
Reborn: I became a God king

Ezekiel was reborn in to a world of Cultivation

Mrblackbear1 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

It a is mid day in a small village in a house on the out Skirts of the village we hear a woman screaming. This Continues For five minutes then it stop then we hear a baby cry.

"Mr light it a boy what are you going to name him"

"I'm going to name him Ezekiel Light it the name me and my wife choose"

'huh where am I' thought the baby as he look a round he saw a man and women looking at him and they were giant." let me have look at my son" came sweet carrying voice that sounded tired. as the baby looked around he noticed he could barely move his own body.

' either I'm Paralyzed or I'm a baby and looking at the two men I must be a baby so that means I was reborn' Ezekiel thought as he looked around. 'I wonder if a got any cheat like all those book I read?' then all four people were Surrounded by a white light when they opened there eyes they were in a forest next to a Beautiful lake that came from a river.

" welcome to my masters universe " said a Gentle voice. As two people turned around and saw a beautiful little girl she looked between 11 to 12. She had dark hair Like the night She also had blue eyes like The lake That was sparkling She had a Oval face Light skin she stud 4" 3'."is she going to be ok" as she said that she pointed a the new mother that was laying on the the Floor.

The man and the lady turned around and look at the mother that was just staring at them with a blank look."ahm sorry marry I was just surprised to be brought here from are own home here drink this it should help you recover faster. " as Mr light said this he cup that he had picked up just before they were Teleported in to this forest . so he lifts up her head a little bit and help her drink it.

"so who are you and why did you bring us here" the lady said. " I have no name my master has he to give me one but i am the caretaker of this universe as for you Bing here I didn't do it was my master who did it"answer the little girl."

"and who is your master" said the new mother as she got up to her feet. the little girl just pointed at her "how can I be your master when I don't even know you " said the mom. the girl just shook here head" not you but your son he is my master and owner of this universe " everyone just look shocked then they turned to the baby and saw that he was asleep."master I know your Tired but please stay awake a little longer" we then see the baby open his sleepy eyes

"now let me explain what going on here my master is a Reincarnated sol he has only a small portion of his memory s.as he get older he will unlock memories of Plants, Alchemy, and Forging.other things will be unlocked especially cultivation But he can only unlock certain parts depending on his strength.his universe also depends on his Strength he also has a system. he also is connected to a system that let him Bye any type of seed or any type of ore he can buy Mine's And seed plants But he has to have enough point to do it." she said as she stop to let it sink in be for she Continue.

" now he can bring anybody he wants into this universe usually they have to be marked or he gives you permission as you can see. that's why you guys are here cause he allowed it It may not have been consciously but subconsciously he wants to see you as family See knows he don't remember his old one you are his only family. Now currently for the system he only has 1 point and he told me to bye a Seed that i can plant And have it grow so you can sell it back to the system. Currently right now he can only buy 1 carrots seed butt Once that carrot seed grows he can sell it back for 2 points and so on and so forth."

As she was explaining we see Ezekiel trying to keep his eyes open and awake as he's mind processes everything she said. Which is the tall order seeing how he was literally just born his body can barely keep up with everything But he was determined to Stay awake. When she told them he was reincarnated had to them he was scared. he thought that they would look at them differently and we don't want him anymore but when he looked over and saw them especially his mother and father they still looked at them with love. He was happy that they except for who he was And then I'm look at them like you have some type of monster or freak.

"Okay so my son's gonna be a strong, genius and by the look of super handsome hehehe my baby is going to bring me lots of Daughter-in-law's and Grand baby's."Everyone just looked at her weird as she had said that well her son was thinking ' I'm only a baby I'm not even a Day old she's gonna have to wait a few years before I can give her Any type of daughter more list grandchildren.' But his mom didn't care she was in her own little world thinking about all the daughter in laws and having a lot of grand babies running around." Sweetheart love I think you're gonna have to wait a little bit before you can think about any Daughter-in-law's are grandchildren At least wait till he's 16 before you think about any grandchildren." No was the moms turned to stare at them weirdly and then look back at her son Her face started getting red as she had Embarrassed herself.

Ezekiel then started yawning as everybody looked at him as he was making such a yawn I thought he was cute and adorable."I think that's enough explanations for now I think we'll go back home because Ezekiel looks like he is sleepy. I mean he was just born I am also Lil exhausted I did just get birth you know Even with the Help of the Medicine I'm still a little sleepy." " That's fine to get back home you just gotta think of your home and you should return just fine until we meet again." When with that everybody thought back home and soon They started feeding away When they open the eyes again they were back at the house and same room they left in.

Let me know what you guy think

Mrblackbear1creators' thoughts