
Reborn in black clover with Demon Slaying magic

Having reincarnated multiple times in the past, our MC is given the chance to reincarnate in another world as a vacation. Remembering the time he spent on Earth, he chooses to reincarnate into the world of Black Clover with the sword skills and breath styles from the Demon slayer manga.

Arada · Tranh châm biếm
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252 Chs

Shaking the Kingdom




Dodging the incoming vine needles bursting up from the ground, Grim crossed the grassy terrain and closed the distance between him and his other 3 opponents within seconds.

'Dammit! How can we be pushed back by a single magic knight!'

Controlling the vines with his plant magic, Roland poured everything he had into stopping Grim's advance.

"WAINSLEY!!" He yelled.

Hearing his voice, the girl from the Blue Rose squad did her best to pick up the crystal and put some distance between them and Grim.

[Fire magic: Flame spike]

Providing cover for her, the last member of their team, Nix from the Green mantis squad used his magic to create a whip made of fire with fire spikes protruding from it.

"Playing with fire in front of me? Do you want to die!!" Amused at Nix's little fire magic, Grim stopped dodging the vines and switched to [Breath of the Blue Flames].



Unleashing his majestic blue flames and expelling them from his body and into the surrounding area, Roland watched in horror as his vines were burnt the moment they came out of the ground.



Grinning at the look on his face, Grim charged forward without a hint of fear on his face.

"Protect the crystal! I'll stop this bastard!!" Pushing Roland behind him, Nix stepped forth and started slashed at Grim with his [Flame Spike].


Activating his Ki, Grim slowed down for a mere instance as he slightly leaned to the left and watched as the whip slashed down from the sky and smacked the ground.


Grabbing onto the spike covered whip, Grim felt the muscles in his arms tighten as he clenched down and pulled Nix towards himself.

"WAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Feeling as if his arms were about to rip off, Nix's brain didn't have enough time to process what was going on as he was dragged towards his enemy.

"NIIIXXXXXXXXX!!!" Roland screamed.

Watching him fly through the air, Grim pulled his arm back and gathered blue fire magic around his fist.

"You like to play with fire huh? THEN LETS PLAY!!"

Unable to hold it back any longer, Grim's sadistic smile crawled its way up to the surface as his right arm shot out and drew in close to Nix's nose.

Feeling as if the world had slowed down and lost all colour, Nix watched as the blue flame colored fist slowly approached his face.

'So this is how I die.'

Resigning himself to fate, he closed his eyes and accepted the outcome.

But just as he was prepared to receive this punch, he heard a word that would haunt him for the rest of his lifetime.




"So what's our strategy here? Should we hide the crystal and then attack them all together or leave one of us behind to defend it while the others deal with the enemy's crystal?" Selena asked.

"Hide the crystal?" Grim looked at her with an amused expression. "What's the point of doing something so unnecessary?"


Looking at the confused expression on her face, Grim couldn't help but place his hand on her chin and slowly raise her head up so that the two of them were looking into the other's eyes.

"I alone am enough to win this."



Turning bright red in the face, Selena's mouth suddenly went dry as all the water in her body started flowing downwards.

Having never been so close to a man before, she felt her legs go weak as her strength threatened to leave her.

Looking at the actions of the two magic knights from the projection, women from all over the Clover kingdom felt their faces flush red and subconsciously clenched their legs together. This was especially true for the women from the Blue Rose squad.


-Viewing platform-

Watching Grim holding that girl's chin and peering into her eyes, the magic knights watching from the viewing platform were at a loss for words.

"What a naughty boy." Vanessa giggled.

"This guy's more of a playboy than I am!!" Finral whined remembering the time he brought Grim on that mixer.

"To be young again." Julius chuckled while watching the match.

While everyone was whispering about what was happening in front of them and about how bold Grim's actions were, the girls from the Blue Rose were having a different discussion.

"Oh my god! Did you see what he just did!!"

"What's Selena's boyfriend gonna say!"

"Do you think they'll break up!!?"

"Do you think they'll fight over her!!"

"Kya!! It's a love triangle!!"


While the girls from the blue rose were gossiping, there was a small group of girls whose eyes had hardened over the sight of Grim's actions action.

Noelle: That Hussy!

Mimosa: That Floozy!

Rebecca: That Bitch!!

After spending years working besides Grim, Rebbeca had picked up on the meaning of some of his phrases and was now using them in a way that would make him proud.

On the other hand, there was one woman who was amused at the sight.

Mereoleona: What an interesting lad.


"Um guys... I'm still here." Seeing that the two hadn't said anything for a while, David had to point out that he was still apart of the group.

[A/n: He got the Finral treatment.]

Letting go of Selena's chin and watching her drop to her knees, Grim turned his back on the two and started walking off.

In truth, while he believed that he was more than enough to destroy the enemy crystal, his real reasoning behind leaving these two behind was because he had yet to sate his sadistic hunger from earlier and felt like the two of them would get in his way as he dealt with the opposing team. The other reason was the fact that David was basically useless and he felt more comfortable leaving some who could actually fight (Selena) to defend the crystal.

As for the whole raising her chin incident, people completely misread the situation. While they saw it as an intimate gesture on his part, Grim actually raised her chin so that she was looking up at him while he was looking down at her. It was a power move.

(Flashback END)






Unleashing a point blank [Rengoku], Grim disfigured Nix's face as he was sent flying through the air and broke several bones in his body as his back was slammed into one side of a mountain before popping out the other end.

By the time the dust had settled, the bloody mess that was called Nix could be seen laying on the ground with several sharp bones piercing his skin and jutting out of his body.


The whole kingdom did so in union. Even the escaping Wainsley who was meant to be protecting the crystal stood frozen as she used her hands to cover her mouth.

"N-Nix..." Roland stuttered with a shaky voice as he looked at Nix's barely moving body.

Feeling like he was being glared at, Grim's sadistic smile started spreading across his face as he turned to stare in the direction the wizard king would be.

"Don't worry, I followed your rules *grins,* nobody died."

[A/n: But he is crippled.]

I mean he's not wrong, he didn't kill anyone.

And bet you guys didn't see that coming lol, Grim is truly a walking disaster.

Also put a flashback in the middle of the chapter, wasn't sure how it would turn out since I haven't done it in a while, hopefully it blended smoothly.

Aradacreators' thoughts