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At 11p.m,a boy finished playing a game and he planned to go to sleep early because of the start of the school but after watching animes,movies and playing games late at night every day from the start of summer,he struggle to go to sleep and can't resist the urges and think about watching a anime and go to sleep after because it only 11p.m and he used to sleep at 12p.m,1a.m,2a.m or sometimes 3a.m.Because he used to watch all kinds of animes,even after half a hour later,he still can't find a anime to watch.At 11:59 o'clock,he start to feel dizzy and after the clock hit exactly at 12 o'clock,he fell asleep and wake up at a new world.He slowly open his eyes and see two men staring at him.Strange old clothes and some kind of house made from wood,they looked like villagers from an anime,he thought.Wait! I was trying to find an anime to watch at my room and how the heck I am in this place and I feel something is gone,he thought.He look at his hand and he thought ''Am I a baby?huh?''.he look at the two men and they seem to arguing something.feeling confuse,he thought he been kidnapped and try to listen to what the two men were arguing.''I gonna name her,I am her father.'' ,''No,I gonna name her,I am her grandfather'' the two men said.''Huh?Name Her?''the baby thought.''Could you like stop arguing infront of my daughter''The woman holding him said.Daughter?The baby thought.Then he realise he been reincarnated as a girl like a anime and the two men were her father and grandfather and the woman holding her was her mother.''Come on,just pick a name already''the mother said.''Yes,mary is right''the father said.''And that why we should name her 'rose' because she is beautiful and rose is beautiful''the father said.''What?No!That too simple''the grandfather said.''Yes that too simple'' the mother said.'We should name her flintneix because it is the combination of the great flint dragon which has the strongest physical stats and the legendary phoenix which has the most magic power''the grandfather said.''Dragon?Phoenix?Magic?the baby thought.''What!Are you trying to make our cute little girl into some kind of monster''the father said.''A least it better than a name so simple that even a baby could came up with it''the grandfather said.''What did you say grand?''the father said.''Just speaking the fact''the grandfather said.How about rennei?the mother said.''Well if you fine with it,I am fine too''the father said.''A least it better than that stupid name'' the grandfather said.''Then that decided''the mother said.Suddenly a monster with a scar jumped out of the window breaking the glass.''what is that creature it look like a raptor from dinosaur movies.''the baby thought.The father realise what it was and ran toward the door as the grandfather put his hand toward the monster as he say some weird words.At the moment the monster see someone running toward it,it charge at it and try to bite him.At that moment while the monster was on air,a fire like ball hit it,explode and lunched the monster toward the wall and got knocked out.''Was that a fire ball explosion so cool''the baby thought.The father run toward the living room and catch the sword that was tied to the wall.''Don't worry mary.I will protect you and your daughter''the grandfather said.As soon as the father arrive back,The monster wake up and try to charge toward the grandfather.In a instance,the father hold the sword and cut the monster head.''Wow he cut the monster in a instance so fast''the baby thought.''Daren!!the grandfather shouted.''I just about to kill the monster with a another fire ball.Now look at this.The blood are everywhere.''the grandfather said.''Well a least it better than a whole house being covered in ashes.''the father said as he point at the place covered in ashes.''Shut up you two.Quiting arguing and clean up this mess''the mother shouted.''Yes mam''the father and grandfather said.The mother look at them and smile,thinking about the past how they were alway arguing.After cleaning,the father report to guard to find out what happened.''Are you ok sir?That was a highly magic restiance monster named tioria which has the power level of 40.''the guards said.''Don't worry I am former adventurer and I used to kill those monster before.''the father said.But it was strange.Those monsters only work in group and this one had a scar.''the father thought and went to home.While going to home,the adventurers group see him and asked if he saw a tioria.''Tioria?Do you mean the one with the scar.''Wait.Do you saw it?Where did it go?''the adventurer asked.''It already dead.I killed it.''the father said.''Are you hurt?''the adventurers asked.''No,I'm fine.''the father said.''Oh.we are very sorry.That was our fault because we fail to kill the last tioria.''the adventurers said.''No,it isn't your fault.we are ok.There nothing to worry about.''The father said.''But a least give you some money for the trouble.'adventurers said.''Thank you''the father said.