan would uncover shocking revelations about herself and those around her. Join her journey to uncover the mystery of her rebirth and the true purpose of her second chance at life. *** Jiang Yan stormed into Feng Yuansheng's office, her eyes burning with fury. "What the hell, FENG YUANSHENG? Your men just attacked my business rival! I had my own plans for him," she demanded, her voice sharp and biting. Feng Yuansheng reclined in his chair, his gaze locked onto hers. "I couldn't let anyone harm you, Yan. I had to take action," he replied, his voice low and smooth. Jiang Yan's fists clenched, her anger simmering just beneath the surface. "I don't need your protection, Yuansheng. I can handle myself," she retorted. Feng Yuansheng's expression softened as he realized his error. "I'm sorry! I overstepped. It won't happen again," he said, his hand reaching out to take hers. As Jiang Yan looked into his eyes, she saw his sincerity and felt her anger dissipating. "Okay, I'll let it go this time. But don't think you can do as you please," she said, giving him a playful smile. Feng Yuansheng grinned back, pulling her into his embrace as he plotted how to hid his actions from her in the future. "I won't repeat the same mistake," he thought, amused by their game. Note: This novel is part fantasy and sci-fi! With multiple power couples, and the best kind of twist ever! Also, find me on Instagram @kashin_san to see the previews of this book! Book Cover Credit: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/471189179770284164/

Kashin_san · Thành thị
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166 Chs

Chapter 27: Someone is following Jiang Yan

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at Long Lei. His gaze was fixed on the director, his expression unreadable.

The director frowned. "What's the problem?" he asked.

Long Lei spoke slowly, his words measured. "I don't think it's a good idea," he said. "I have a specific vision for my concert, and I don't want to compromise that vision by adding in someone who doesn't fit."

The room fell into a stunned silence, the weight of Long Lei's words hanging heavily in the air. Sister Lin could feel the tension radiating from the other attendees, and she knew that this situation had the potential to quickly escalate into something much worse.

The director, caught off-guard by Long Lei's unexpected resistance, looked taken aback. He had been anticipating some pushback, but this level of defiance was beyond what he had expected.

As the director tried to talk over Long Lei, insisting that he follow the company's arrangements, Long Lei stood his ground and refused to comply. This only served to infuriate the director and further agitate those present.

"I understand that the company has expectations, but this is my concert," Long Lei asserted, his voice unwavering. "I have a specific vision for it, and I cannot compromise that vision for the sake of someone who doesn't fit with it."

The director scoffed, "You may be the superstar, but the company made you who you are today. You owe it to them to follow their plans."

Long Lei laughed bitterly. "You made me a superstar? No, it was my talent and hard work that got me where I am today," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

He continued, "And let's not forget, it's because of me that the company is earning more than 60% of its profits. Without me, you wouldn't be able to afford these fancy conference rooms."

The director sneered, "Don't get too ahead of yourself. You're just a performer, nothing more."

Long Lei laughed bitterly, "Is that so? Then tell me, why is it that my concerts always sell out? Why is it that my merchandise always sells like hotcakes? It's because of me, not because of the company."

The director was growing angrier by the second, "We're not asking for much, just one duet. It's not going to ruin your concert."

Long Lei stood his ground, "I'm sorry, but I cannot compromise my vision for the sake of appeasing someone else. If you can't accept that, then I will have to cancel the concert."

The director's face twisted with rage. "You wouldn't dare," he hissed.

Long Lei's eyes narrowed. "Try me," he said.

Sister Lin's heart sank as she watched the confrontation unfold. She knew that cancelling the concert would be a huge blow to both Long Lei's career and the company's bottom line. But she also knew that Long Lei was stubborn, and once he had made up his mind, it was hard to change it.

The director hesitated, clearly weighing his options. Finally, he spoke, his voice cold and controlled. "Fine. We'll stick with the original plan," he said. "But let me remind you, Long Lei, that you're not bigger than this company. We made you, and we can just as easily break you."

With that, the meeting ended, and everyone filed out of the conference room. Sister Lin walked out with Long Lei, her heart heavy with worry. She knew that this was only the beginning of a long and difficult battle between Long Lei and the company.


Hua Mei's office at Studio Grace was beautiful and spacious. She sat at her desk with Jiang Yan, poring over drafts of the upcoming clothing line. As they worked, Ling Meili bounced around excitedly, holding a ticket to Long Lei's concert. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, already imagining the experience of seeing her "hubby" perform.

Hua Mei chuckled at Ling Meili's enthusiasm and turned to Jiang Yan. "How did you manage to get VIP tickets to Long Lei's concert at the last minute?" she asked.

Jiang Yan hesitated for a moment before replying, "I knew someone in the organizer's office who arranged it for me." She made a mental note to keep her connection to Feng Yuansheng a secret. She didn't want anyone to know about her connection to him.

Jiang Yan couldn't help feeling uneasy at the thought of Feng Yuansheng. He had been her ex-husband in a previous life, and she had been deeply in love with him. Even though she had been indifferent to him earlier today, seeing him again brought up old memories and feelings. She didn't want to get tangled with him again in this life.

Hua Mei noticed Jiang Yan's distraction and asked, "Is everything alright, Yan?"

Jiang Yan forced a smile and replied, "Yes, I'm fine. Just a little tired, that's all."

Hua Mei looked at her with concern, but didn't press further. She knew that Jiang Yan was a private person and didn't like to talk about her personal life.

They continued to work on the clothing designs, but the unease lingered in the air.


Guo Wenming slammed his hand on the table, causing the papers to jump. "This is unacceptable!" he exclaimed, his face red with anger. "I can't believe Lin Yiyun gets to call all the shots while I'm left with nothing again!"

Guo Wenming's face turned red with anger as he received the news that Bi Xiaohong's duet performance had been cancelled. He had been banking on this opportunity to showcase his artist and launch her career. Sitting in his office, he clenched his fists in frustration.

Bi Xiaohong, who was sitting next to him, watched nervously as he continued to rant. She was worried about her career and the opportunities she might lose if Guo Wenming couldn't secure a good arrangement for her.

"How could they do this to us? We had everything planned out!" he exclaimed, his voice rising in anger.

Bi Xiaohong sat nervously in front of him, biting her lip. "What will happen to my career now?" she asked, her eyes pleading.

"Don't worry, Xiaohong. I'll find another way to launch your career," Guo Wenming replied, trying to sound reassuring.

Bi Xiaohong looked up at him with pleading eyes. "But how? Without this performance, how will I be able to get noticed?"

Guo Wenming could feel the jealousy and anger bubbling inside him. He couldn't stand seeing Lin Yiyun's artist always being the top priority, while he was left with the scraps. He made up his mind to take matters into his own hands.

"Don't worry, Xiaohong," Guo Wenming said, turning to her with a forced smile. "I'll find a way to make sure you get the chance you deserve."

Bi Xiaohong nodded, but she could tell that Guo Wenming was just trying to placate her. She knew he was jealous of Lin Yiyun's success, and he was desperate to prove himself.

Suddenly, Guo Wenming's phone rang, interrupting the tense silence in the room. He answered it and started speaking in hushed tones. Bi Xiaohong strained to hear what he was saying, but she couldn't make out the words.

After a few minutes, Guo Wenming hung up the phone and turned to Bi Xiaohong with a triumphant smile. "I've got it!" he exclaimed. "I just spoke to an old friend who owes me a favour. He's organizing a concert for a new up-and-coming artist, and I've managed to secure you a spot as the opening act!"

Bi Xiaohong's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "Thank you so much, Brother Guo!" she exclaimed, jumping up from her seat to give him a hug.

Guo Wenming grinned, feeling pleased with himself. "Don't thank me yet," he said, his eyes gleaming with ambition. "This is just the beginning. With my help, you'll be a star in no time!"


Feng Yuansheng was lounging in the plush living room of his grand villa, flipping through the pages of the daily newspaper when Li Ming, his trusted aide, walked in. Li Ming cleared his throat and said, "Sir, I have made arrangements for the VIP room at the Long Lei concert as per your instructions."

Feng Yuansheng nodded, still engrossed in the news. Suddenly, Li Ming cleared his throat again, catching Feng Yuansheng's attention.

"Sir, there's something else," Li Ming said hesitantly.

Feng Yuansheng gave Li Ming a side glance. "What is it?"

"Someone has been following Young Miss Jiang here in the capital," Li Ming replied.

Feng Yuansheng's expression darkened at the mention of Jiang Yan. He folded the newspaper and put it aside, his full attention now on Li Ming. "Who are they?" he asked sharply.

"I am not sure, sir. But I believe they might have been arranged by Madam Tian, Young Miss Jiang's stepmother," Li Ming replied.

Feng Yuansheng's jaw tightened, but he remained calm. "Keep an eye on them, but do nothing for now. Report to me immediately if you see anything suspicious," he instructed Li Ming.

Li Ming nodded and left the room, leaving Feng Yuansheng deep in thought. He couldn't believe that Madam Tian would go to such lengths to track Jiang Yan down. He wondered what her motives were and what she planned to do next.
