
Chapter 1092: Yu Qi Is Surprised

Ming Yue was standing at the entrance waiting for Yu Qi's relatives to get in. She was surprised to see a girl in weird clothes entering through the entrance with a man. She was speechless at the moment.

"See, I have told you to wear normal clothes." Dian Shu Xian told her sister.

"But it is my normal clothes." Dian Qi Qi pouted.

Hearing this, Ming Yue felt it was rude for her to stare at this girl's clothes. She immediately apologized for it.

"I am sorry for staring at you like this. Come in, enter my house." Ming Yue invited them to the house.

Dian Shu Xian and Dian Qi Qi entered the house and sat in the living room. 

"Hello Madam, I am Dian Shu Xian and this is my sister, Dian Qi Qi, we are Yu Qi's relatives." Dian Shu Xian introduced themselves.

"Hello, Madam." Dian Qi Qi said.

"No need to call me, Madam. Just call me, Auntie Ming Yue like Yu Qi does." Ming Yue looked at the siblings.