
Reborn: Draconic system

In a world where the manifestation of one's soul power through intricate systems defines one's prowess against dimensional beasts and monsters that have tormented humanity for over a century, our protagonist, Allen, finds himself at the center of ridicule during the annual awakening ceremony. "Such trash," whispers the crowd. "His parents would be disappointed." "All handsome, yet still trash," scoffs another. "A waste of space." "The lizard system?" mocks someone else. "I've never heard of such garbage. Emma must be relieved to have left him." Despite the insults, Allen remains unfazed, knowing his true potential remains hidden from the incompetent machine. Unbeknownst to everyone at the scene, a day would come when the boy they once looked down on would become their savior in the midst of despair and desperation. And with the supreme power he possessed, all shall kneel before him, every form of resistance shattered in the face of true power. ---- A/N: This is my 2024 WSA novel entry, make sure to vote for me.

Angeldrex · Kỳ huyễn
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63 Chs

Emma's critical state

With a thunderous boom, an explosion shattered the tranquility of the open field, the ground trembling beneath the sheer force, sending fissures spidering through the soil as a cloud of dust enveloped the scene.

Yet, amidst the chaos, the anticipated sensation of flesh underfoot failed to materialize, the expected warmth of blood absent, leaving behind an unexpected sense of confusion lingering in the air.

"Jackie, tend to her wounds and stop the bleeding," Allen commanded as he entrusted Emma into Jackie's care, his words urgent as he prepared to depart.

"Allen, are you seriously considering taking on that thing?" Jackie's concern dripped from his words, his eyes betraying his worry. But his faith in Allen's prowess tempered his anxiety, knowing he wouldn't foolishly charge into danger.

"Of course, I am," Allen affirmed, his resolve unyielding as he strode purposefully toward the dungeon boss, whose confusion was still evident at the unexpected escape of its prey, its frustration manifesting in a low growl.

Jackie watched as Allen walked into the distance, gritting his teeth before glancing back at the girl in his hands. Swallowing all his initial hate for her, knowing Allen still had feelings for her.

Without thinking any longer, he dashed back into the thick forest, his gaze trailing backward as he glanced at Allen once again before continuing his search for a potential safe haven to attend to Emma's wounds.

Allen felt Jackie's worries but quickly shrugged them off, his attention now on the dungeon boss before him. As he continued threading towards the dungeon boss, he began to wonder whether he should just go all out and use the draconic transformation.

However, he quickly shrugged off the idea. After all, since he was able to save Emma in the nick of time, it showed his superior speed and agility which put him at a great advantage.

Sighting the monster's lack of attention, he took his chance, planning on catching it off guard as he dashed like a speeding bullet, his fists ready to attack.

In a sudden twist, the dungeon boss, Dark Fang, felt its instincts flare uncontrollably, a primal sense of danger washing over it like never before. Its senses heightened, its fur bristling with unease.

Before Allen's punch could find its mark, Dark Fang sprang aside, narrowly avoiding the blow. The force of Allen's powerful strike shattered the ground where he landed, sending debris flying in all directions.

Without hesitation, Allen lunged forward, his agility on full display as he closed the gap in an instant. But his confidence was shattered when the dungeon boss effortlessly evaded his attack, forcing him to reassess his assumptions about his own agility.

Allen's gaze fell upon the wolf, memories of the tragic events from the year before flooding his mind. It was a day stained with sorrow when the lives of countless students were lost. He couldn't shake the image of grieving parents cradling their lifeless children in their arms.

He knew he couldn't let that event happen again. As he locked eyes with the dungeon boss, he felt a surge of determination. Allowing it to escape alive wasn't an option; the memory of last year's catastrophe echoed in his mind, urging him to act. With a heavy sigh, he steeled himself for what needed to be done.

"Unleash... inferno!" Allen yelled in an earth-shattering voice that echoed through the dungeon, his will palpable as dark red mist surrounded his form, dragon-like wings emerging, followed by his body being covered with red draconic scales. His claws elongated as they radiated with intent to kill.

As the transformation ensued, Dark Fang's instincts screamed at it to run, but not swallowing its pride, it stood its ground as the transformation took place, respecting the rule of never interrupting a transformation.

The dark crimson mist soon dissipated, revealing the now transformed Allen with horns sprouting from his head.

Resisting the urge to run, Dark Fang lunged at Allen, who was currently adapting to his newly enhanced strength and senses.

"This power, it's intoxicating," Allen muttered, feeling the taste of power as he clenched his fist, feeling the extent of his own strength.

Just then, as he noticed an insignificant beast running at him, pride and arrogance suddenly burst from within him, a result of the transformation as he felt disgust and disdain towards the lesser creature before him.

"Out of my way, you insignificant creature!" Allen bellowed with contempt as he stared down at the approaching beast, his newfound power fueling his arrogance, and before he knew it, his hands had already taken action.

In an instant, the approaching Dark Fang was immediately cut into pieces, signifying the end of the dungeon boss, before Allen finally came to his senses, realizing what he had just done.

"+928 exp"

"What the hell just happened?" he questioned himself in turmoil before he suddenly realized that the transformation had enhanced his arrogance, an emotion he considered a waste, suppressing the pride that wished to burst from within him.

He considered deactivating the transformation; however, rethinking his options, he knew he had to take the chance to kill as many monsters as possible.

With less than a minute left for the transformation, he disappeared in blinding light, dashing into the forest as his senses guided him, quickly locating unsuspecting direwolves who died before they knew what had killed them.


[You have leveled up]

Meanwhile, back at the dungeon facility, chaos ensued as Emma's vitals were noticed among the display of students' vital information.

"Inform the headmaster!" the woman yelled as she instructed, her fear evident as she paced back and forth. Amongst the thousands of vital information monitored, Emma's own remained of utmost importance; after all, she was the only diamond-ranked system holder of the decade.

As soon as the headmaster, Dracyl, heard the information, he rushed to the dungeon facility, his serious expression betraying his thoughts.

"Can somebody please tell me what's going on?" Headmaster Dracyl inquired as he stepped into the room.

"Headmaster Dracyl, it's Emma; her vitals are declining very fast, and her heartbeat, it's slowing down," the woman quickly relayed.

"Have you sent the rescue team?" he asked in a calm manner, his gaze traveling across the myriad of vital signals of multiple students; some were off, meaning they were dead, while some were blaring in red light, showcasing some were critically injured.

He inwardly sighed, feeling as though he'd forsaken his humanity. Not only had he left the students to perish, deeming them unimportant, but he was also bound by the dictates of the council of guardians. If it were for Emma, they'd justify it as essential, given her unique abilities.

But for anyone else, it'd be seen as squandering resources. He harbored a genuine desire to avoid showing favoritism, yet he found himself trapped by circumstance. In the world they inhabited, the unspoken law dictated that one's worth was measured by their potential contribution.

As a diamond-ranked hunter, Emma was deemed indispensable for humanity's survival, leaving him with little choice but to prioritize her.

"Any progress with the search?" he inquired, shaking off his somber reverie as his attention sharpened once more.

"It's proving difficult, sir," she replied. "The dungeon's layout makes it challenging to pinpoint her exact location," she continued, relaying updates from the makeshift rescue team.

Meanwhile, back at the dungeon, Allen finally stumbled upon Jackie's location—a small cave illuminated by flickering firelight as the sun dipped below the horizon within the dungeon's depths, a phenomenon that researchers struggled to explain.

Entering the cave, Allen immediately caught sight of Jackie rummaging through his first aid box, prompting memories of the watch storage space and the two front canine teeth of the dungeon boss that he had taken.

"Jackie, what's her state?" Allen asked, startling Jackie, who was caught off guard by his sudden appearance, as she had been too focused on her task at hand.

Jackie's face tensed with panic as he delivered the grim news to Allen. "It's not looking good," he began, his voice strained. "I managed to stop the bleeding, but she's still unstable. Her breathing has changed, and I don't know what to do."

"Stay calm, Jackie," Allen urged, sensing her panic. "You've done well to stop the bleeding, but it's likely the dagger was poisoned," he said, deducing the cause of her labored breathing.

Pressing his ear against her chest, he could clearly hear the slowing rhythm of her heart, a relieving yet ominous discovery.

Without hesitation, his mind flashed back to the lessons he had learned from his mother. "Remember, if you're ever poisoned, you can use your mana to slow down or even stop its effects if your mastery is sufficient. Do you understand?"

Without a second thought, Allen immediately took action. Taking her soft but cold hands, he began channeling his mana into her body. Though he felt some resistance, he persevered, and soon his mana traveled through her entire being.

As he moved his mana through her body, he could immediately sense the presence of the poison, targeting her heart and respiratory functions.

"Shit, what do I do?" Allen thought inwardly, his thoughts churning in turmoil as he counted his options. Only one seemed feasible in the moment. Without delay, he reacted, manipulating his mana to keep the deadly poison away from her heart while quickly sealing his lips with hers, performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation—the only outcome he perceived as effective.

As ten tense minutes elapsed, Emma's condition remained stable thanks to Allen's relentless efforts. However, his mana continued to wear thin, reaching its bottom limit. He began to feel dizzy, a result of pushing beyond his mana's capacity.

"Step away from the girl!" a woman's voice suddenly resounded as they finally found their target, who seemed to have fallen into the clutches of greedy men.

"I hate people like you," she retorted with disgust as she attacked Allen, kicking him off Emma, sending him tumbling across the floor. The rescue team swooped in, carrying Emma onto a levitating stretcher, vanishing as they broke a crystal clear crystal.

"Boy, what do you have to say for yourself?" the woman inquired with an enraged expression, her anger palpable as she walked towards Allen.

quick question should i include Amunet in the harem

Angeldrexcreators' thoughts