
The Door

Dorian could try to bluff the two Anomalies and it was possible he might succeed.

But as Mello started talking, Dorian had recognized him. When the two other Anomalies, the one called Veritas and one of Mello's clones, had started to unleash their Auras, Dorian had made a split second decision.

He was right at the cusp of his entire journey, a long voyage with a singular goal: To save the life of a friend.

These two Anomalies could duke it out all they wanted, for all he cared. What mattered most to him right now was reviving Will. After that, he would move forward one step at a time.

As they said on Earth, 'Discretion is the better part of valor.'



Dorian's feet sounded off as he ran down the stone hallway, sprinting away from Yukeli's study. As he made a tactical retreat, he took in the area around him.