
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

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Chapter 38 Bonfire Party 2

Almost all people around the campfire were people from the film industry, and the conversation quickly turned to movies, especially the future development trend of movies.

  "There is no doubt that special effects and post-production will account for an ever-increasing proportion of commercial films in the future. The $100 million investment in "Terminator 2" is now very high, but I believe that it won't be long before this The number will be exceeded." After James Cameron finished speaking, he took a big sip of beer.

  "He will definitely be surpassed!" Ryan nodded in agreement, and then said, "But that person's name will still be James Cameron."

  The people around him burst into laughter at the same time, but Cameron didn't take it seriously. , "For the director, it is a great honor."

  "For the investment company, it is a huge pressure." Ryan seemed to be accustomed to confronting him, "Jim, believe me, one day you It will force investors to jump off the building."

  Next, the topic began to turn to film technology. Several ladies were obviously amateurs, so they simply got together and discussed fashion topics.

  Thanks to his career as a film projectionist in his previous life and the benefits of the information explosion, although Ryan is a complete layman in terms of professionalism, some of his opinions from time to time will always attract the attention of others, especially his views on film technology. , and Cameron, a technology geek, often coincide with each other.

  "I commissioned Industrial Light and Magic to use CG technology to make the beginning of the movie. Although it has not been completed yet, the effect will definitely surprise everyone." The great director is also a human being. After drinking, he inevitably started to show off, "You know, That CG scene of less than three minutes cost 7.5 million U.S. dollars, which can completely re-produce "Terminator 1.""

  Mario Casa on the other side almost covered his face and cried when he heard that. The money spent on special effects made his heart bleed.

  "Jim, haven't you ever thought about making a movie to compete for an Oscar?" It was just small talk anyway, so Schwarzenegger simply changed the topic.

  "You will be the leading actor and then challenge for the best actor's throne?" Cameron was obviously teasing.

  "Do you think this is possible?" Schwarzenegger asked. In fact, he knew very well that he would never have to think about winning the best actor award in his life.

  "Then do you think the Film Academy will award the Best Director to a director who can only make commercial films?" Cameron curled his lips disdainfully, "Would you suggest that I make those drowsy literary films? Movie?"

  "No, no, Jim." Ryan suddenly took over, "I think it's entirely possible."

  "Come on, Ryan, I admit you have some unique insights into movies, but you understand movies Is it the taste and standards of the academy?" Cameron waved his hand at him disdainfully.

  "Of course!" Ryan simply glared at him, "For example, if you continue to make science fiction films, you will be unpopular with the film academy like George Lucas. But what about making commercial films with realistic themes?"

  without waiting for his answer . , Ryan continued, "Yes, the old guys at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences are indeed stubborn and conservative, clinging to the so-called art brand, but that doesn't mean they won't bow to business. Think about it. Well, when a commercial blockbuster adapted from real events has achieved a box office of more than one billion U.S. dollars, or even two billion U.S. dollars, will the film academy continue to ignore it? Do they dare to continue to ignore it?"

  "Oh God! Do you think I can make a movie that grosses over one billion or even two billion dollars?" Cameron smiled and shook his head.

  Ryan shrugged and simply shut his mouth. Anyway, everyone just treated him as a child and just joking.

  Sonorous and powerful music sounded, and those who were drunk played dance music. Many people gathered in an open space and danced.

  Drinking makes people bold, and there are more men than women in the crew. Naturally, many people came to talk to Nicole shamelessly. However, under the influence of Ryan, Nicole was not interested in heavy metal music. What's more, her surname He has a lot of coldness and arrogance. Even though he is polite on the surface, he is rude when he refuses people.

  Ryan dug his ears. To be honest, these fast-paced heavy metal dance music were closer to noise in his ears. What was even more devastating was that someone in the crew who was drunk also used alcohol to drink. He roared a song. If this place were not close to the city, there might be a wolf coming, and it would be a female wolf!

  "Nicole, let's go back." He really didn't want his ears to be poisoned anymore.

  "You don't like it?" Schwarzenegger came over.

  "Don't you think it's too noisy?" Ryan held Nicole's hand and shrugged.

  "By the way, I remember that you often played the guitar. How about you give us a performance?" Sitting next to Nicole was Linda Hamilton. She immediately remembered that the boy often played with the guitar in his arms.

  "Quiet! Quiet!"

  Schwarzenegger's voice was so loud that he suppressed the music. He did not ask for Ryan's opinion. After the music stopped, he said bluntly, "Ryan is going to do something for me." Let's perform a guitar solo!"

  I didn't agree, okay! Ryan curled his lips and was about to refuse, but suddenly remembered the song he had rearranged and changed the lyrics. Since it was for Nicole, why couldn't it be sung in front of so many people?

  Nicole's female assistant quickly ran to the boy's trailer and took his acoustic guitar over. When she opened the guitar case and took out the guitar, someone who knew the goods at the scene praised, "Taylor's handmade rosewood guitar." , 70,000 US dollars! Ryan is indeed a little rich man!"

  Ryan didn't use a pick, tried the tone as usual, looked at Nicole, and when her eyes fell on him, he said, " "Becausa.of.you" is dedicated to Miss Nicole Kidman!"

  The beautiful guitar sound sounded. Although this song is not very suitable for acoustic guitar, with Ryan's superb technique, the tune is less sad. , a little more sentimental.

  "I will not make the same mistakes I have made before, and I will not let my heart be filled with pain again...

  Because of you, I learned to stay in a safe place and not be hurt. Because of you, I try to believe in others and connect with the people around me. People can coexist peacefully, because of you, my heart has something to rely on!"

  Ryan has not yet changed his voice, and his singing voice is inevitably a little childish. Compared with the original version, his singing voice is not rich enough, but more high-pitched, somewhat close to the British boy's version, but of course, it is different from both, because He added his own feelings to it.

  The lyrics have been modified in many places. For example, at the end, I felt afraid and became my heart. The meaning of the lyrics is more like the changes in his life after meeting Nicole, and he is afraid that one day she will Leave him alone.

  What remains unchanged is the transmission of emotion, the shocking accusation, and the resonance of all people who know or do not know music.

  Looking at Ryan playing and singing with his eyes closed, how could Nicole not hear what he wanted to express? Although the song resonated strongly with her, she didn't like it.

  Because this sad song reminded her of his past, returned to their meeting on the Avenue of Stars, and foresaw the future... separation!

  She suddenly felt a little irritable. She didn't know why, and wanted to stop Ryan from continuing to sing, but she endured it. The moment his singing stopped, she smiled and clapped.

  I have to say that her acting skills in this life are indeed very good. Even Ryan, who is very familiar with her, did not notice anything strange.

  Excellent songs always have the power to touch people's hearts. Even if the song is so unfamiliar, it does not prevent them from tasting the unique flavor from the music.

  When the song ended, the applause was so loud that it seemed to shake the sky. Ryan twitched his lips proudly, and James Cameron, who always liked to make things difficult for him, suddenly shouted, "Hey, Ryan, come again." One!"

  "Yes, Ryan, one more." The voices of boos came one after another, which seemed to be trying to beat down a lost dog.

  Ryan couldn't help but feel a little crazy. He had written a lot of songs, but most of them were just fragments. Moreover, he felt that he was still far away from changing his voice, and he didn't bother to sort them out. The most memorable English songs were almost all masterpieces by female singers.

  Just like most people, young men and women tend to pay more attention to singers with different surnames. What's more, compared to movies, when he paid attention to the English music scene in his previous life, he had already entered the new century for several years.

  Could it be that there's going to be a boy's version of "Super Complicated"? I'll probably be slapped to death by yeast fans.

  Forget it, let's write an original song. Even though it's not finished, let's just sing it as far as it goes, and save these guys who are worried about the world from being in chaos from continuing to make noises.

  The sound of the acoustic guitar sounded again, and the rhythm was much brighter. Although it had a lot of country music style, it was undoubtedly closer to pop. The song Ryan hummed was full of inspirational flavor.

  "Life is like climbing. There are always obstacles on the way forward. People who never give up run forward with their heads held high until they reach the highest and most beautiful place..."

  This is a completely different style from the previous song. The songs are equally beautiful. There are many music lovers in the crew who have never heard these two songs. Moreover, although the boy has not got rid of his childish voice and his singing seems to have some flaws, the songs come out of his mouth. But it has a different flavor.

  Just as everyone was immersed in the song, when Ryan sang the chorus, the tune suddenly became scattered, and the guitar sound lost its previous sound and began to become chaotic.

  Sighing secretly, Ryan had no choice but to stop. Faced with the doubtful looks that came over him, he could only scratch his head and explain, "The music and lyrics are not finished yet, it can only be like this."

  What does it mean that the music and lyrics are not yet available ? Finish? Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then some people who reacted quickly came to their senses.

  Arnold Schwarzenegger's mouth trembled, "Ryan, don't tell me, you wrote these two songs?"

  "Actually... that's true." Ryan handed the acoustic guitar to him Nicole flicked her wrist vigorously. He had changed some words and re-arranged the music of the previous song, but the latter song was completely original. He was more confident than he had ever said before.

  The people around him who heard his words almost looked at him in amazement at the same time, looking at him as if they were looking at Martians.

  They wanted to ask, "Ryan, what else do you want?"