
0012 Speed Healing

Evie could not believe it! She thought everyone in this world were mortals. How could there be a powerful sage that existed here?

Or was what she had always thought wrong? After all, she’s not human and she was sent to this world. Did it mean that there were other celestial beings like her in this world?

Evie suddenly felt her guard go up. The surprised expression on her face vanished, replaced by a circumspect one, before she lapsed into a deep thought. Since the people below were no longer talking about things that interested her, she withdrew her senses and did not listen to them anymore. In any case, she already knew the gist of their discussion.

“Is Dr. Carl Jensen from my world?” Evie wondered out loud.

When the doctor talked to her, she did not feel anything strange from him— not that she bothered checking in the first place. In any case, with her weakened divine inheritance, if he turned out to be from her world, she was like a sitting duck there at the hospital.