
Reborn in Naruto with Karma Seal

This is a story about a young man named Steve who reincarnated in the world of Naruto after his death. However, he is not born into a Kekkei Genkai clan like Uchiha or Hyuga but was given a karma seal in the beginning. Steve is determined to make the most of his situation and sets out to explore the world of Naruto. What to expect: 1. Weak to Strong main character. 2. Lots of training and genin and chunin missions that the MC will get 3. Some arcs will be adapted from movies, fillers, and novels. There will be original Arcs too. 4. Plot would be similar at the start but will change later on. 5. Smart and confident main character. 6. Some characters would be from Boruto too. 7. I will try to write character development of other oc characters besides mc. 8. MC reincarnates during the Kakashi era. Warning: 1. MC won’t be always winning 2. No R18 or harem( There might be romance but I am not 100% sure regarding that. I only have a few ideas regarding it now) 3. The story progression can be slow. 4. There will be deaths. 5. Don’t expect too accurate timelines. PS: This is my first fanfic. I will try to write it to the best of my capabilities. Comments are welcomed. I hope you guys provide constructive criticism regarding it and I will try to write bigger chapters as the story progresses. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto characters only the oc characters are my property.

TranslatorKun · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

The Legend of White Fang 6 (Side-Story)

The four shinobi raced at their top speed to distance themselves from the Hidden Cloud Village. Sakumo's earth clone was carrying Uchiha Kanami, who was still bewildered and didn't ask any questions until they had a chance to escape and take a breather.

Just as they were running, a kunai came flying toward Shinku. With quick reflexes, he successfully blocked it.

"Finally caught you!" a voice echoed as he approached the group. He was Dodai.

Sakumo couldn't help but wonder, "How did he find us?" One by one, the entire search team arrived at the location, including Samui. "There must have been a sensor ninja with them," Sakumo concluded.

Dodai finally answered Sakumo's internal question. "I believed at first that you were after the Raikage's life," he said. "But I also had my doubts that you might be after the captive ninja. So we tracked down his chakra signature and found you guys too."

Dodai further added with a smirk, "Seems like we hit the jackpot."

Despite the slight smirk on Dodai's face, his eyes betrayed his true intentions as they frantically searched for one person in particular - where was the Raikage? His assailant was here, but the Raikage was nowhere to be found. "Where could he be?" he thought to himself.

Samui, sensing the tension in the air, voiced the question that had been on everyone's mind. Turning to the Kumo Anbu attacker, she asked, "Where is Raikage-sama?"

Sakumo replied nonchalantly, "Who knows."

Dodai felt a moment of panic, but quickly dismissed it, knowing that Raikage-sama was the strongest and no one could defeat him in a fair one-on-one fight. They just needed to find him. He must be close by. Dodai fired a smoke signal to inform everyone that they had found the enemy.

Shinku wasted no time and unleashed a barrage of genjutsu techniques. As a member of the Kurama clan, his specialty lay in genjutsu. However, he had not yet awakened the Kekkei Genkai of the Kurama clan, which made their genjutsu so powerful that killing a victim in the genjutsu world would result in their death in the real world as well.

"Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique"

[The genjutsu was designed to bring to the surface the deepest fears and anxieties that individuals harbored within their hearts. It is a D-rank Genjutsu]

"Gejutsu: Chakra Ghost Technique"

[The user is able to cast a genjutsu involving the creation of silhouettes or illusory beings as a means of distraction. The entities are so realistic that they even have their own chakra pathway system, which can fool even the "all-seeing" Byakugan.It is a C-rank technique.]

"Hazy Genjutsu"

[This technique casts an illusion on the enemy that blurs the target's vision of the entire area. In addition, it causes the victim to react as though they're sinking in quicksand, effectively immobilising the target. It is a C-rank technique.]

While Shinku wasn't proficient in any S-rank genjutsu, his ability to ensnare multiple opponents in layers of genjutsu made him a formidable user. All the Kumo shinobi were caught off guard and froze in place, with some attempting to break free but only succeeding in breaking one or two layers of the genjutsu before being trapped again.

Shibai utilized his Kikaichu insects to extract chakra from the enemy and transfer it to him and Shinku. This was like a perfect collaboration jutsu.

Samui exclaimed, "Damn!" as she struggled to break free from the genjutsu. Finally, she managed to dispel all three and immediately charged toward Shinku. Her primary objective was to take down the genjutsu expert so that the other Kumo shinobi could be released from the genjutsu's hold. However, her plan was thwarted as Sakumo's Earth Clone intercepted her attack.

Sakumo's Earth clone interjected, "Not so fast."

As the battle raged on, Shibai continued to use his kikaichu insects to drain chakra from the Kumo shinobi, causing them to weaken and fall one by one. It seemed as though the battle was tilting in favor of Sakumo's team.

As things seemed to be turning in Sakumo's favor, a sudden interruption occurred. A shuriken hurled towards Sakumo, which he managed to block, but he couldn't shake off the strange feeling he had about it.

It was Koroi, from team 2, who had arrived and made the throw. "Got you," Koroi muttered. However, Sakumo's attention was diverted as he sensed something strange. Before he could react, five shuriken struck him from behind, and he disintegrated into dust.

"Earth Clone?" Koroi exclaimed in surprise.

Amidst the chaos, Shibai managed to analyze how Koroi was able to do it. He realized that Koroi was most likely a Magnet Style user and that when he first attacked Sakumo, the attack turned him into a magnet. Later, the shurikens were eventually attracted to him. Shibai pondered, "But doesn't Magnet Style belong to the Kazekage clan?"

Though Shibai was initially confused, he knew that he couldn't afford to delay any longer.

"I have to use this now," he declared.

He opened his gourd, revealing another type of insect he had besides the kikaichu - the Rinkaichu. These tiny insects were capable of destroying enemy cells, causing unbearable pain in the process. However, they couldn't move on their own and required physical contact with the enemy to be effective.

Shibai charged towards Koroi, taking several hits from shurikens along the way, but fortunately, none of them were fatal.

Though, he let out a scream, "Guah!" as he felt the pain. Without wasting any time, Shibai managed to touch Koroi's body with his bare hands, and immediately, purple spots started appearing on Koroi's neck.

"Shit….. ahhh... fuck"


Koroi writhed in pain, his body convulsing as he screamed out loud.

Dodai and Samui watched in horror as Koroi writhed in agony and eventually passed away. They had never seen this kind of jutsu before, and Dodai couldn't help but wonder what other secrets the enemy had up their sleeves. As for Samui, her troubled look deepened as she realized the level of danger they were facing. The rinkaichu's poison was said to be lethal, but the victim typically died from the excruciating pain it caused rather than the poison itself.

"Koroi, no," Samui mumbled, her voice choked with emotion. Dodai tightened his grip on his kunai, his eyes burning with a desire for revenge.

As the battle between the two sides intensified, a loud thud shook the battlefield, as if a mountain had collapsed. It was, in fact, due to Sakumo's Earth Devouring Jutsu, which he used to trap the Raikage.

"What was that?" Dodai's mind raced with confusion and concern as he heard the thunderous explosion. Samui's expression mirrored his own, both wondering what could have caused such a disturbance on the battlefield.

Without wasting any time, Shibai unleashed his Rinkaichu insects upon the enemy, swiftly moving from one shinobi to another and leaving a trail of purple spots behind. As he approached Dodai, the Kumo jonin braced himself for the attack.

As Shibai was about to touch Dodai with his Rinkaichu insects, he felt a powerful blow that sent him flying back at least 10 meters. The thunderous punch came from 'A' in his Thunder Armor.

Shibai let out a scream of agony, "GGAAAAHHHH!"

'A' and his team had finally arrived on the battlefield. "One down," said 'A', confident in his strength.

Shinku struggled to maintain the genjutsu on so many opponents, and his exhausted state made him vulnerable. He looked towards his teammates for support, but they were all busy fighting their own battles.

"Damn it," Shinku muttered under his breath, realizing he had to come up with a plan to defeat the Kumo nin. Suddenly, A rushed towards him with the intention to kill.

"Lightning Release: Three Finger Assault," A shouted, ready to pierce Shinku's chest. But his attack was intercepted by a glowing white sabre.

"it's you," said Dodai

He confirmed that this is the real attacker and not a clone that fought Raikage but still Raikage was nowhere to be seen.

Sakumo surveyed the chaotic battlefield, noting the dire state of his comrades. "This is bad," he thought to himself, feeling the weight of the situation.

"I need to come up with a plan quickly." He was faced with the daunting task of fighting against at least twenty other ninjas, including Dodai, Samui, and A. It seemed like an impossible feat, but Sakumo knew he had to keep fighting.


As the battle raged on, a figure with bi-colored hair moved rapidly from tree to tree, swiftly approaching the site of the conflict. A purple diamond-shaped mark adorned the right side of his face, and he donned the standard attire of a Kumogakure shinobi, complete with a flak jacket, long-sleeved v-neck outfit, and bandages underneath. A large sword was strapped to his back, and his name was Blue B, the jinchuriki of the Eight-Tailed Beast.


The fight between Sakumo and the three Kumo jonin, A, Samui, and Dodai, had intensified to a point where Sakumo was taking hits from all directions. He had been able to defend himself most of the time, but the constant onslaught was taking a toll on him. A's thunder chakra mode was not as powerful as Raikage's, that's why his white chakra saber was still able to penetrate Sakumo's defenses.

Suddenly, a mysterious figure appeared on the battlefield. It was B, the jinchuriki of the eight-tailed beast. A yelled in disbelief, "Why is he here?"

Dodai warned, "B-sama, this is not a safe place."

Samui muttered under her breath, "This is bad."

Upon observing the scene, Sakumo noticed that this individual carried a certain air of significance. He began to speculate about the person's identity, running through different possibilities in his mind. "Could he be another son of the Raikage? It's unlikely but still possible. Or perhaps he's a Jonin from Kumogakure searching for us? That's less likely. But... "

As he pondered, it finally occurred to Sakumo, "Could he be a Jinchuriki?"

He knew Kumo has 2 tails and 8 tails. He did not care which Jinchiruki he is. But he was probably the last saving grace for them. His team was already half dead and there seemed almost no way to escape.

Sakumo rushed towards B with lightning speed, determined to reach him before the Kumo ninja could intervene.

However, A had other plans. "No, you won't," A growled.

Unleashing his powerful White Chakra release attack. The Getsuga Tenshou slammed into A, throwing him several meters away. Samui and Dodai attempted to block Sakumo's advance, but Shibai arrived just in time to stop them in their tracks with a swarm of kikaichu.

Despite the obstacles, Sakumo finally closed in on B. The Jinchuriki tried to counter with Ninjutsu, but Sakumo moved swiftly and cut him shallowly across the torso with his blade. Though he didn't want to kill B, he could see the seal on his abdomen, confirming his suspicion that he was indeed a Jinchuriki.


Blue B stepped back.

Sakumo pleaded with Shinku and Shibai to hold A, Dodai, and Samui for a while because he had a plan.

Shinku gathered his remaining chakra and unleashed the net of three Genjutsu again, causing Shibai to scream in pain but still maintain the genjutsu.


As for Sakumo, He leaped towards Blue B, He was fairly skilled in fuinjutsu. This type of ninjutsu was not only used to seal chakra, but also to unseal existing fuinjutsu seals.

Though he had little time to study the seal, he deduced its type and made his move towards Blue B, finally grabbing hold of him. As he attempted to unseal the jinchuriki's seal...….. it failed.

"Damn it, it failed... Wait, I can feel the tailed beast chakra now. That means the seal has weakened. I need one little push," thought Sakumo.

"Huff... huff... Get away from me," said Blue B, who was visibly in pain due to the earlier slash.

Sakumo utilized the "Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique," the same genjutsu that Shinku had used earlier. Although it was a D-rank genjutsu and not too difficult to learn, Sakumo poured all his chakra into it. Finally, Blue B was under the influence of the genjutsu because he was not a perfect jinchuriki. In genjutsu, he saw himself destroying the entire Cloud Village and killing the Raikage with the power of his tailed beast.


cried out Blue B as the negative emotions engulfed him. A red chakra, resembling boiling lava, slowly emanated from his body.
