
Chapter 194: The Woo Was....

After one hour, Yu Qi's soup ready to serve. Scoop a bowl of the soup, she brought them to Long Hui. Placing the bowl in front of Long Hui, she made a gesture wanted Long Hui to taste her soup. Long Hui took the spoon and taste the soup. It was very delicious. His beloved really knew how to cook. Yu Qi looked at Long Hui waiting for him to say something about her soup.

"Hmm... Delicious!" Long Hui said it.

Automatically, Yu Qi's lips curved into a smile. Thank goodness, Long Hui liked it. She went back to the pot and took another two bowl of soup saving it for later.

"Everyone, you can try my soup here." Yu Qi invited the old men and women here to taste her soup.

The old men and women went to her and took a chance to eat her soup. Yu Qi served all of them. Lucky the soup was enough to everyone.