
Reborn in Versatile Mage With the Fire of Amaterasu

Reborn into the world of a full-time mage, beginning with Amaterasu's blessing. Per chapter will be between 2000 and 3000 words. There is no system! This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the world of Versatile Mage. Mo Fan and Tom Curi (the protagonist of the FF), will have a good relationship, but will not interact much with each other. Tom Curi, the protagonist of this article, knows the world of versatile mage, so he will try to follow the plot at first, but sometimes the plot can change quite a bit due to his intervention. In short, the general trend remains unchanged and the small trend can be changed. The pairings are going to be voted on, if you want to give ideas, you are more than welcome to share them. Smallharem!

Shadow7Blue · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

7: Black Vatican

For those who want to know what the main character looks like, I leave an image in this paragraph. (yes, it is a character from another anime, a genius who knows which anime it is).

I am also letting you know that in a few days I am going to finish the voting of the couple. And if the story is going to be harem or not, later when I think it's necessary, I'm going to do another vote with the people who follow the story at that time.


In Southern China on the outskirts of a small town called Bo City, was Tom Curi disguised as Master Hunter Amaterasu.

Currently, he had just dealt with four magical monsters in the wild mountains that were very close to the settlement of Bo City, magical animals are not usually so close to the areas with people around the cities, because the government and large families periodically patrol the areas around the cities to provide security for the residents of both the cities and for those who are hunting outside of this one.

But you can't expect it to be safe just because of this, because unlike the safe areas in the center of the cities, it is still dangerous near the outskirts, as you can meet animals of all dangerous kinds, and sometimes there can even be the occasional magical beast that even wizards have difficulty with and so end up dying there, not to mention ordinary people.

And Tom Curi was now in this wild mountain near the outskirts of Bo City because when he went to the hunters union of the Imperial Capital he found a rather unusual report in which a few hunters of the city warned that several animals had been seen near the city of Bo, obviously this information was not known to the general public, since the mayor of the city himself did not speak about this fact, partly to avoid the mass panic of the people and thus keep the peace, and also because of the hunters who went to investigate what was happening with the sudden increase in the appearance of magical beasts or most ended up dying or poisoned to the point where they did not remember anything, which only caused more doubts for Tom Curi, this is why he decided to take one of the expedition missions in the wild mountain, even though this mission was basic and did not have any rewards or benefits for someone of his level as a hunter.

"Mmmm how interesting, apparently it is from this small swamp where the magic monsters that the hunters had so much trouble with came from" Tom Curi said to himself while he saw the swamp where he had killed the last magic monster that had a higher state of frenzy and that to his surprise was already of Warrior level, not for nothing those novice mages of primary and medium level ended up in such a bad state.

"If my hunch doesn't fool me, this water should be what I think it is" Tom said again as he took a sample of the water in the swamp for further investigation. " And if it is indeed what I think it is, then it looks like they've already started moving in on Bo's town."

"If I may, I would like to know why someone like Sir. Amaterasu is in a town as small as Bo City?" asked from behind a very sensual and strict voice at the same time.

Turning around, Tom Curi(disguised as Amaterasu)almost couldn't stop his nose from bleeding, as he saw a woman in her 24 years who was wearing a classic suit with a black skirt, black jacket, and white blouse. She had brown eyes and brown hair, and her figure looked like that of a supermodel with an hourglass body, cleavage, and a more than abundant waist that to make matters worse were well highlighted by the tight classic suit she was wearing.

"Concentrate Tom, you can't let me find out your identity now over something as silly as drooling over a woman's hot body, although I would never deny that I wouldn't mind dying for a night with that body, no, no, no, no, no, bad thoughts, concentrate" Tom said to himself in his head.

Swallowing a bit, Tom Curi managed to snap out of his daze and respond as was typical of his character as Amterasu "Oh, what a surprise, I didn't expect to meet a member of the Magical Association Trial, will it be just a simple and pleasant coincidence or are there other motives, Miss Tang Yue?"

Tang Yue is a member of the Magical Association Trial, a group of top law enforcement wizards who specialize in catching wizards who violated the convention.

"Uffff, I understand, I guess you won't tell me your reasons unless I tell you mine won't you?" sighed Tang Yue.

"Looks like we already started to understand each other a little better" said Amaterasu half-jokingly, but he didn't let show much change in the tonality of his voice, he always had to keep his fake voice tonality so he wouldn't be identified later.

"Okey...., you're still just as cold as you were then, and to answer your question, I'd like to say it's a nice coincidence, but it's not, I have orders from my superiors."

"You can't blame me, Miss Tang Yue, if I remember correctly, at that time I had a lot of problems with your superiors at the Magic Association Trial if it wasn't for my excellent performance and great contribution to the hunters union, I don't know what would have happened and what a pity that our meeting is for work reasons" he says with a cold voice and traces of anger at the mention of those people.

"Yes, this... I apologize again for the situation at that time, I didn't think it would turn out like this, I can assure you that this matter has been discussed and it won't happen again, Sir. Amaterasu" said Tang Yue a little embarrassed and tired.

"I hope, let's not talk about the past anymore, now Tang Yue better talk about why you came to me, if there is something wrong with this city and why they seem to be hiding something at all costs." Tom Curi changed the subject and went straight to what mattered to him.

 "Well to be honest with you, I was asked to find out your intentions in coming to Bo City and-" Tang Yue started to say before being interrupted by Amaterasu.

"Hump, you're not already creating false accusations again, didn't you have enough last time?" said Amaterazu angrily.

"No no, you got it wrong, they want to know if you are for a certain reason or just a coincidence" said Tang Yue quickly, she already knew Amaterasu angry and it didn't do anyone any good to let him get angry.

"Oh, I see, it won't be the Black Vatican that reason by any chance."

"This...., how much do you know?" asked a little surprised Tang Yue, she was hoping it wasn't because of the Black Vatican, but apparently she's not that lucky.

"Enough to know that this water has a lot to do with the Black Vatican's future plans, doesn't it Miss Tang Yue?" mockingly says Amaterasu while letting her see the water sample from the swamp the monsters were in.

"It looks like you investigated and carefully observed what was going on in Bo City, and me thinking that maybe it could be just a coincidence, how foolish of me. It's exactly what you said, all the surroundings outside Bo City have small parts with this water that apparently puts the monsters into a frenzy, it is believed that in this city the Black Vatican has some plan in mind regarding this evil water" Tang Yue said seriously.

"So they already know part of the Black Vatican's plans and yet they hide it from the public eye, how interesting."

"Yes indeed, we know part of the Black Holy See's plan in Bo City, but there is not enough evidence and we still need to further investigate both the water and the Black Holy See's infiltrators in the city, without these steps there is nothing we can do no matter how much we ..." Tang Yue admitted and explained until she was interrupted again.

"I understand I understand, without those involved and the specific plan you can't intervene, and making any moves without this information would only make the Black Vatican take notice. I guess that's why they sent you alone to investigate the situation, so as not to draw the attention of the Holy See in Bo City, isn't that right?"

"Just as cunning as ever I suppose, not for nothing did you rise to Master Hunter in just two years, it wasn't luck after all. But as for whether I'm there to investigate the situation, that's not up to me. My part is to find out who is behind this whole plan and I plan next year to enter as a teacher of the Tian Lan High School of Magic as an alibi to uncover the Black Vatican members infiltrating Bo City without raising suspicion."

"I see, smart I guess, although very slow, I hope they don't get out of hand the situation, and if you want to know if I'm going to intervene in their plans in Bo City you can be sure that after what happened last time they would have to pay me my weight in magic stone for me to decide to do so, with that cleared up, see you Tang Yue, nice to see you again, by the way, you look just as beautiful as last time, don't stop taking care of that body" assured Amaterasu and then made a playful comment to Tang Yue, after all, she was the only person to joke around with when she disguised herself as Amaterasu, it would be a shame not to keep doing it because of old grudges with her superiors, he's not dumb enough to blame her for what those nasty old men do.

"This...., you-you, no one asked for your opinion and how I take care of my body is my business!" said angry and embarrassed Tang Yue for the inappropriate comment, but despite sounding angry a layer of red could be seen on her cheeks.

"Pfff, still just as funny, it seems some things never change" laughed Amaterasu as she walked away.

"This ruffian, to think that I felt bad about what had happened and I assumed he was mad at me, I seem to care about nothing, not only is he not mad at me, he's still the same pervert as always, it already seemed to me that he had been staring at me for a long time when I talked to him, he was surely thinking something indecent, Hmph" Tang Yue said angrily.

"Still, I'm glad to know that he doesn't hold grudges, at least to me, I owe him a lot" Tang Yue reminded herself thinking about how he helped her in the past in various situations.

After Amaterasu left, Tang Yue said goodbye to him again silently and left alone, she didn't know when the two would meet next, but she had a premonition that it wouldn't be long before that would happen.

Once Amaterasu left the wild forest she headed to Bo City to record the completion of her mission and incidentally tour the place.

"It's been 5 years already since the last time I was in this city, since then I feel like time flew by, what memories those hahaha, maybe there's still that kung pao chicken restaurant, if it wasn't for that restaurant I wouldn't have survived eating the Chinese food for 4 years" Tom said to himself.

"Mmmm let's see, where is it, where is it, there, I'm sure that's the right place" he got excited when he saw the place where the restaurant he used to go to was.

After dinner, Tom felt very satisfied, so he decided to walk around the city for a while more even though it was already late, that was until he heard a loud pelé noise not far from where he was.

Arriving at the place he saw a small group of hunters facing a small warrior level monster, and from what he could see, it was not favorable for the hunters the situation in which they found themselves, apparently, they had no medium level mages, so it was impossible for them to deal with the current situation, If they survived until now it is only thanks to the fact that the magical monster they are facing is specialized in defense and is slow to attack, and apparently, the group of hunters is looking to make time instead of escaping, which means that they must be waiting for reinforcements, surely from a medium level mage, but if they continue like this more than one of them will likely end up badly wounded or dead.