
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

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Chapter 26 Victory in the first battle

After entering late July, "The Sixth Sense" began to be released one after another. Looking at the jaw-dropping numbers, many people realized that this year's North American box office champion had already been assigned in advance.

  In his office in Burbank, Harvey Weinstein is reading the latest report. Even though the air conditioning in the room is fully air-conditioned, sweat is still flowing down his face.

  I just believed in a smart and eccentric boy and was optimistic about the story he created. My investment of 1 million US dollars actually earned more than 290 million US dollars in box office. You must know that this is only the North American box office. With the opening of the Eastern European market, overseas box office has already exceeded the North American box office. So what kind of profit will this movie get?

  Even if the share given to theaters exceeds 50% of the box office and is severely slashed by the tax bureau, the net profit of this movie still exceeds 70 million US dollars. Even if the seven major film companies are at the box office The profit last year was only a little more than this number.

  In particular, with the help of this movie, Miramax established its position in Hollywood, and many film producers came to seek investment.

  Harvey Weinstein wiped the sweat from his forehead and took out the two checks he had prepared for a long time. A wry smile appeared on his face. According to Hollywood practice, after a movie is a hit, the producer will distribute red envelopes to the crew. As for the amount, it depends on the position in the crew.

  As long as he thought of the red envelopes that had been distributed to the siblings, and then looked at the numbers on the check in his hand, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain. Who would have thought that in order to save money, he signed the seemingly childish sharing clause? , turned out to be a reality.

  Well, that boy is a gold mine. The $8 million spent on the two of them is regarded as an upfront investment. He has heard that Touchstone Pictures, a subsidiary of Disney, is in contact with his agent. , and Nicole Kidman holds another script created by the other party.

  Although the boy has only one script that has been successful so far, Harvey Weinstein believes in his own vision, just like when he believed that "The Sixth Sense" would make money, he is very sure that this time Success is not accidental. If possible, he really wants to buy the adaptation rights of all Ryan Jenkins' works. These are just like the adaptation rights of "The Lord of the Rings" he just purchased, and they will gain huge profits in the near future. income.

  At the same time, he also knew that this was almost impossible. Not to mention his beautiful guardian who was good at dancing and his agent who was as cunning as a fox. He was only ten years old and was difficult to deal with. They had known him for a year and they had talked to him more than once. He was taken to the ditch.

  He even had some doubts. When he and he first met, the little guy had dug a hole and was waiting for him to jump down.

  Of course, he has no regrets or complaints, after all, this huge benefit is real.

  It is said that Touchstone Pictures has reached a preliminary agreement with him, so he must hurry up and not let the script in Nicole Kidman's hands fall into their hands again.

  "Mr. Weinstein, Ms. Kingsley, Ms. Nicole Kidman and Mr. Ryan Jenkins are here." The secretary's words interrupted his thoughts.

  "Let them come in."

  Ryan followed Nicole into the office and looked around. This office specializes in simple subjects. Just like the rumors, the Weinstein brothers are not only stingy with others, but also with themselves. Stingy.

  Both parties were acquaintances, and there were not so many polite words. They simply said hello. After serving coffee and juice, the secretary quickly got down to business.

  "I haven't congratulated you yet, Harvey." After Nicole and their conversation came to an end, Ryan said with a smile, "The North American box office of 290 million US dollars should be ranked high in the history of movies, but it's a pity. Ah, if the schedule can be extended for another period, maybe it will exceed 300 million US dollars."

  "Congratulations to you too, Ryan." Harvey Weinstein handed two checks worth 100,000 US dollars to Nicole. "Jurassic Park" is still the number one bestseller list in the United States, and both Harry Potter books have entered the top 20. Not to mention your age, even Stephen King has not achieved such results. ."

  "Come on, Harvey, it's not like you don't know that these books are all based on books for all ages. Didn't you listen to those book reviewers? If it weren't for the noisy children, these books wouldn't sell a few copies. ."

  After Ryan finished speaking, he naughtily grabbed the check from Nicole's hand and looked at the numbers on it. There was a pile of green banknotes that was very exciting.

  After Nicole nodded, Ryan handed the check to Kingsley and said triumphantly, "Pat, you didn't expect that."

  Pat. Kingsley could only roll her eyes helplessly. She really didn't expect that. , the original contract not only did not reduce her income, but actually increased it a lot. You must know that 10% of the money in these two checks belongs to her.

  After chatting for a few more words, he simply hid out and asked Harvey's assistant to take him on a tour of the company. Ryan knew that Nicole and the others would probably talk about "Sleepless in Seattle", but he didn't want to think about it. Mix more.

  He was unwilling to be like Tom Cruise in his previous life, who interfered too much in Nicole's affairs and caused conflicts between the two.

  In the end, I don't know what conditions Harvey Weinstein offered, but Nicole agreed to cooperate with Miramax. However, judging from her expression, the conditions should be pretty good.

  "Four million US dollars in salary, plus 1.5% North American box office share." This is what Kingsley told him after getting in the car. "Harvey paid US$100,000 for your script."

  Ryan. He shrugged and didn't say anything. In fact, one hundred thousand dollars was not a small amount for him who only had one successful script. He believed that after the scripts he provided became hits one after another, he could rely on his status as a screenwriter to command box office. Even the surrounding shares.

  During the negotiations with Touchstone Pictures, the two parties reached an agreement when the box office of "The Sixth Sense" exceeded 250 million. It must be said that Kingsley was so famous in her previous life, and she was indeed very skillful in fighting for him. With a salary of three million US dollars and a two percent share of the North American box office, of course, this is all the compensation for the actors and screenwriters.

  The movie has entered the preparation period and will probably start filming early next month. It is said that it will go to northern Canada for filming. Ryan was relieved after learning the news. Otherwise, even though he could create a Christmas movie in the studio It's a snowy scene, but if you wear that thick winter coat to shoot, you will have to cover up the heat rash.

  This kind of movie shooting is not complicated. Chris Columbus said that as long as Ryan can be half as good as he was in "The Sixth Sense", he guarantees that it will take less than a month to finish filming in Canada.

  Fortunately, the summer vacation is still very long, otherwise just asking for a long leave from school would be a hassle.

  The car did not return to Westwood, but went directly into Beverly Hills. In the afternoon, they made an appointment with a real estate agent to check out several reading villas in his hands.

  The terrifyingly high box office of "The Sixth Sense" made many media focus on Ryan. The paparazzi downstairs became more and more active, which not only affected their lives, but also caused a lot of trouble to the surrounding neighbors. Because of the trouble, Nicole simply entrusted Kingsley to find a suitable house.

  There are many areas where celebrities and wealthy people live in the greater Los Angeles area, such as Malibu, Santa Monica, and the Blunkett neighborhood in the city. But Ryan doesn't know why, but Nicole has a crush on Beverly Hills. Duzhong made it clear that the villa must be located in Beverly Hills.

  Well, Beverly Hills is actually pretty good, it's close to Hollywood and many stars live here. After looking at several villas, Ryan comforted himself in this way.

  "Ms. Kidman, what do you think of this place?"

  Cornes Miller, who was leading the way, was a real estate agent, but he only served the rich. While he could speak well, he also maintained the necessary respect and etiquette. , "This French-style villa, including the garden, covers a total area of ​​2.4 acres, with an outdoor court and outdoor swimming pool, as well as a four-car garage. It is a masterpiece of the famous villa designer Paul Cosney."

  There was only one in the past life that was not the same . The 30-square-meter house was still rented. He spent most of his life in an orphanage. Even after being adopted by Nicole, he never thought about life matters. Ryan was a complete layman when it came to choosing a house. Just hold Nicole's hand and just look at it.

  Walking into the empty villa, the real estate agent continued, "The villa has two floors, a total of seven bedrooms, three cloakrooms, five large storage rooms, an indoor swimming pool and gym, and a small terrace on the top floor.

  " Looking around, this villa is much larger than the one we lived in in London. It can be seen from the details that the design is indeed unique. Even without furniture, it seems a bit empty, but Ryan can It was obvious that Nicole was quite satisfied.

  "Ryan, what do you think of this place?" Nicole asked for his opinion. Ryan believed that as long as he shook his head, Nicole would definitely turn around and leave without even thinking about it.

  "In such a big place, do we have so much money?" Ryan lived in a country with the most terrifying housing prices in his previous life, and in this life he has no understanding of housing prices in the United States. Naturally, he felt a little nervous when he saw this luxurious villa.

  "Dear, what you should ask is whether I have that much money!" Nicole smiled.

  "Well, this place is pretty good, as long as the price is right."

  Next, during the conversation between Nicole and the real estate agent, Ryan finally understood that compared to his and Nicole's income, this building was expensive. The villa is really not expensive, not to mention you can apply for a loan. However, after purchasing the house and land in the United States, there is no useful life. Although you have to pay a tax every year, it is still more suitable than a long-term lease of 70 years.

  "Nicole, when are we moving?" Ryan asked before leaving.

  "Moving?" Nicole shook her head and said with a smile, "It will take a long time, the house needs to be renovated, and we have to buy furniture."