
Reborn in black clover with Demon Slaying magic

Having reincarnated multiple times in the past, our MC is given the chance to reincarnate in another world as a vacation. Remembering the time he spent on Earth, he chooses to reincarnate into the world of Black Clover with the sword skills and breath styles from the Demon slayer manga.

Arada · Tranh châm biếm
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255 Chs

Azure Dear

"Where to now?"

"Hmm? Lets go to the Azure Dear." Grim replied before stepping through the portal.

'Think of the girls Finral, think of the girls.' Finral repeated to himself over and over again.

"Why do you wanna go there?" Luck asked Grim while Finral was trying to calm himself down.

"They're actually quite an impressive squad if you look at their history. The previous captain of the Azure Dear is our very own Wizard King, Julius NovaChrono. The captains of both the Black Bulls and Golden Dawn were both vice-captains of that squad, and their current captain is the youngest captain in Clover Kingdom history. Now why wouldn't I want to go to such a fun place?"

Hearing him describe the Azure Deer's achievements, the stars in Luck's eyes brightened.


"We ready to go yet?" Grim called Finral.

*Sigh* "Why are we doing this again?"

"Hmm..." Grim clicked his tongue before answering. "Have you ever heard the phrase, with great power, comes great responsibility?"


"Yeah, didn't think you did, but that's besides the point. You see Finral, I don't want that kind of shit weighing on me, responsibility? Do I look like a responsible person to you?"

"Is that a trick question?"

Ignoring him, Grim continued. "I prefer the phrase, with great power comes a shit-ton of fun, get me?"

"No, I'm completely lost."

*Sigh* "Finral, my dude, I'm going to become strong while avoiding as much responsibility as possible. Accidentally killing the wrong person? Shouldn't have been standing there. Property damage? That building wasn't there when I arrived. The paperwork didn't make it to HQ? Someone must have lost it on the way. See? None of this shit will touch me."

"I still don't understand."

"Then I'll put it in terms that you will understand, I won't accept any responsibility for my actions and will focus on having as much fun as I can, consequences be damned."

"Oh... But what does that have to do with you challenging the vice captains?"

"Simple." Grim smiled. "I won't accept any responsibility for what I'm about to do next."

"That's to reckless! And you're not even wearing a mask! They'll recognize you if they see you again!!"

"A mask? I had enough of masks during covid."

"The fucks a covid!!"

"Ah Finral, just think about it like this. I'm about to pump and dump on an entire magic knights base. Pump and dump? Maybe jizz and whizz would be a more appropriate metaphor? Or ejaculate and then evacuate... There's also blow my load then hit the road, do the deed then use my speed, shoot the goo then bid adieu etc..."

"What are you talking about!?"

"Hmm..." Grim stroked his none existent beard. "I'm basically gonna do a lot of things to that magic knight squad until I'm satisfied, and once that's over I'm gonna leave using my greatest speed. Ha! It rhymed."

Placing his hand on Finral's shoulder, Grim showed off a confident smile.

"Now then... onto the next one."

Not waiting for him to reply, Grim charged through the portal followed by Luck and then a deflated Finral.



"This place is way nicer than ours." Grim complimented once he saw the base.

"They're one of the top squads after all." Finral sighed.

"I wonder what the vice captain of the Azure deer is like."

Grim shrugged in response. "Fuck knows, I think I lost the leaflet."

"What!" Finral exclaimed. "So we don't even know who you're going to fight."

"Exciting isn't it." Grim grinned.


"You two should hide now. I'm about to make a mess."

Seeing the smile on Grim's face, Finral quickly opened a portal and vanished from sight with Luck following behind.

Seeing his squad mates leave, Grim started humming a song from his fragmented memories as he walked towards the Azure Deer base.

"I'm sorry for dripping, but drip is what I do. And one of these days I'm gon get dressed and drip all over you."

"Hey! Who is that?" Seeing Grim's figure approach, two members of the Azure Deer called out to him.

Ignoring them, Grim kept humming as his mana started to fluctuate.

Since he mostly used [Breath of Flames] in his fight against the purple Orca's he decided to use [Breath of Wind] this time.

"He's gonna attack!!" Feeling his spike in mana activity, the two Azure Deer squad members got into battle stances.

Allowing the green glow to surround his figure, a small smile adorned Grim's face as he swiped he hand forward and shot out a powerful gust of wind that blew the two magic knights off of their feet.

"Waargghhh!!" The two screamed as they were blown into the air.

"Now then." Grim's smile widened. "Time to announce my arrival."

Gathering his mana and condensing his mind magic into a ball of highly compressed air, Grim took up a pitcher stance and hurled it through one of the base's windows.

"Batter up!!"


Feeling the entire ground shake, Grim watched as the ball of wind exploded inside the base causing all the windows to shatter and making the ground tremor.

"Hmm... Not as explosive as I thought." Condensing more balls of compressed air, Grim started hurling more of them through different windows until the base was on the brink of collapse and the magic knights had rushed out.

"ATTACK!! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!" Someone screamed as they charged out of the building and saw Grim tossing his wind orbs through their windows.

"Finally." Grim smiled as more and more magic knights gathered outside.

"Took you long enough."

Out of all the magic knights that had come out only one was able to catch his eye. A woman in her 20s dressed in fur white clothing as if it was winter. She had short black hair, grey eyes and wore a fuzzy white hat. If anything, she was probably in the top three attractive women he had seen since coming to this world.

"State your name and reason for attacking us." She said taking charge.

"My name? Shouldn't you introduce yourself first before asking for my name? Didn't your parents teach you about manners?"


Looking at their damaged base, the woman couldn't help but wonder what kind of manners this guy's parents had taught him.

[A/n: Jokes on her, he doesn't know/has any.]

Breathing lightly, the woman bowed and introduced herself.

"Fragil Tormenta of the Azure Deer."

"Tormenta? What a shitty family name." Grim mumbled after hearing her introduction.

Feeling her eye twitch at his comment, Fragil did her best to smile.

"Now sir, can you please introduce yourself."

"Me? Well miss Tormenta, I'm the guy who's about to torment you and your little friends."

Whew!! Attacking the Azure Deer now, Grim's sure has balls to do that. Then again, is there anything Grim wouldn't do?

Funny enough, I was gonna make him attack the Golden Dawn first but switched to the Azure Deer because they have better long term feats (Julius, Yami, William, Rill,) (And a new character that's recently been introduced in the manga). Lol, did anyone notice how Grim's started using his magic differently in this chapter?

Anyway see ya next chp

Aradacreators' thoughts