
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Tranh châm biếm
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157 Chs

Finishing Touches Part 2

Navi explained "Those are the three most important training rooms in the entire facility because it covers the most basic attributes every living being is born with. Mind representing mental energy; Power representing Chakra; and Physique represents the vessel's strength."

Kibo walked to the Power training room and discovered a pure white open space that stretched out as far as the eye could see; in front of him was a row of meditation mats, that like the realm itself stretched out farther than he could see.

Taking a seat he noticed an astral projection of his body formed out of Chakra appeared in front of him, he thought of a Jutsu and watched as the project used a simple fireball technique. Kibo laughed as he noticed that the used Chakra returned to the projection and after Kibo sat up he the experience of the projection was shifted to his memories.

Creating a clone he sat back down and had the two fight one another, Kibo dispatched the clones Astral Projection and smiled as the clone received the experience but no blowback or physical damage. Kibo thought of how great this place is for training Jutsus and gaining combat experience; with this training ground one could fight all out with an opponent and not worry about killing them. Kibo stood up and dispersed the clone before heading back out and entering the Physique Training Room.

He entered into a large wilderness that was covered with various representations of the elements; all seasons from hot to cold were reflected in the large endless terrain appearance. Kibo felt a pressure pushing down on his body that only grew stronger the longer he stood in place, as he moved across the plain he discovered that the invisible pressure that he felt was tempering his physique in a way he never felt before; the strange energy was purifying his entire body, and the more work he put in made the process accelerate even quicker.

Kibo's mood was only improving as he left and examined the Mind Training Room; after entering he discovered a world of dreams that would allow him to improve his visualization skills, he also noticed that the longer he stayed here and practiced creating visual images into reality, the training sharpened his mental energy greatly. He also noted that he could feel that fusion elements in here were entirely possible even for those born without a matching Kekkei Genkai. For instance, if one was born with an affinity for earth and water, but were unable to use wood, they could use this space to train infusing their elements until they reach perfect synchronicity and result in a wood Jutsu.

Kibo left the room in a joyous mood; when the very last room he discovered made him laugh even louder. The recovery room was next to the Dormitory section and when he entered a massive spa resort appeared in front of his eyes. Kibo having explored the entire training room headed back to the village and moved to the top of the tree, he pulled out the fortress from Seiryu's realm and watched as he rose higher and higher into the skies until he reached around 5 thousand feet. Looking down at the little dots moving about in the village made him enjoy the view as he shifted his gazed over to see the Konohagakure off in the distance.

Turning around he headed up to the main building that was well over the size of a mansion and placed down his Master Craftsmen's Forge and like before two exceedingly plain looking doors appeared before him. Kibo quickly added a piece metal in the shape of a hammer and anvil to its bland design; he really didn't like unaesthetic appearances on important things.

Entering inside the Smithy; he discovered that there were two large mountains in the distance, one where water flowed through and the other lava, everything in between was filled with greenery such as lush grass and giant trees. As he approached the central forge room he noticed that the water and lava were separated around the edge of the circular room and only provided a limitless source of heat and coolant.

He walked over to the water and placed his hand inside; to his surprise, he couldn't feel his hand getting wet at all, "This isn't water, its tempering oil." Kibo stated while lifting his hand out without a hint of dampness on his arm or sleeve. Tempering oil is very important during the cooling process. Oil is less conductive of heat, and is somewhat slower acting; there are certain alloys that are actually to be quenched by air, which is probably as slow as you get, but often produces the best results. Using this water was similar to getting the same cooldown effect as air, but the same speed as water.

Kibo was very interested in this area as he felt the powerful heat radiating from the large open forge, noticing a series of seals on the surface he placed his hand over one and watched as the heat inside the crucible began to rise. Kibo was ecstatic as the temperature skyrocketed to a perfectly controlled 6,000 Kelvin; the same temperature as the surface of the sun.

With this, he was doubtful of coming across any metals that couldn't be heated to forging temperatures.

A single table sized anvil was in the center of the large platform the Forge rested on, a smithing hammer that had magical glowing runes on them made Kibo especially happy, as he pulled out a simple sword and struck the hammer on its surface a light shone imbuing a reinforced Fūin characters into the steel, unfortunately, the plain steel sword couldn't handle the Chakra infusion and shattered into tinny fragments.

Kibo made a clone and said, "Make cool stuff."

The clone saluted him as it looked over to the main body as he picked up the hammer and began exploring the rest of the tools.

Kibo left and headed to his personal room, which also happened to be the control center for the fortress, he decided to name this land Immortal Village Hidden Amongst the Stars. 'Fumetsu Hoshigakure' (Immortal Village Hidden Amongst the Stars)

He activated the cloaking function that he made with some useful tools; he used Light Chakra Fūin carvings to capture the image above him and around him and display that image below and around the fortress walls. Anyone who wasn't inside or directly above the village wouldn't be able to see it at all; to everyone looking, it was as if the whole floating fortress had disappeared.

Kibo now looked over the completed village and smiled, when Navi's voice rang in his head.

"Congratulation to Host for completing a Hidden Mission: Found your own Immortal Village!"

[Reward: Sage Ranked Mission Ticket, and 3 Year Cooldown on 5 Year Shop.]

"Sweet! I only have a little over a year remaining! I wonder what my next other world Item will be." Kibo was really looking forward to this when he asked "Are the Sage Ranked Missions located on Earth? Because I don't feel like going off planet right now."

Navi answered back "Host doesn't need to worry, because only Immortal Rank Mission Tickets are capable of such things." Kibo tore the Ticket and the quest parameters echoed inside his head.

[Destroy Mōryō's Soul and Uncover the Secrets of Miroku! Reward: Intertwining Yin-Yang Cultivation Technique]

Kibo's raised an eyebrow before saying, "Miroku huh? Shion's mother. I admit that there is little known on her, and her name means 'Maitreya Buddha' could she have some connection to the age of Immortals."

According to Buddhist tradition, Maitreya is a bodhisattva who will appear on Earth in the future, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma. According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor to the present Buddha, Gautama Buddha. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya refers to a time in the future when the dharma will have been forgotten by most on the terrestrial world.

Kibo began to grow interested as he left his village; swapping places with a clone he left at the Land of Sky and headed towards the Land of Demons with his quickest traveling speed, it only took him 3 hours to reach a massive country that was around the same size as the Land of Fire.

Kibo didn't intend to sightsee because he was a very busy man these days, and so he decided to head straight towards the Miko's Shrine.

After arriving he saw the largely built temple grounds, there was a small waterfall in the distance with a river than ran like a snake trough out the terrain, a dormant volcano was in the distant view; Kibo remembered that was where Mōryō's body was located. He looked over at the completely wooden shrine and jumped down of his Scorch Ship and alerted the guards surrounding the estate.

They gathered around while shouting "Intruder! Guard the Miko. Don't let the intruder pass." They aimed their weapons which consisted of spears and bow & arrows at him, Kibo raised his hands and said, "No is this any way to treat a guest?"

As they all stared at his face he waved his in confusion he waved his hands absorbing their weapons into his inventory. He then smiled before saying "I promise you that I mean no harm, and I only wish to speak with your Miko for a short while. If you want I can even wait for her to decide." Kibo waved his hand again returning their equipment.

Many of them were about to resume with stabbing and volleying their arrows; when a teenager that was almost in his twenties stepped out of the crowd and stopped them. Kibo recognized him as Shion's most loyal vassal and protector; Taruho.

"This man's visit wasn't mentioned by Lady Shion; so he means us no harm," Taruho explained that since she didn't predict their demise that meant Kibo wasn't here to cause trouble, and seeing how he took their weapons away that meant they had no chance of victory against this individual.

He had had short shoulder-length brown hair and pupil-less navy blue eyes. He wore red rectangular glasses and the same attire as the rest of the guards that consisted of a green vest with grey armor over a white and light purple collared kimono jacket, purple Hakama, sandals, and a black Eboshi.

Kibo smiled at him as Taruho led him to a waiting room, as he sat inside; he passed the time by looking at the decorations in the area. He noticed something that made his heart thump; there were four stone statues of the sacred beast in the room, normally this wouldn't be an uncommon thing since the legends of these beasts survived through the age of Immortals, but they were facing outward towards their perspective directions. Kibo walked over and placed his hand on Genbu's shell, after activating his Tengan his eyes widened.

He ran over to the other statues and touched them just the same, but there was no reaction; not even a speck of this objects history could be read. Kibo gulped as he sat back down in the center of the room and began to wonder who the hell Miroku, and how she managed to keep something hidden from his Tengan.

While he was pondering this over a nock was heard at the door when Taruho spoke out, "Lady Shion has agreed to meet you." The door opened to reveal Shino wearing her full shrine maiden's outfit. The formal priestess attire consisted of a long loose fitting lavender kimono and a neck-high black with white collar undergarment. Her light blond hair fell past her waist and was kept tied at the end with a pink bow. A golden crown was adorned on top of her head that had a long white veil covering her face and hanging over her chest.

She kept her head facing the ground as she entered the room; after she was seated she turned to Taruho and said, "Leave us!"