
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Logs and Stew

Kite smiled as he finished the fluffy omelets they had made for breakfast. They were so filling, he didn't have space for much else.

"Mommy, Daddy. Kite and I are gonna go around town. I wanna show him all of my favorite spots!"

"Just make sure to be back for lunch. Your daddy is making his famous stew," Mirrin said, grinning at his granddaughter.

"We will!" Liliana said.

"Take care, Lilia, Kite," her mother said.

Kite nodded.

With a promise to return on time, Kite and Liliana set out into the heart of Ald Town. The streets were alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life, the townsfolk greeting them with friendly nods and smiles.

"Hey, Lilia, Kite," Elian said, looking over his shoulder as he carried his ax.

"Gonna go get firewood?" Lilia asked.

He nodded.

Kite hummed. Elian was around ten, but wasn't that still kinda young to be swinging around an ax?

"Can we join?" Liliana asked.

"Sure! But, what about the tour?" he asked, glancing at Kite.

"It's fine," Kite said. "I already went around the other day. Liliana can just show me around later."

Elian smiled. "Alright, if you say so!"

He watched the blond boy's stance. Despite his age, Elian carried himself with determination. Carrying an ax wasn't child's play, yet Elian did it effortlessly. Perhaps there was more to him than met the eye—a hidden strength.

As they continued down the cobblestone path, Kite's curiosity bubbled. "Elian," he began, "how long have you been doing this? Chopping wood, I mean."

Elian paused, leaning on his ax like a seasoned woodsman far beyond his years. "Since I was about seven," he said with a shrug. "It's a family tradition. My dad started teaching me as soon as I could safely swing the ax."

Kite nodded, impressed. "That's quite the responsibility for someone so young."

"Yeah, but I like it," Elian replied, his voice carrying a hint of pride. "It makes me feel connected to my dad and the land."

Liliana beamed at him. "He's the best at it. No other kid in Ald Town can split logs as quickly as Elian!"

Elian blushed and raised the ax back up. "Now you're just making me blush, Lilia."

She giggled. "I mean it, though!"

The golden-haired boy looked down at the street and chuckled. His laughter carried a mix of embarrassment and pride.

"Don't make his ego to big," Kite said, laughing.

Liliana put her hands over her mouth and giggled.

"Uh, let's get going. If we finish early, then we can both show the new guy around," Elian said, his cheeks still red.

Liliana nodded.

Kite smiled and followed his two friends to the forest.

They reached the edge of the town where the trees grew tall and dense. Elian led the rest of the way until they reached a clearing similar to the one where Kite had woken up.

The ground was littered with logs of various sizes, all neatly stacked. Had Elian made those, or had his dad cut the logs?

"This is where I work," he said, gesturing around.

Kite watched as Elian positioned a log on the chopping block. With a swift, sure motion, he raised the ax and brought it down, splitting the wood cleanly in two. Elian had such strength and precision that Kite couldn't help but find himself in awe.

"Wow, you make it look easy," Kite said.

Elian grinned, wiping his brow. "Want to give it a try?"

Kite hesitated for a moment before accepting the ax. The weight of it felt good in his hands, solid and real. He positioned the log, took a deep breath, and swung. The ax hit the log with a thud, but it didn't split.

"It's all about the angle and the force," Elian advised, stepping closer to show Kite the proper technique.

With Elian's guidance, Kite tried again. This time, the log split apart, and a sense of accomplishment washed over him. "Thanks, Elian. I think I'm getting the hang of it."

"Wanna cut a few more or want me to take over?"

"I'll cut some more!" Kite said, swinging his ax. In his old life, he found such stuff like cutting logs to be boring. But now, he found it fun, oddly. Maybe it was because he had died that he felt an appreciation for the mundanity of life.

They spent the morning chopping wood, laughing, and sharing stories. Kite learned about the different types of trees in Eldoria and which woods were best for burning. Liliana, meanwhile, collected the smaller branches for kindling, her laughter echoing through the trees.

As the sun climbed higher, they decided it was time to head back. They had promised to be home for lunch, and Darian's so-called famous stew awaited them.

Walking back through Ald Town, Kite felt a sense of belonging. He had come to this world unexpectedly, but now, he was making a life here, forming bonds, and creating memories. It was a different kind of adventure, one that didn't involve battles or quests, but the simple joys of everyday life.

And as they approached Liliana's home, the smell of stew wafted through the air. The aroma of Darian's stew was like a siren call that quickened their steps as they neared Liliana's home.

Both boys began to drool as they got to the steps.

Liliana giggled. "Come on, before you two make in a river in front of my house."

Kite blushed and wiped away the drool on his lower lip. 

As they entered the house, the warmth from the kitchen wrapped around them like a welcoming embrace. Darian stood at the stove, stirring the pot with a look of concentration that bordered on reverence. "Ah, just in time," he said, glancing over his shoulder with a smile. "The stew is almost ready."

Liliana's mother, Elara, was setting the table, her movements graceful and efficient. "Wash up, you three. Lunch will be served shortly."

Kite nodded and followed Elian and Liliana to the washbasin. The cool water was refreshing, and as he dried his hands on the towel, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. This was a far cry from the battlefield meals of his past life—hastily eaten rations, always with one eye open for danger.

The trio sat down at the table, the bowls of stew placed before them steaming and fragrant. Kite took a spoonful, and the flavors exploded on his tongue—rich, hearty, and filled with love. "This is amazing," he said, genuinely impressed.

Elder Mirrin chuckled. "It's an old family recipe. Passed down through generations."

Kite and Elian dug in with gusto, their earlier work in the forest having stoked their appetites. The conversation flowed easily, tales of their morning mingling with laughter and the clinking of spoons against bowls.

As lunch came to a close, Kite helped clear the table, feeling more a part of this family with each passing moment. "Thank you for the meal," he said, his gratitude sincere.

Elian bowed his head slightly. "Likewise, Miss."

Elara smiled at him. "You're welcome, Kite. You too, Elian. You're always welcome here."

With the afternoon stretching before them, Liliana tugged at Kite's sleeve. "Come on, let's go. We still have to show you more of Ald Town!"

Kite stood, ready for the next adventure. As they stepped outside, the sunlight seemed to dance on the cobblestones, and Kite felt a surge of excitement. There was so much of Eldoria he had yet to see, so many stories and places waiting to be discovered.

And as he walked side by side with his new friends, Kite knew that no matter what mysteries and challenges lay ahead, he had found a place where he belonged. A place where a kid could be a kid, well, for the most part. 

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