
Reborn in BNHA with an Ability of a Ghoul

A pretty chill reincarnated guy who doesn't care about the canon and just lives however he wants. Updates are thrice every week! Just kidding it depends on my mood :)) I don't own the cover just took it from Google :))

Pupipow · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Awakening Quirk and Junior High




Getting along with dozen balls of energy and joy are too tiring for Ren who is now desperately trying to find a way to get rid of children that is following him.

It all started when Ren was caught sleeping in the class. Ms. Shizuka who is Ren's teacher was planning on surprising him awake by shouting near him, while walking towards him Ms. Shizuka caught sight of Ren's sketch pad and immediately change the plans. Ren's sketch pad have become a legend in this classroom because of how mysterious it is. Some of his classmates had countless theories about the sketch pad, from a more sensible one that maybe it is related to his quirk up to completely ridiculous one like there is a demon lord inside.

When presented with an opportunity Ms. Shizuka who is in nature a curious cat took Ren's sketch pad and immediately shush the children who squeals watching their teacher helping them to solve the mystery.

"Shish! Silently go in front!" Says Ms. Shizuka who is being alert not to wake Ren up.




After grouping up the kids and making sure that Ren didn't woke up a circle of children and their teacher immediately take a look to Ren's sketch.

No one knows how long has it been until someone says "Awesome" everyone were struck dumb by how detailed Ren's sketches which is very impossible for a kid who recently became 5 years old.

"This is coooool!"


Not only the children were awe-struck by Ren's sketches but also Shizuka who is thinking along the lines of 'must be inherited from his dad' while blood was dripping from her nose.


Ren who found himself walking in the playgrounds saw a child that is at the top of monkey bars about to fall.

As the child were falling from the bars Ren found his surroundings getting slower. He gets giddy by the realization that his quirk is finally awakening.

'Finally this is a long wait'

Out of instinct a rinkaku type kagune is released at the back of Ren's waist and caught the falling kid.

Ms. Shizuka who is running to check the kid's state was surprised to see a blood red scaled tentacles that flows like a water but firm and sturdy like a rock catching the child who is now a crying mess.

Ms. Shizuka whose focus is on the kagune can't help but snap out of it when she heard a scream from one of the kids and traces it back. What she saw will probably be her greatest shock in her entire lifetime. Standing there staring at her was her favorite student whose iris turns red, and the sclera black with red veins across the eye into the skin around the eye.


Ren who is admiring his kagune snaps out of it when he heard the screaming girl and turns to look at her in confusion, he then turns to his homeroom teacher only to heard another yelp.

'Ah must be the kakugan. Can't blame them, this eye looks scary as hell.' Ren just shrugged the reactions and turns off his kagune and immediately after, the exhaustion from the first time activating his quirk, his body can't handle it and even with the enhanced body he soon faints.

'even the enhanced body can't handle?'

He can't even finish his thoughts as his body fell to the floor.


Ms. Shizuka even though were very surprised by Ren's appearance quickly tends to Ren and call his parents.

As Yuma and Yua arrived at the school they were immediately received by Shizuka and quickly explains what happened at the playground and the teachers reaction who saw Ren's appearance.

After Shizuka left the couple Yua sighed dejectedly. "I can't believe this Pre-School hires people who 1discriminates children whose quirks alter their appearance."

"Yeah such a disappointment, though even if we report it to the authorities there is always that one person who is too close minded to reason with." Says Yuma while deciding if he should find a new Pre-School or just homeschool Ren till he gets in Junior High.

"I know, they are too troublesome to deal with."

"What a drag~"

"Why do I feel like I've been rubbed by the laid back attitude of the both of you?"

At this Yuma smirks like a wild young master whose schemes are successful. "It's just your imagination~ anywho let's wait for Ren to wake up and let him decide what we will do."

"You realized that my little Ren is just a 5 years old kid right?"

"And his much mature than what a 5 year old kid should right? Ren is a smart kid he'll know what's beneficial for him." Says Yuma who already knows that Ren will definitely choose home schooling.

After a few casual talks with Ren's homeroom teacher who came back for the reason of 'checking up on Ren' our little Protagonist wakes up at the scene of his Father's ear being twisted to oblivion.

"Ugh that twist shouldn't be possible" whispers Ren as he imagined his own ear being twisted like that and involuntary squirms.

"You finally wake up!" Says Yua who quickly get rid of her husband and came to Ren's side and immediately caressed his head like telling him it's going to be alright.

'Even if I have my memories of my past life it is still so nice to get spoiled like this.' thought Ren as he enjoys the comfortable feeling that kept him warm and fuzzy.

"Ugh I swear to God in my next life I won't get fool again by the gentle looks"


"Anywho little champ I'm pretty sure that you've already observed how those little munchkins reacts to your quirk and apparently this school discriminates quirks that alters the appearance so what will it be? Home school or New Pre-School?"

"Hmm kinda disappointing but even if you guys report it to authorities there is always that troublesome person to deal with. Well anyway I guess I'll go with home school."

Yuma looks at his wife victoriously "see I told you~"

"alright alright just be sure to not just laze around the house okay Ren~?

"Yes Mom~"



Ren's daily routine is quite simple; after waking up in the morning, he would then join his Mother for a yoga which is quite good for flexibility then after that would be his lessons, after those boring lessons will be the activity that he so painstakingly ask his parents. One time when they visit the park for their weekly picnic Ren caught sight of a dojo in the distance, he forces his parents to enroll him in the dojo. While starting in his training he thought it was a simple martial art program who only teach the students a simple hand to hand combat and body strengthening training but after weeks of training the master of the dojo walks up to him and ask him if he wants to start learning swordmanship turns out that the Master of the dojo established the school to look for talented invididuals to pass on his sword art in which he readily accepted.

Yuma also taught Ren on controlling his kagune in which Ren learns that his father's side of family had the same quirk, they even have notes of different types of kagune. Sadly even though the quirk slows their age he and his father is the only one left of the family due to the side effect of the quirk being it is much harder to give birth for a child. This story of his father makes him ask his father for their age in which he learns that the both of them were already 49 years old by which he gets surprised when he remembers that they are of same age as All Might in the series but the difference in appearance is huge. He then ask his father for his mom's quirk in which Yuma readily answers as Enhanced Body and Regeneration making her life span much longer than a normal human.

Ren had also work on his art skills and his current hobby is creating masks.

With such busy lifestyle years passed, and the time for entering Junior High had come.

New Chapteruuuu! Enjoy!! PEACE!!

Pupipowcreators' thoughts