one day a girl dies and is given a choice by a god if she would like to reincarnated of course the only answer lucy would give is yes so, follow her as she reincarnated in the world of my hero academia.
The next day as Lucy reached the school. She Saw that there was a swarm of reporters in front of the school. As she came up to the school the reporters surrounded her.
Hey, can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with all might? Reporter 1 asked.
Are you one of all might students tell us what's the symbol of peace like in person? Reporter 2
How is he faring as a teacher what are you learning? Reporter 3
As they kept shoving their microphones in my face and asking more questions all I said was no comment as I tried to get around them and into school. As I got past the school gates the teachers blocked the reporters, I could still hear them talking behind me.
As I was walking to class I couldn't help to say out loud I don't know how heroes do it reporters are really annoying.
Suddenly I heard a voice next to me say I know right times like this I'm happy to have this quirk.
Hearing this I quickly turned my head seeing Toru pair of gloves in the air.
Toru giggled and waved say Hi Lucy did I scare with a little laugh in her voice.
Hearing this I only shook my head grabbing her hand and pulling her closer to me As I wrapped my hand around her waist I said how could I be scared when I heard such a cute voice talking to me?
I feel her push herself out of my arms.
I turn and see her crossing her arms and hear her say yeah right, I saw you give a little jump when you heard my voice hump.
I just laughed imagining her pouting then said yeah you got me anyways how long have you been there.
When I got to school, I saw you Surrounded by reporters and didn't feel like going through that, so I quickly Took off my clothes and used you as cover getting into school. Toru said.
Hearing that she took her clothes off to get in I couldn't help but smirk and say wow Toru I didn't know you were such an exhibitionist.
Hearing what I said Toru punched me in the arm and said you know it's not like that Lucy and was stomping her feet.
I just laughed at her and said we should start heading to class before we're late.
Nodding her head Toru followed me to class.
Once we got to class me and Toro went to our seats and put our stuff down as I sat down, I saw Mina and Momo walking in talking about the reporters.
Men those reporters were everywhere I had such a hard time getting around and trying to get into class. Mina said.
That's right I do have some experience with reporters because of my family but these ones were really persistent. Momo said somewhat annoyed.
As they sat down, we all started talking before Mr. Aizawa walked in and stood in front of the class.
Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys I saw the video feeds and went over each of your teams results. Bakugo you're talented so don't sulk like a child about your loss okay?
yeah, whatever Bakugo said.
Midoriya I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again work harder and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk that line's already getting old you can't keep breaking your body while training here but your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it. Mr. Aizawa said.
Thank you I'll try my best! Midoriya responded.
Let's get down to business our first task will decide your future. Mr. Aizawa said with a serious look on his face.
The whole class got nervous hearing his words thinking that it was going to be something like the quirk examination again.
I just try to hold in my laugh knowing it was nothing like that.
You all need to pick a class representative. Aizawa said
The class let out a collective sigh of relief knowing it was just going to be ordinary school stuff.
After that, everyone in the class tried to become the class rep. Until Ida came up with the idea of taking votes.
I quickly made my choice of who I would vote for. I voted for Momo because I knew she could do the job, and I was close to her. I just hoped that people wouldn't vote for me because I did not want to be president knowing that in the long run, it didn't mean anything.
Once everyone finished placing their votes in. Most people voted for themselves but I saw that I had the most votes with three and Momo had two, so we were president and vice president.
But I did even vote for myself why do I have to be president I grumbled to myself.
I felt someone tap me on the back when I turned around, I saw Momo giggling and she said congratulations president as she stood up walking towards the front of the class.
After that I walked up and stood next to Momo then Mr. Aizawa walked back into class.
Okay, now that it's decided that Miss Ellis and Miss Yaoyorozu will be the president and vice president of the class you guys can go to lunch. Mr. Aizawa said leaving the class.
Walking back to my seat I wasn't too worried about being president knowing that I was going to give it up before school was even over today.
In the cafeteria I sat with Momo, Mina and Toro I was telling them how I was planning to let someone else be the class President.
What why don't you want to be president everyone in that class wanted to be it. Mina Asked
I explained how being crass president was never really my thing and I hope that someone who wanted it and knew what they were doing could be it.
Momo to the side of me looked sad That I wasn't going to be president, but she nodded her head in understanding.
Once that conversation was over, we kept talking while eating but then we heard an alarm go off in the building.
Warning level 3 security breach please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion. We heard a robotic voice saying in the speakers.
The cafeteria exploded with fear students screaming and shouting trying to make their way out of the building.
As the girls all got up to try to leave the building too, I asked them to stop. They turned and looked at me asking why I was not getting ready to leave I pointed to the window so they could see what was going on.
Look I said it's just reporters nothing to worry about as they saw it was no big deal they sat back down.
But in My head, I thought I forgot this happened looks like the USJ is going to happen soon.
When the girls sat back down, we saw Ida floating in the air calming the rest of the students down, not long after the teachers were able to kick out all the reporters everything calmed down and went back to normal.
Once we got back to the classroom we could hear our friends talking about emergency exit Ida laughing and praising him for calming everyone down. Then Mr. Aizawa came in telling everyone to go to their seats and asking me and Momo to speak as president.
When I got to the front of the Class I planned to make an announcement can I get everyone's attention please. I gave some thought to this and I decided to give my position as President to Tanya Ida.
The class was shot hearing that I was going to give up my seat as President.
After that I explained that I didn't really want to be president, and seeing how Ida handled the situation at lunch earlier I thought he would be perfect to be president.
After hearing what I said voices of agreement started talking about how Ida handled the situation and that he would be able to be a great president.
At the hearing this Ida stood up and said I appreciate your confidence in me I'll make sure not to let you down. Ida said.
After that either came up to the front of the class and started talking about some rules you would start enforcing for the classroom.
Hearing this some of the class groaned that they made a mistake by agreeing with me that Ida should be the president.
When I was back in my seat I was just happy that I wouldn't have to be President.
Once that was over school continued the same as every other day and was let out. On her way home Lucy was thinking about what was going to happen at the USJ.
Most things that happened at the USJ could happen with me here nobody should get hurt the only thing that can't change is all might showing up if he doesn't show up we'll be screwed.
Ending those bad thoughts Lucy made it back to her house.
Hi baby how was school today we heard you had some intruders. Asked her mom asked.
It was just some reporters nothing to worry about she replied.
Okay that's good to hear her mom answered
With that, Lucy went Up to her room. once Lucy was in her room she lay in her bed and thought I hope everything goes okay tomorrow.
That was chapter 7 let me know your thoughts on the story is going hope you enjoyed