
Reborn in BNHA with an Ability of a Ghoul

A pretty chill reincarnated guy who doesn't care about the canon and just lives however he wants. Updates are thrice every week! Just kidding it depends on my mood :)) I don't own the cover just took it from Google :))

Pupipow · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

New Life Good Life

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In one of a labor room at Fujitani Hospital you can hear a witch like voice shrieking profanities here and there, her name is Handa Yua a beautiful white haired woman with grey eyes who is usually a gentle and lovely person currently giving birth to our Protagonist. Next to her is Handa Yuma a handsome man with black hair and deep purple crystal eyes who immediately fainted after he saw the head of his son dangling in his wife's murdered void like a toy at the dashboard of a car.



"KIIIIGHHHHHHHH" shrieks by Ren's Mom who is currently gripping her husband's head to obliteration.

After a couple of shrieking by Yua and waking up then fainting again by Yuma, Ren was finally in the doctor's hand currently cutting Ren's umbilical cord.

"Congratulations Mrs. Handa your baby is a healthy little boy! Says the Doctor while handing the crying baby to Yua. At this time Yuma finally woke up again while the surrounding Nurses and the Doctor prays that the husband will not faint again.

"Ayaa our baby is so cute!" Says Yuma whose ear is currently being twisted in an impossible way.

"What cute are you talking about when you fainted three times!

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I'm sorryyyyy


"What should we name our baby? I kinda forgot what we should name him haha." chuckles nervously by Yuma while thinking quickly for a name because God knows how his Wife is going to name their son with her bad naming sense.

"Let's go with Pororo." Says Yua who's currently thinking of a character in cartoon that looks like an overfed penguin because of how fluffy it looks.

Immediately Yuma who is in the process of thinking got his forehead dripping with cold sweat. 'Imagine growing up and being called as Pororo' He immediately shook his head and blurted out "REN! Let's name him Ren instead alright?"

The Doctor and Nurses tending to Yua who unknowingly sighs a relief.

"Hmmkay" Says Yua who is currently feeling like the people in the room are thinking about something mean. "I'm tired but I still want to hold Ren" Says Yua who is now battling her tiredness just to get a few more time to hold her baby.

"Let me hold him too first so you can get rest there's a lot of time to catch up with Ren later" Says Yuma while kissing his wife's forehead and carefully taking Ren from his wife.

Unknown to them a certain reincarnated baby who studies Japanese because of how slow the translations of novels and comics almost had a heart attack hearing 'Pororo' who almost became his name.

'Whoooo' Nice save Dad! Lesson for the future! Don't make Mom decide for a name!'

Ren who is currently in his new Dad's arm are enjoying the feeling of warm from his new parents. He quickly accepted the idea of having new parents because he always believed that things always comes to an end.

At first even though he wish for it he felt weird to have a new parent after his past mother who even though a bit busy always checks up on him and his siblings he always felt grateful to his past Mom who in spite of his Father leaving them for another woman still fought the urge to show weakness in front of her three little kids and raised them well resulting in her body giving up at a young age because of overwork that is why Ren who is formally Rai had to drop-out of college to find a job and takes care after his twin siblings who is a graduating student in high school and his sick mother.

Though there is still worry in his eyes while thinking of his past family he immediately got past over it because he knows that Mr. Manager heard his last request to make his past Mother became healthy like she doesn't get hospitalized because of overwork.

"What a filial child usually people who get reincarnated gets excited for power to the point that they forgot the Family that they left." Says a certain Manager who is currently watching the process of Ren's rebirth.

time skip~


A year had passed since Ren's birth, now the young man is currently doing his quest of impressing his parents by saying his first word.

Ren: "Mmm

Yua: "Come on Ren say it~ say mama~ okay okay mama~"

Yuma: "No fair Ren I saved you back then you should say papa!"

Yua: "What do you mean?!"

Ren: "Mmma-mma


"I knew it you were going to say 'mama' first." Says Yuma in a despondent tone.

Ren: "Mm-money."

At this both his parents sweat dropped. Ren who is now giggling like an idiot quickly says

Ren:"Mama" and continues to giggle while saying mama over and over again.

Yua: "Haha his first word is definitely 'mama' right? I must have heard it wrong."

Yuma: "Yeah haha you're right mama is his first word."

'much better than being money as a first word I shouldn't complain.'

time skip~ (again)


Ren who for some reason a voracious eater to the point where Yua complains where does he stock those food and kept comparing on how little Ren suck on her milk when she was still breastfeeding him and how much he drank powdered milk today.

Ren who is now getting heavy stares from his Mom don't care about her and keep on shoving in cookies while drinking his milk from a glass.

Ren is now 4 years old and today is his first day to Primary School he is not that excited going to school rather he wants to quickly get out of the house being the reason is his Mom is too overprotective to the point that he can't even go to their backyard to find a good spot to read a novel.

Ren is originally a bookworm whose interest in life are to read novels and comics rather than watch a movie or anime though it doesn't mean that he hates them he just prefers reading and make his imagination to work wonders and visualize the characters.

In his past life all his colleagues at the company and block mates when he was still in college thinks that he is an extremely introverted guy who doesn't know how to socialize but they were always proven wrong by how glib his tongue was and whenever Rai wanted to have a companion they always get surprised by how quick he can find one.

Everyone know that Rai is only an above average guy not too handsome but definitely not a normal looking man and his targets were always beautiful women ranging from 8 to 10.

Anywho Ren who is getting excited at the thought of finally getting off the clutches of his Mom for a while picks up his bag put his art supplies inside and little sketching pad.

One thing that he found out in his abilities is that the enhanced talent not only works in battle like what he first thought to be but literally every skill starting from simple things like cooking up to the more complicated ones and it also increase his memory but not to the point where he have a photographic memory and with the help of his enhanced body his dexterity are much greater than a normal painter making him quickly getting better in his sketches.

"Let's go Ren you are running late!" Shouts Yuma who is waiting outside.

"Coming! Bye Mom! See you later!"

"Bye!" Says Yua while sniffing seeing her son finally taking his first step to growing up.

'I will make sure to make my little baby not to grow fond of women at the early age and risk my baby boy getting taken away from me!' Shouts Yua in her heart while blowing her nose in a handkerchief.

'Why do I feel like something bad is about to happen?' Says Ren while shrugging his shoulders.

After driving for 10 minutes his Father drop him off in front of a Pre-School. Seeing lots of brats rushing in excitedly while some were crying to their parents Ren only had one thought of this.

'Seeing this overly excited brats takes away a whole lot of my energy.'

"What do you think Ren? You think you can spend that kind of energy running around? "Says Yuma as he chuckles thinking how accurate his Son got his laid back attitude.

Ren only grunts at this while murmuring "troublesome".

Soon Ren and Yuma found themselves in front of his classroom while the teacher are talking to Ren like how he will definitely enjoy the school year and find new friends and stuff while obviously looking at Yuma passionately.

"Get me mint chocolate chip ice cream later with extra scoops or I will tell Mom." whispers Ren while looking at his classmates.

"Aigoo when does my dear son learn how to blackmail people" whispers Yuma while smiling 'kindly' at the teacher.

"Obviously you. Bye Dad" Says Ren while marching forward inside.

Hallooo! I'll get atleast 5 chapter todaayyy before I sleep then I think I'll update by Wednesday or Thursday anywho chapter's done! hope that after I wake up tomorrow there will be someone putting this in their library. :)))

Pupipowcreators' thoughts