
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

A New Trip

"Woah," Tomas said as Elian held him on his shoulders. The five-year-old boy's eyes glistened as he watched the last of the fireworks.

"There you kids are," a voice called out. They turned around and saw Darian, Elara, and Cat smiling at them.

"Mommy," Skyla said, holding her hands out at Cat.

Cat smiled and took her daughter who was riding Ludo's shoulders. "How's my little princess?"

Skyla snuggled her. "Good! The fireworks were super pretty!"

Her uncle smiled as he took Tomas from Elian. "Yeah."

"Are you okay, Kite?" Elara asked, looking at him.

Kite sighed and stared at his still shaking hands. He smiled slightly. "Yeah. I am now, thanks to the others."

Elder Mirrin frowned as he walked over. "Not fond of fireworks?"

The former soldier rubbed his ten-year-old neck and sighed. "Not really."

"Did it remind you of something from your original home?" Liliana asked.

Kite closed his eyes and nodded. "Yeah, it did."

Elder Mirrin's expression softened with understanding. "It's alright, Kite. You've been through a lot. It's natural for certain things to bring back memories."

Kite opened his eyes, finding comfort in the elder's words. "Thanks," he murmured, feeling the last of the tension ebb away.

Liliana reached for his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We're your family now, Kite. We'll help you through this."

Darian stepped forward, placing a hand on Kite's shoulder. "You've got courage, Kite. Facing your past and building a new life here—that takes strength."

Elara nodded in agreement. "And remember, you're never alone. We're all here for you, always."

The group gathered around Kite, their presence a protective circle. In that moment, Kite realized the true meaning of family. It wasn't just about shared blood; it was about shared bonds, support, and love.

As they walked back home together, the night's earlier tension seemed like a distant memory. The laughter returned, and the conversation flowed easily. Kite felt a deep gratitude for these people who had become his family, for their understanding, and for their unwavering support.

Back at home, Liliana shared their plans with her family about going to find the summoner girl. Mirrin listened thoughtfully, his eyes twinkling with approval.

"It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you, Kite," he said, glancing at the young man. "A summoner like Sylvana could help you uncover for sure whether or not you are a summoner or not. Just remember to stay vigilant and trust in your instincts."

Liliana's grandmother nodded in agreement. "And don't forget to enjoy the journey. Sometimes the experiences and friendships you make along the way are just as important as the destination."

Kite smiled and nodded. "Thanks," he said, his voice full of fatigue.

The blond girl held his hand tightly and leaned on his shoulder.

He felt his face warm up a little as he recalled Lilica would do the same whenever he felt sad.

"You should rest," Elara said as she and Darian returned from putting their son to bed.

Kite smiled weakly at his adopted family and nodded. "Okay."

The young boy stood up from the couch and walked up the stairs. He sighed and sat down in his bed. The events of the day replayed in his mind. The fear he had felt during the fireworks, the warmth of his friends' support, and the joy of the festival all mixed together. He knew there would be challenges ahead. Although like Liliana and the others said, he wasn't alone.


The next morning, after a hearty breakfast and heartfelt goodbyes, Liliana and Kite prepared bags for their trip and headed to Ludo and Skyla's place. Ludo was gonna try to convince his dad take them to Valoria.

Liliana smiled and opened the door of the medieval-style pharmacy. "Ludo! We're here!"

"Hey, kids," her aunt said, smiling at her and Kite.

Kite felt his cheeks warm up. "H-hey."

"Where are my cousins?" Liliana asked, looking around.

Cat snickered. "They're upstairs, getting their stuff ready."

Liliana's blue eyes glistened. "Then does that mean that Uncle agreed to take us?"

Cat nodded.

"Yay!" Liliana said, hi-fiving him.

Suddenly, the door opened and in came Elian, panting. "Sorry I'm late! I slept in."

Liliana frowned. "Slept in?"

Elian nodded, catching his breath. "Yeah, I was too excited for the trip that I ended up falling asleep late."

Liliana rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a smile. "Well, you're here now. That's what matters."

Kite chuckled. "I know how that feels."

Elian smiled at him.

Cat called out from the staircase. "Ludo, Skyla, your friends are here!"

Footsteps thudded above, and moments later, Ludo descended the steps carrying a small pack. While his dad trailed behind him, carrying his daughter on his shoulders. Ludo's face was set with determination, while Skyla's held a bright, adventurous gleam.

"Ready for an adventure?" Ludo asked, his voice steady.

Skyla nodded enthusiastically.

"I've never been to Valoria. I can't wait to see it!" Elian said, grinning.

Kite felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of traveling with his friends. "It'll be good to see more of Eldoria," he said. "And meeting a summoner… that's something I'm looking forward to."

Liliana linked her arm with Kite's. "Yeah! Maybe we can make a new friend!" she said, giggling.

Kite chuckled. "Just don't tackle her to death."

Liliana grumbled. "My tackles don't kill, they give life." Her hands glowed with healing prana.

He giggled. His eyes widened as he realized Liliana hadn't tackled him this morning...

Elian clapped Kite on the back. "And we'll have some fun along the way, right?"

"Of course," Kite replied, a smile spreading across his face.

The group said their farewells to Cat, who offered them snacks for the road and a reminder to stay safe.

Ludo's dad set his daughter down in the back of his wagon. Her chair was already waiting for her there.

Kite wondered why the girl couldn't walk, but he didn't dare ask.

The other kids boarded as well.

"Too bad Tomas couldn't come," Kite said.

"Yeah, but he didn't wanna leave our parents alone."

Skyla frowned.

Ludo ruffled her hair. "It's fine. Grandma will keep Mommy company."

She smiled slighly and nodded.

"Alright, let's go," Skyla's dad said as the wheels began moving even through there were no horses.

Kite glanced out and gasped. There were two horses made of wind pulling the wagon.

The wagon rolled forward, the wind horses galloping with a grace that defied nature. Kite watched, fascinated by the magic at work, the way the ethereal creatures seemed to be both there and not there, their manes and tails flowing like the very breeze that gave them form.

"Wow," Kite breathed out, his previous concerns momentarily forgotten. "That's incredible."

Liliana leaned against the side of the wagon, her eyes following the motion of the wind horses. "Uncle Mako's magic is really something, isn't it?"

"It sure is," Kite agreed, still unable to take his eyes off the spectacle.

Elian, who had seen such displays of magic before, grinned at Kite's reaction. "You'll see all sorts of magic on our journey. Eldoria is full of surprises."

As they traveled, the landscape of Ald Town gave way to open fields and distant hills. The road was lined with wildflowers that swayed in the breeze, a colorful escort to their adventure.

Ludo, sitting across from Kite, pulled out a map and spread it on his lap. "We'll follow this westward road until we reach the crossroads, then turn north towards Valoria."

Kite leaned over to study the map, noting the winding paths and the names of towns he had yet to visit. "How long will the journey take?" he asked.

"About three days by wagon," Ludo replied. "We'll make camp along the way."

Skyla, now holding her enchanted figurine, watched it dance upon her palm. "I hope we meet friendly people like the ones back home."

"We will," Liliana said confidently. "And we'll make sure to stick together, no matter what."

The journey was peaceful, the rhythmic trot of the wind horses and the gentle rocking of the wagon lulling them into a sense of tranquility. They shared stories, played games, and watched as the world of Eldoria unfolded before them.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of gold and crimson, they made camp by a small stream. The fire crackled to life, casting a warm glow on their faces as they settled in for the night.

Kite took a moment to gaze up at the stars, feeling a sense of joy from them. He glanced back at the laughing kids and chuckled to himself. The boy was lucky to have them around. He wasn't sure how things would've been without them around to brighten up his life.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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