
Reborn to Be the Lord

Lucas, a young teenaged boy led a happy and opulent life. His life was flawless. He fell in love with a girl named Astrid who later was found dead by him in her apartment, along with her sister. Lucas broke down into pieces. He put an end to his life and wished to God to give him one more chance so that he can undo his mistakes. When he woke up after a long sleep, he found himself in another world where they worship the ones from the skies and below. In the world, where he will face a cruel destiny since he gets called as the Lord.

Benami_Sarder · Kỳ huyễn
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142 Chs

Chapter 135: The Abandoned House of the Martins

"Paralyzed?..." Erland was slightly shocked, yet not so shocked when he remembered how rarely the baby cries of the lack of movement whenever he saw her.

With a melancholic smile, Blue nodded, "Hm...It is a curse of the plague they say. Or perhaps its because I was burnt so many times that some of my organs don't function properly...resulting to the birth of my half-paralyzed child."

Erland nodded down with hand on his chest, making blue become embarrassed thinking what she has done. "I sincerely apologize for making you remember such memories."

Blue waved her hands. "No no! I-It's fine."

Erland lifted his head. "Could you tell me where the Martin family may be to?"