
Reborn In Marvel As Nightwing

A random guy gets reincarnated in marvel world with a few gifts watch as how our MC chose his path in his new life in marvel *DISCLAIMER* I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING !!!! *pic is not mine*

dekomekoheko · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

The Void

* before you read this, please read the auxiliary, thank you*

I dont know how long I've been stranded in this void-ish place, I don't even know how to call this place, its just a infinite white room, with nothing to kill my boredom.

Well the good news is I can fly? kinda? well if you count floating as flying then yes I indeed can fly.

No matter how long I float, how hard I scream, and how hard I tried, I can't seem to find anyone or anything in this place except me.

That was what exactly on my mind a minute ago before I saw in a distance another living creature beside me in this hellish place.

So I tried to took a closer inspection, all I can see from my point of view was just his back side, he was wearing what I assuming was a robe that the ancient rome would wear, accompany by his long white kinda silver hair.

I tried to catch his interest, I assume it was a man judging by the posture and the body. "uhm-- excuse me sir..?"

" uhm do you know what this place is..?"

Just like I was expecting, my question brings his attention to me, and he turn around to face me.

And what I'm seeing was a man, An older man that brings you this majestic feelings, that brings you this aura of authority, his blue colored eyes that can seem to even look into your soul and your thoughts.

"what? who are you little child?" ask the old man a little surprise. "and why are you here?"

"uhm I don't know why I'm here, for as long as I can remember I always floating around in this void, for god knows how long... and uhm.. for your first question, I don't know who I am."

Yes I don't know who I am, but I can surely knows that I'm already dead, How ? it's because I remember a fragment of memory inside my head, and I'm assuming that that is my past lives memories, I can remember my families, my friends, and even my favorite tv shows and comic books, but the weird part is I cant remember my relatives and friend names, its like something is stopping me from prying any further into my memory, I dont even know my name.

"hmmm interesting..." said the old man as he gently stroke his beard. " I havent seen this phenomenon before".

"what? what is interesting? what phenomenon?? wait who are you??" I ask him impatiently, as far as I know, I dont have any clue about this place, and this old man in front of me is giving me the impression that he knows what this place is.

"patience my child, I know that you have a lot of question on your mind, and I will try my best to answer them all"

" First, this place is what I like to call THE VOID, this is where souls gets judgement, if they have more good deeds than evil sins they will go the the paradise, and if they got more evil sins than good deeds, tham they will go to the purgatory."

I tried to sunk the information that I just got while in disbelieved, so all this time I'm just floating around in such a place

" Secondly, you of course cant remember who you are, no souls are strong enough to remebering who they are in their past lives, but you my child, are a special cause thats why I called this a phenomenon, you can remember fragments of your past lives, that means you have such a strong will, and if you ask, how can I know that you can remember your past lives? my answer will also answer your other question, who am I? I am ROB, or thats what you like to call me based on your memories."

To say that I'm shocked was a understatement, I'm truly at disbelieved and overwhelmed by the statement that I just heard, so the one who I am talking to is ROB??

" so what now? "

" arent I supposed to bu judged?"

" well you are quiet the unique case, usually souls instantly gets judged by the time they arrive at this void, cause they cannot withstand the power from the void, while you are not only stay at the void for thousands of years, you also absorb some of the essence of the void, which makes you stronger"

" so how about this, I give you a proposition?, I will give you a second chance in life at a random world with some few perks, how does that sound?"

As he gave me his proposal I just cant help but wondered but why? why me?

as if he can read my mind ( he can ) he says " Its because I want to see how far you can go with that strong will of yours."

Thingking I got nothing to lose, I accept his proposal.

*check out author notes*

so hows that for the first chapter.

next chapter is about choosing gifts, 3 gifts exactly, and all i can think about is haki, tony starks genius, and the last one is either sun jin woo system ( solo leveling ) or something random.

give me some recommendation, and reference for gifts.

please give me critiques. :)))

dekomekohekocreators' thoughts