
The Vacation Part II

We landed in the designated area for the portkey arrival in French MOM, while all the adults and I landed on our feet both the kids fell into a heap on top of each other. The portkey arrival area was a huge football field size hall with circles made at equal distance to each other where people were arriving randomly.

We went to the exit after Frank gave the guy standing next to the circle the ring, after getting out of hall we arrived in an open area where people were coming and going wearing different colored robes and many people were even dressed like muggles.

The adults steered us toward the exit from where we could go to muggle France. It was a huge double door built under an archway, It was all dark when you looked inside the door and when you go through it feels like you are going through a tunnel. When we exited on the other end we had arrived at the luggage claim of an airport.

"Alright, our ride will be waiting for us just outside and when you see it, you're gonna love it," Sirius said merrily.

We all went after him towards the exit, after we had left the airport Sirius took us to stand in front of a car covered with a white sheet. He turned towards us while standing in front of it.

"I present to you The Ferrari 456," Sirius said while pulling the sheets off the car.

"What in merlin's beard is this " my mum and aunt Alice said at the same time, while all the male portion of the group gathered around it and started admiring it.

It was a red Ferrari that screamed attention, It was the flashiest and most attention-grabbing car in the whole area and people were already pointing and looking at it.

"It's so cool Sirius, where did you get it, " I asked while admiring its sleek design.

"It's just been launched and I had to pay a pretty penny to rent it, but this baby will belong to us for the whole vacation"

"And how are we all gonna fit in it? Don't tell me you used magic to tinker with it? You did... Didn't you" Aunt Alice said while pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Relax, the laws here in France are not that strict with misuse of muggle artifact. And I technically didn't do it back home so there will be no problem" Sirius said merrily.

"Hey Sirius can I drive it," Harry asked.

"Of course not"

"Of course"

Aunt Alice and Sirius said at the same time but before Aunt Alice could say anything further, I intervened.

"Guys, we better get going, before we grab any more attention," I said because we really were very conspicuous.

"Frank, you do a muggle repelling charm on the car and everyone can get in the car one by one," Sirius said.

After Frank had placed the charm on the car and every one stopped looking at us, we got inside the car one by one. From the outside, the car looked like a normal two-seater sports car but the interior of the car resembled the seating arrangement of a bus.

After we had all gotten inside, Sirius started the car and drove us at about 80 km/h while weaving in between traffic.

The ride was about 45 minutes long and it would have been longer if Sirius didn't drive like an F1 speed racer. After three near-collisions, I had concluded that the car had some kind of charm that prevented any kind of accident.

Sirius stopped the car in front of a big villa that looked like a house you would see in movies. It was painted blue and white and had the view of the sea as its background. There were no other houses nearby and the whole house was surrounded by trees.

After we all went inside all the adults chose rooms on the ground floor, while the kids and I chose our bedrooms on the first floor. After changing our clothes we all went to play at the beach behind the villa.

We played until sunset and had a barbeque on the beach while drinking cold butterbeer. For the next few days everyone relaxed and had fun, we also went to see the famous tourist spots in France.

On the Fifth day of our arrival, we left the villa early in the morning to go to an all-wizarding village that was built on the outskirts of Beaxbatons, the local wizarding school. The village was like a French version of Hogsmeade and had all its french counterpart shops.

We were just roaming from shop to shop and looking at the local products without buying anything, the adults had gone ahead of us and me, harry and Neville were checking out the French counterpart of Honeydukes. As I was looking for a sweet that didn't have chocolate in it, I heard a little girl crying. As I went around the shelf of chocolates to search for the crying sound, I came across a weird scene. A 4-5 years old little girl was hitting a blonde girl about the same age as me.

The blonde girl's back was towards me and was trying to comfort or soothe the younger girl in french.

The little girl stopped crying the second she saw me and started staring at me intensely, no not at me but at the chocolate in my hands that I was in the process of opening. She poked at the older girl and pointed at me while saying something in french. The older blonde turned around and saw that I was standing there and watching them. I turned red from embarrassment because I had been caught snooping around. I was about to apologize when she came to stand in front of me and said something in french.

" I don't speak French," I said the only sentence I knew in a broken french.

I saw her face clearly for the first time when she stood in front of me because the lighting was dim where she was standing before. She was about my height and had blue eyes with a cute round face that you would see on child models in the 21 Century. After seeing that I was not able to understand French, she spoke to me in heavily accented English.

"Can you give the chocolate in your hands to my little sister, because it was the last one in the shop and it's my little sister's favorite and they won't we able to restock it for another month?" she asked in a bell-like voice.

I gave the chocolate to the little girl and said

"No problem, I don't like chocolate anyway," I said while waving my hand and trying to act cool.

She gave me a cute smile and extended her arm while saying

"Thank you. My name is Fleur Delacour and this is my sister Gabrielle Delacour"