
Reborn Of The Malicious Woman

READ IT FIRST!! 1. First this is NOT my main novel. I made this for my sick cousin because she requested it. 2. This story main theme is COMEDY. There is a plot of course but not too deep (I hope XD). I plan to make this a light story with soooo many silliness. 3. I am just a newbie writer, so if you think that my grammar is not good or the plot kind of not making sense, I do apologize before hand. :D 4. There will be Yaoi, Yuri kind of vibe plus with R-18, so caution is needed. 5. I will add more if I think of something XDD -------------------------------------------------- Audelia Elizabeth Von Leonhart was the youngest daughter of Duke Leonhart. Due to being spoiled and loved by her family, Audelia grew to be a selfish and malicious woman. She was in love with the Crown Prince of the kingdom she lived in, Rozenkrentz Kingdom. Her deep love toward the prince caused her to be obsessed with him and she would do ANYTHING to gain the crown prince's affection, that included harassing and assassination attempt to the woman who crown prince loved so dearly. Because of her malicious deeds, the crown prince sentenced Audelia and Leonhart family to death. At the end of her life, Audelia regretted her action and how she loved a man to the point of being obsessed. Thus she made a last wish upon her death. "..If there is another life.. I will do my best to pay my sins.." Her wish was answered and she returned to the life when she was 6 years old. Audelia was surprised to know that she was reborn once again. Thus Audelia began her life once again, paying the sins she had committed in the past after finding out there was another secret behind her reincarnation.

Melodia · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Meet The Goddess(?).....

"O-Ojousama.. th-the tea.."

Clutter Clutter

Trisvia's hands that was holding the cup, were trembling. Audelia gently took the cup off her hand and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't work too hard, you are the same age as me, you know." Audelia said, patted Trisvia's head gently. Trisvia's tail waved happily, enjoying Audelia's touch on her head.

Few days had passed after the beastman slave incident. Trisvia was cleaned properly and now was under Natalie's jurisdiction. Step by step, Natalie taught Trisvia on how to take care of Audelia needs. For now, Trisvia's job was to be her playmate and helping Natalie with simple chores.

During the past few days, Trisvia finally warmed up but it was only to Audelia. She mentioned how she was grateful to be picked by her and the way she looked at her was like the way a puppy looked at its mother. Probably this what people called 'imprinting'. Trisvia looked at Audelia as if she was her world. Seeing the look on Trisvia's face, Audelia just hoped that the beastman girl didn't become like all weirdos in the palace.

Little did Audelia know that her wish was somewhat.. just a wish..

"Ojousama, do you have a plan for today?" Natalie asked.

"Hmm.." Audelia folded one arm over her chest while the other arm rested vertically on top it. Her index finger tapped her soft cheek a few times as she made a thinking gesture.

"I am going to the chapel." Audelia answered, "I have postponed for a while, so I plan to go there now."

"Very well." Natalie spoke and followed behind Audelia who exited the room with Trisvia by her side.

As Natalie walked behind Audelia and stared at her small back, deep down she wondered why the princess of Leonhart family wanted a beastman little girl as her maid. The way her Ojousama acted was as if she knew Trisvia. However the thought was tossed aside because Natalie thought it was ridiculous to think so. Yet.. the feeling still lingered inside..


"..This.. is.. Chapel..?" Audelia asked as she stared at the big building in front of her.

"Yes." Natalie answered simply, "Is there something wrong with it, Ojousama?" She asked due to the reaction Audelia showed right now.

"...Something wrong you said.." Audelia muttered softly, looking dumbfounded.

"This is not a Chapel! This is a Cathedral!" Audelia exclaimed toward Natalie while pointing at the big church that was more than qualified to be a royal cathedral.

"So?" Natalie asked, tilting her head slightly while wearing the 'what's-wrong-with-it'? expression on her face.

Awkward silence appeared between the two before Audelia sighed in resignation, feeling lost of what she should say. No.. it was more like she didn't know what to say anymore. This family of hers and their behaviors, really caused her so much headache. She needed to get used to this thing sooner than later.

"Nothing.. let's go." Audelia said in weary tone and entered the 'Chapel'.

The Chapel which was big enough to be a cathedral, had the same decoration like the one at the palace. However what caught Audelia's attention was the statue at the end of the chapel. She walked towards it and stopped not too far from it. Lifting her head, her eyes fixed on the statue of a goddess.

"..Goddess Ultimia.." Audelia muttered the name.

In her memories, she knew that the world she was in right now had many Gods and Goddesses. The one who governed those Gods and Goddesses was Ultimia, the Goddess of Creation. Below her there was :

1. God Of Magic, Crowley

2. Goddess Of Love, Althea

3. Goddess Of Farming, Delfhy

4. God Of War, Rudeus

Well Audelia only knew few of them as she didn't pay much attention to it in the past life. There were many other gods and goddesses out there. They all governed every aspect of this world while Goddess Ultimia watched over them.

Audelia knelt and clasped her hands together as she closed her eyes and prayed. Just as she was about to utter her words in her prayers, Audelia felt like her soul had been sucked out and what greeted her the moment she opened her eyes was white dimension and a single woman.

"Hello, Audelia~! Nice to meet you~!" the woman said.

"Goddess... Ulti..mia..?" Audelia muttered such with a dumbstruck expression.

"Yep! I am Ultimia, the one and only~!" Ultimia answered while striking a pose similar to a famous moon soldier.

However what caught Audelia's attention was not the moon soldier's pose but the chest. It was flat! and more over her voice was kind of heavy despite the coquettish tone she used.


"I am a MALE!!" Ultimia responded instantly with a huff, "I just love dressing as sexy woman."

'How is that any different?'

'More over, what's with that I-am-sexy-and-I-know-it look on your face?'

"But your statue.." Audelia said flatly.

"Ah, that, after I created Ultimatia.. there was a time when I descended to create lower gods and goddesses and have them to govern every aspect of the world. Some humans needed as a witness for such things so religion can be established." Ultimia explained. "At the time, I was playing around wearing women clothes and created fake breast. I forgot to change when I descended, tehe~"

'Don't end the word with 'tehe' you cross dresser God!'

'You are not some shoujo manga character!'

'It's creepy for a male to say such thing, alright?!'

"How rude! It's cute not creepy!" Ultimia retorted in annoyance.

"Not cute at all! and stop listening to my thoughts!" Audelia replied with the same annoyance. This God didn't even have any shame for tricking the human he created.

"So?" Audelia decided to get on the matter, "Why did you summon me here?"

"I want to apologize." Ultimia answered, "I am the one who caused your death in the past life and--"


Audelia punched Ultimia hard on the stomach as he bent over with a 'Gufuh' groan and Audelia sent an uppercut to his jaw. Ultimia landed splendidly with his back yet in his groan of pain, there was lusty tone mixed in it.

"Ahnn~ What a punch~" Ultimia moaned heavily, "As expected of a Yakuza daughter~"

"You damn God.. so it was you who made me got shot?!" Audelia asked, anger radiated from her whole body.

"Y-Yes, It's way more cool, right?" Ultimia said in a daze, still enjoying the painful sensation in his body. "Instead of getting hit by truck or car like in those mangas or animes of your country, getting shot is-- ahhnn~ Stop~ My stomaaaach~"

Audelia who was in the middle of grinding her foot on Ultimia's stomach, finally took her foot of the perverted God. She would want to beat him more but what was the point? She was already dead on Earth and there was something she needed to do in this world.

"So you only want to apologize? I forgive you. Is that all?" Audelia asked using crisp tone.

"Of course not! I also want to tell you that I gave you the power of creation! MY power~!! Cool right?!" Ultimia gave Audelia a proud look, however Audelia stared at him with a gobsmacked expression on her face.

"Hm? what's wrong?" Ultimia waved his hand in front of Audelia, wondering why she gave such reaction.

Audelia grabbed Ultimia's collar and shook his body. "Don't you 'What's wrong' me you stupid God! Are you crazy?! With you power, I am no longer human!! Take it back!!"

"Eeeeehh?! Why-- I will take it back.." Seeing the deadly glare Audelia gave him, Ultimia decided to take his power back from Audelia. However little did both of them know that bestowing the power of high god to a human would make the human instantly turned into apostle of God and it couldn't be reversed. However this would be know later in the future..

"I almost turn into a monster.." Audelia wiped the non existing sweat on her forehead.

"Ah.." Ultimia noticed the dimension glowed bright, "Time's up. It's time for you to return, come visit me again~"

"Not when I can help it." Audelia retorted in flat tone.

As her body disappeared, Ultimia clapped his hands once. "Ah! I forgot to tell her about 'that man'!"

"Oh well, they will meet again soon anyway." Ultimia giggled, "But I am amazed, to think that man loves her so much that he even dared to threaten gods.. Amaterasu sama even had to summon me to fulfill his wishes."

Ultimia shivered as he remembered the cold smile and eyes filled with intense murderous aura that the man had gave him. He didn't want to encounter that man again.

"Good luck Audelia, that man has come to my world to chase after you. You need to be strong to receive such heavy love."


Greetings! Melodia's here! (^o^)/

Yes, just like in the announcement I gave in Frozen heart, I am stocking chapters for mass release and I am saving money because of lock down due virus outbreak.

Please enjoy this chapter. (^o^)/

Melodiacreators' thoughts