
Chapter 1100: Backed Up By A Powerful Person

He knew this woman. She was the owner of the famous HuiQi Jade Store. Seeing the girl who kicked his friend whined to this woman, meaning the girl had a close relationship with HuiQi Jade's owner. 

"Please call his family and inform them about this incident. And please tell them about this." Yu Qi said.

"Yes... of course.... of course..." The man nodded.

"I have caused a problem for Sister Yu Qi. I am sorry." Dian Qi Qi frowned.

"Never mind. It is probably the man who wants to take advantage of you first." Yu Qi patted Dian Qi Qi's head.

The next 15 minutes later, the ambulance came and took the man to the hospital. Yu Qi and Dian Qi Qi would follow them by the car. Yu Qi explained what had happened.