

Sam thinks how foolish she is she just believed what her sister no no no this slut said to her. she regrets it she is a underworld queen but dies at hands of ants how humiliation it is to her. when her grand fathers know about this they will take out my ash from 6 feet and scold me until my ear bleed tut tut....

as she thinking she heard a click sounds of heels walking towards her as she raise her face to she her sister no no butch face having heavy perfume and plastic surgery face as she is facing down to she me. I can she her bossams are clearly seen.with this no man can stop there lust.

"sorry sis Sam if I don't kill you I won't be heir of our family actually outside people think that I am really heir of our family so I want to ask you about leave the position but that damn old man keep on saying you only will be heir of our family you know that bro Qin only love me he don't even love you and you both even didn't know him at first know we are in 23 years old so at your 18th old man want to tell the world that you are actually heir of our family but I makes a small accident of that old man so he have been in coma for 1 year but know he want to tell this world about you thanks for helping me in songs making and acting some of my movies sister it is our last good bye" mei ke turns with Qin boy and they single that bulk man to kill her

"Hehehe... " make a small laugh that make shiver to that cheating couple. as they turned back to see that she left her face phenoxie eye piercings to the souls and her mocking lips turns upwards as she giving a devil smile.

"you actually thick you can get away form me easily, you actually don't know WHO I AM? even though my burn ash can get revenge on you......" as she say she felt a burning a side of Cheeck as she look up who it is as she see up mei ke hand have a little bit blood of her in her hand

"you are actually a orphan even my blood is not a blood line there is no one who give you love support to you after your family dead you should fretful to our family to let you stay ." as she yalks Sam hair full to her hand she closer to her face and said "you should give your dead as we shown love to you all this year your just a piece of life in our game to stretch your life to get good to our life your life is just to sacrifice understood" as she leaves her again stand up as a pride women and back of her there is men shadow EZ-FIANCE.

sam look at him and said "aaaa what is his name Qin jerk or something how do you loved her !" he see at her phenoxie eye even though he admire her beauty but she is a arrgont and neglect him as she never seen him or always forget his name make him angry that he want to death to her so he have planned with their mei ke family so they can get inheritence. and kill her and marry mei ke to warm his bed and meet bar girls again he don't have serious relationship with mei ke also he just use her as his bed partner only then he will get ditched after he got everything.

so he don't know what to say so he look into eyes and said "even we don't know who you are we know that you are going to die in our hands today and bye have happy journey as for as my name you don't need to remember it okay." as he turn to blue men and said "finish her after we go" and he move with that mei ke

the car gone further and diapper and she see bulk men giving her a drug which cause her to burn ever cell with a inject I can feel the pain like ant crawl on to my body tears are flowing from her eyes and the surround air make her shiver and he loose the ties of rope and she fall from chair to ground. just as fall there is car sound.



sounds came as some gang member fall down to ground she can't see any thing because her vision become blure and white and black and she is laughing at her stupidity and foolishness and there are strong arms took her into hug patting her cheek

she can smell sandel scent which is pleasant to her without knowing her she closer to his hug. she can hear what that men is 'saying please be with me' 'please don't leave me' 'sorry I came very late' . as she try to open her eyes but can't open she only use her mouth. having a sweet smile closer to his hug. he kept his hand on her back of head another one at her back he was in kneel position holding her dearly. her face at his nape and smiling she say "do you have feelings" as her eyes closing smile on her face she is like baby who sleeping in his arms. he look at her say in horse voice "yes" and she say "I think I am dying I have a wish can you do it for me sorry I can't see your handsome face by your body I can say your a handsome man thanks for having a feelings for me i thought no one will cry for me can you do it" as she cough small amount of blood come

his heart panicked and say"don't talk.... "

his voice is full of sadness and she can sense it reach her hand to his face smooth it with hand because his tears are falling in in to her face she is cleaning his face and say "sorry Mr. handsome if there is another life I will take my revenge and ask God to have a life with you... can ....you (cough cough ) give me a French kiss" as he heard her request without waiting for a second he give her a kiss his 1st kiss clumsy but he bit her lips giving pain to bring her to wake up her.

having a taste of a men she smiles and say "thanks..." her last breath comed out she die
