
To deceive your enemy......

The airship landed on the airpad atop the Heaven's Arena tower and I exited it, my slingbag swinging lightly behind me. My father descended soon after dragging along a trolley suitcase.

I planned on journeying a while after this and I needed to fool my father about it. Hence I told him that I was going get training from a fighter on the 200th floor. What I didn't tell him was that my training was going to be done by me, on my own, alone on the road.

But that's for later. Right now, after we settled into our hotel room, I made my way to the 200th floor residences.

Going up to the reception I asked the lady to send a message to Kastro for me.

'I know the clown's weakness. Meet me in the 54th floor cafeteria in 10 minutes if you wish to know.'

She looked at me weird but ultimately passed on the message as I boarded the elevator to the 54th floor.

I walked into the food court and picked the table on farthest, most isolated corner of the area and waited. Right on the dot, he came rushing in, wildly looking around. I met his eyes and silently gestured at the seat beside me and he followed.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"What? No hi or hello? Just straight up 'what do you want?'. Who do you think you are? Some cheesy spy thriller protagonist? How rude!" I said.

He sighed defeatedly and added.

"Hello. I am Kastro. But I get the sneaking suspicion that you already knew that. Now stop messing around and tell me what you want in exchange for the information? Money? Favors? Sex?"

"Ew! No. Do people really do that?" I asked.

"You'd be surprised at how many women threaten me with false accusations of rape if I don't impregnate them. It comes with the celebrity. Women like gladiators. What can I say?" He replied.

"That must suck." I said deflating the tension.

"No. Not really. I'm used to it by now. And quite a few of them are rather attractive too. So it's a win-win. So then, it's money after all?"

"No. I need a favor. It's a small one I promise. Won't take more than a couple of hours. A day tops."

"Alright. What's the weakness?" He asked.

"Ah yes. There is none. He's pretty much overpowered..."

"Are you wasting my time?" He asked, his tone threatening.

"....But" I continued, " I can tell you about his hatsu!"

"Go on."

"He is a transmuter. His hatsu is called Bungee Gum. It gives his nen the properties of both rubber and gum, but making it stronger than either of those substances. You might have noticed him sticking stuff to other stuff and pulling at things supernaturally. That's the one."

I intentionally kept out the knowledge about Texture Surprise from him. After all, he died originally due to that hatsu and I can't have him actually survive that fight, now can I?

"Hmmm...." he pondered, before adding, "How exactly do you know about this?"

"A magician never reveals his tricks!" I said with a flourish as Kastro gave another sigh.

"Fine then. Your information checks out. What do you want in return?" He said.

"I want you to awaken my Nen! But do it gently, by nudging my aura nodes open slowly. Without harming me. Can you do that?" I specified.

"I ... can try. That's the best I can promise you. But don't worry. I won't harm you." He answered.

"Well then, let's get it over with. Will your room be fine?" I asked.

"Yes." He said and gestured me to follow. And follow I did.

And after a lot of pain, a bit of first aid and a dislocated shoulder later, I had control of my aura. I had been initiated into the most powerful ability in this world. And I was lovin' it. Not least because I feasted on MickeeDees afterwards, or as these people called it, WcRonald's. Yup, it's your classic anime offbrand name. Guess you gotta avoid that frivolous lawsuit from the clown factory. Even in another world. Lawyers truly are terrifying!

"Alright then, anything else?" He asked.

"Just one more thing." I said.