
Reborn into a world of Omegaverse

What to do when you are reincarnated as a villainess with a bad end? Simple! Become a Mafia boss that way no one will stop this villainess alpha! That's what she thinks until one faithful night she encountered a female omega in heat, barely suppressing her instincts to mate with her but luckily she got out of the situation. But.....isn't that omega her 'pair?' Now this villainess alpha will flipped the world to find that omega! But.....after she shakes off the female lead and the male lead. Can this villainess alpha soften the cold heart of her 'pair?'

BurgundyMasamune · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs


Dakota drived Yui home before she went to her apartment, she stared at the paper bag that Yui gave containing dark chocolate cookies that she baked herself as a thank you gift for helping her the other days.

She stood up from the couch and was determined to immediately find ways to break off her engagement with Desmund. The most easiest way she could break it off, if Desmund himself would agree to do so.

She could not just stay put as was restless thinking about Kannon being taken away from her.

The thought of it makes Dakota's blood boil and even if she sent men to watch over Kannon, it wasn't enough.

Kannon was laying down on her bed and was staring at Dakota's coat that was hanging on her chair.

She remembered the way how Dakota draped her jacket to her, she felt so secured, safe, and did not want to let go.

Kannon even wondered if she had stayed for longer she would have seen the face of 'that' person. She snuggled on Dakota's jacket and smelled on the lingering scent of 'that' person.

The scent was so nice that it hasn't faded even though it has been days since that night.

The sun has already ascended when Kannon opened eyes, the warm sunlight was directed at her face and made her pair of gold eyes shone making it look so beautiful.

"I slept" Kannon murmured to herself as she noticed that she was still gripping the jacket.

Her long and soft delicate hand gently released it as she stood up and took a shower.

"Hey Kannon are you already done with your designs?" Indigo asked seemingly curious.

"I am.....and I am still nervous making it" Kannon replied as her hand trembled for a bit.

"Well we only had a month to finish a whole gown before our school's fashion show monthly evaluation. We have to give out best" Indigo tried to cheer up Kannon who looked unusually down.

"Ahhh.....Don't tell me you are still thinking of that person? Kannon there are millions of people in Sector Cinq how could you possibly recognize a person you have never seen the face?" Indigo added although feeling bad with slapping Kannon with truthful words.

"You are right" Kannon forced a smile towards her friend.

"Come to think of it I did recieve a strange package full of heat surpressants the same brand as the one I got from that person" Kannon told Indigo the thing that bothered her the most.

"Might be a mistake?" Indigo asked.

Who is crazy enough that would send someone a package full of expensive brand of heat surpressants? Moreover me and Kannon are registered as betas so there are no way for other people to know that both of us are omegas

Indigo thought sticking to her conclusion that it was just a wrong delivery.

"Might be but at least I'll keep it for now" Kannon replied thinking that those heat surpressants might be handy.

Both Indigo and Kannon went to their class as everyone were busy starting to sew dresses.

"You two should start to work and be sure to choose the right fabrics" the teacher spoke as she stood behind Kannon and Indigo.

"Eekkk!" both were surprised as they suddenly heard that familiar strict voice behind them.

"Yes ma'am!"

Kannon and Indigo immediately rushed towards the fabric room and casually grabbed fabrics they could lay their hands on in panic as their teacher was closely monitoring both of them.

"Is that it?" the teacher spoke as she lowered her glasses and stared at the fabrics in Kannon and Indigo's arms.

The two of them nod accordingly afraid of getting beratted by their teacher.

The pair of stainless scissors in Kannon's hands smoothly slit the fabric as she cut through it, her hands move skillfully as it obviously displays her experience in this kind of work.

Even Indigo was impressed by Kannon's sudden dedication in making her dress.

As if the sewing machine was a part of her, Kannon continously sewed one fabric after another.

It was just like minutes have passed instead of hours as the teacher clapped both of her hands singalling her students that their classes have already ended.

"Wow I am impressed with your progress" Indigo spoke as she examined the undone dress in the mannequine.

"And you even barely finished anything" Kannon raised her brow as she stared at  her friend's work.

"It's not my fault the theme this month is not type so I am kind of unmotivated" Indigo sulked as she crossed her arms, suddenly the alarm in her phone rang.

"I am on duty today....I gotta go!" Indigo rushed as she packed her belongings and left the room.

"Byeeee" Kannon waved at her as she picked up the sketches of paper on the floor.

[That's kind of weird the manager would usually nag us about going to work but lately, me and Indigo are having lots of breaks and we still get paid as usual, what is weird is the manager is the one that kept telling us to rest although our workshifts differ because of that]

Kannon thought as she stood up and arrange the sketches on the table.

"That is a very nice piece of work" a familiar voice sounded from behind startling Kannon.

[That voice!]

As she turned her head she was greeted by a very beautiful face that everyone in their University adored so much.

Kannon stared at the sparkling pair of ruby eyes as she described them as beautiful and unable to look away from it.

"This month's theme is 'Olympus' and everyone in the classs have inspired their designs with the gods and goddesses yet you chose Helen....how amusing" Yui slightly chuckled as she caressed the letters 'Helen' in the paper, seemingly attached to it.

"Such simplicity and elegance reminds me of someone" she added staring at the sketch for a matter of moment.

Kannon could hear the longing in Yui's voice and was gradually surprised with such an expression.

[What could make her look like that? Who knows that the always perfect and gentle rich young lady that everyone looked up to could make such a face]

"Well I am flattered to be complimented by you" Kannon responded as she swept her hair to the side of her face.

"It's nice talking to you Kannon" Yui spoke as she put the sketch to Kannon's desk and left with her hand slightly waving.