
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

azzari · Ti vi
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55 Chs

Chapter 20 The Sixth Sense Premiere

The afterglow of the setting sun gradually dissipated, and darkness unconsciously enveloped the entire sky. Under the night, the City of Angels was filled with neon lights and bright lights.

  There was a buzz of people outside the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. The long red carpet was rolled out for a long distance. As celebrities stepped onto the red carpet one after another, the clicks of camera shutters became a continuous sound. At the same time, fans cheered and reporters asked questions. , the clamor of the paparazzi also started to make noise.

  Putting down the camera in his hand, Mick Taylor breathed a sigh of relief temporarily. He is a reporter for the entertainment section of the Los Angeles Times. He is used to seeing all kinds of big scenes. If this is not the off-season of the movie schedule, if it is not the promotion of Miramax, According to the news released at the time, it would be difficult for Al Pacino, his ace, to personally take part in a movie like this. ,

  "Mick, is Miramax deliberately hyping it up?" His assistant asked at this time, "It's great for a ten-year-old child to be able to read fluently and write movie scripts? Is this possible, unless he is Mars? People."

  "Didn't you see that there is only one name behind the screenwriter, which is exactly the same as the one in the cast list. Who is this Ryan Jenkins? Did he pop out of the stone?"

  In Mick? In Taylor's opinion, since Miramax dared to clearly state in the promotion that the script was written by a child or adapted from him and his guardian, it must be absolutely sure, otherwise, even if it was Harvey Wayne, No matter how thick-skinned Stan is, he would not dare to do anything to fool the public.

  "Hey, Mick, here they are, it should be them!"

  A tall, cool and sexy girl led a boy about ten years old onto the red carpet, and his assistant quickly reminded Mick Taylor.

  Although he was a little nervous, Ryan still managed to calm down. In any case, in his previous life, he worked in a large movie theater chain for many years and saw many kinds of red carpets, which helped him somewhat.

  "Smile, Ryan, your face is so tight it's almost like a stone." Nicole Kidman reminded in a low voice.

  Well, people on both sides are rocks, and reporters and paparazzi are rotten eggs. Ryan started self-hypnosis. Even though the flashing lights that came on from time to time made him uncomfortable, he still had a smile on his face.

  "Ms. Nicole Kidman, this should be your first film in Hollywood. Are you ready to stay in Hollywood?" "

  Ms. Kidman, it is said that this movie is based on you and... ah , adapted from Mr. Ryan's personal experience, is it true?"

  When she came to the press area, various questions came to her, but Nicole had no intention of answering them and ignored them. Shouting, holding Ryan's hand, he walked directly to the front of the theater.

  Ryan took a look at this famous theater. To be honest, in his opinion, the name Chinese Theater was too misplaced. Not only did it not have any Chinese architectural style, but it was somewhat similar to a country rich in transvestites. Maybe it should be changed to Thailand. theater?

  "Hi, Al, and David, long time no see." Ryan took the initiative to say hello.

  "Ryan, you've grown a lot taller." Al Pacino walked over and wanted to pat the boy's shoulder. Suddenly he thought of what he had experienced and stopped quickly, but his hand stopped in mid-air. Looks very funny.

  "Al, don't worry, I don't have thumbtacks under my dress."

  Hearing Ryan's joke, the crew gathered here laughed. They remembered clearly that during filming, Ryan tried to get revenge on Al Pa. Sino often patted him on the shoulder, and deliberately inserted the thumbtacks with the pointed ends upside down in the sweater under his clothes, waiting for him to surrender.

  After taking pictures with the main creative staff of the show, he and Nicole walked directly into the theater. The premiere was not big, and there were not many celebrities invited. Besides, except for a limited number of Hollywood stars in the early 1990s, , Ryan doesn't recognize most of them, and even if he has seen them in some movies, he has almost forgotten them.

  Besides, he was still a child and not famous, so few people would talk to him. In order not to disturb Nicole, who was good at dancing in the crowd, the boy simply found a corner and planned to enter the screening room directly when the time was about the same. watch a movie.

  Unexpectedly, he didn't go far when he saw a few people chatting together. One of them stood there as solidly as a hill, and his iconic figure looked a little paralyzed. The face made him instantly recognize who the other person was.

  Ryan didn't leave at all, and he couldn't go up to say hello directly, so he stood aside and planned to listen to what they were talking about, because he also knew the bearded man who spoke.

  "Caroko Film Company has integrated the copyright, and I have come up with the main plot of the script. Although there are still many problems, the basic framework of the film is already there. What is missing now is funds. Without enough funds, I can't do anything. ." It was the bearded man who spoke.

  "Jim thinks this movie requires an investment of at least US$80 million."

  "Eighty million? How can US$80 million be enough? It needs at least US$100 million!" The bearded man stretched out a finger.

  "God, Jim, you will scare away all investors sooner or later."

  "Will the T800 robot played by Arnold this time be a decent person?" another person asked.

  "That's right." The bearded man sighed, seeming to have a lot of difficulties, "Although I have a lot of ideas for the villain's robot, I have never figured out what kind of robot can fit the identity of the future Sky Killer. ."

  "A liquid robot!" A slightly immature boy's voice suddenly came from behind them, "This machine killer from the future should be composed of a liquid alloy. He can simulate the volume that he has come into contact with. Similar objects, including humans, and their bodies can also be transformed into various cold weapons, killing people like crazy, without emotion or reason!"

  In the surprised eyes of everyone, Ryan did not feel the slightest bit ashamed, "Hello, Arnold Shi Mr. Wasinger, and Mr. James Cameron, I think you are talking about the sequel to "Terminator", right? I just happened to pass by here and overheard your conversation. I hope you don't mind. ."

  "It doesn't matter." The boy opposite is so polite that people can't help but feel good about him when they see him.

  "Little guy, how did you come up with this robot?" James Cameron asked curiously.

  "I have watched "Terminator"." Ryan quickly stuck out his tongue, "Please don't tell other people, okay? In fact, many plots in the first film can be extended, such as the future savior, I think this one There will definitely be a second part of the movie. Sometimes I just wonder, if Mr. Schwarzenegger plays a robot that protects the savior, what should his opponent look like?" "

  If the T800 is a heavy tank, then His opponent should have completely different characteristics, and I like Transformers very much, so I thought of a robot that can change forms at will, a liquid metal robot that is as fast as a Porsche!"

  Ryan said this. His words were clear and well-founded, as if he had really thought of these things himself.

  These words obviously touched James Cameron. He looked at Ryan thoughtfully, and after a while he asked, "Little guy, what's your name? You look familiar to me." "

  Ryan?" Jenkins, you can call me Ryan."

  "Ryan Jenkins?" Arnold Schwarzenegger was more sensitive about interpersonal relationships and immediately remembered something, "You are the little boy in "The Sixth Sense" ?"

  "Yes. I played a role." At this time, Ryan saw Nicole waving to him on the other side, so he had to say, "Sorry, I have to leave." "

  It's okay."

  Seeing that person A boy as big as a kid walked into the screening room holding a woman's hand. Arnold Schwarzenegger asked, "Jim, this setting sounds good."

  "More than good," James Cameron said softly. He let out a breath, and the problem that had troubled him for a long time was solved. "A very good idea."

  James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger also walked towards the screening room, but before entering, Cameron Long subconsciously glanced at the posters of "The Sixth Sense" on display, and in a hurry only saw one line - Screenwriter: Ryan Jenkins.

  After the opening credits of Miramax, the movie begins. The male protagonist of this movie is an out-and-out tragedy. He dies right after the opening scene. Of course, these will not appear until the end of the movie.

  Unlike others, while watching the movie, Ryan subconsciously compared it with another movie in his mind.

  It has to be said that David Fincher was called a geek director in his previous life, and it was indeed a well-deserved reputation. Although this movie is at most 60 to 70% similar to the one in his previous life. It has a common shortcoming of movies of this era - the pace is slow.

  However, this has just entered the 1990s, and fast food culture has not yet emerged. Moreover, in terms of suspense and emotional conflicts, David handles it extremely meticulously and brilliantly. There are many plots that remind the audience what a psychiatrist is like. exist.

  Communication, communication and family are themes that will never go out of style in North America. What's more, the movie also plays such a big trick. You know, this technique, which is almost worn out in the new century, is not only unique in this era, but it is Also very rare.

  When everyone was so moved by the emotional outburst between Cole and his mother that they thought this was the end of the movie, the psychiatrist returned home and discovered the shocking fact that he was dead!

  Many people unconsciously remembered what the little boy said - I can see ghosts, they don't know they are dead, they walk around like us and can only see what they want to see - and they suddenly understood . ;