Guy reborn as Ares
Time away from home had been kind the Thanos. The one hundred years he had been away from family, he had made a name for himself.
But not on Earth, in Space. He had a reputation as a 'Conqueror'. He had pillaged planets in his fathers name. While not as insane as the stories of him would have you believe, he was a cruel man….god.
He cared not for morals, as his father taught him. To spread his influence in his father's name was all he cared for.
Although he conquered numerous planets…he was not a bloodthirsty tyrant. His planets had order and structure. Citizens behaved willingly, since they had seen what men in his station do to rebels.
He ruled with an iron fist. Rebellion was not tolerated, radicle forms of treason were stomped out with furious anger. Most of the time by the people they were trying to rebel for.
His citizens had an amazing loyalty towards Thanos due to his ruling. Planets that had barely any resources to none were pulled from the brink of desiccation and made to be pillars of the galaxy by his design. Why wouldn't they be loyal.
Many millions of kids upon different worlds under his rule, dreamed of becoming grand admirals in his fleet or commanders of the 'Black Order'. Thanos's special operations group that answered only to him.
His conquest had rewarded him 26 worlds completely dominated with 5 in the process.
His main pillars of his empire were:
Omega - A planet housing a race of warriors cloned from the First Citadelian, the demi-godlike figure, son of X'Hal. They make up a bulk of the imperial military since they have incredible strength, speed, and endurance compared to humans.
Tamaran - Populated by a race of golden-skinned humanoids who are descended from a feline race and who worshipped the goddess X'Hal. They also make up a a large chunk of military. They can generate bright green-colored energy from their hands and eyes, accelerated healing factor, self-sustained flight in vacuum and atmosphere, superhuman strength, superhuman reflexes, enhanced stamina, superhuman condition, superhuman endurance, superhuman agility, linguistic assimilation (via lip contact), invulnerability, have nine stomachs, a long lizard-like tongue, self-sustenance, tolerance to extreme environmental conditions, experienced hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist, experienced use of various weaponry; such as swords, harpoons, or longbow and arrows, extended Longevity; capable of living for hundreds of years and have a slowed aging process.
Ogyptu - A planet of giants. They make up a bulk of military and construction.
Thanagar - home to the thanagarian race. A race of winged warriors. Especially powerful and intelligent. You already know what they make up a bulk of.
Kreno - A home of organic metal that is grafted onto its native people, making highly efficient cyborgs. One of the main suppliers for technology.
Bolovaxian Vik - Home to people with Pachyderm-like skin, porcine nose and large jaws. Home to future green lantern, Killowog. A race of giant yet highly intelligent people. Race of 16 billion, filled with brilliant minds that supply the empire with an abundance of technology, strategist, scientist, generals, politicians and people of high status.
Thanos had more planets but these were the ones that stuck out.
Upon the Imperial Dreadnaut Class: 'Infinity'. A flagship outfitted with a gross amount of weaponry.
Sitting upon his throne, Thanos. He sits overlooking his holo-table as many of his military generals and government advisers bicker back and forth.
"Tell me of this planet. I want to know its advantages, what will it do for the empire?" Thanos questions them.
Silence reigns as they all look to on person.
A woman steps out from the crowd, a female from the planet, Juxia, a former poor ice planet that Thanos took in and saved.
"Speak, Namaxia." Thanos orders.
"My lord, this is Hannu, or as the natives call it….Korriban. A planet with many different biomes including a dense, paradise like forrest and beaches, perfect as a expensive, luxury vacation planet with millions of individual, potential monetary income. Scouts also report a strange metal underneath the surface of the planet that drills can get to." She reports fanatically to her savior.
Thanos nods at the news, somewhat interested in the millions of different revenue streams and the strange metal.
"Torrog, tell me of the people." Thanos orders one of his fleet admirals.
A huge male of the Bolovaxian race steps forward. "My lord, we've reported a total population of 10 billion, Physically strong, smart and tough male and female members of the race. Its classified a Matriarchy with a Holy Queen in complete rule over all workings of their planet.
Their race have are a species of red-skinned humanoids that have distinct for their bone spurs, facial tentacles, and genetic predispositions toward both left-handedness. They are a proud and violent species of humanoids.
From what we've seen they are an extremely war faring race. Being trained extremely young by empire standards they have multiple martial arts and weapons. This means a fight." He finishes off. Chatter amongst the gathered collection of high government oriented people began discussing with each other.
"If an attacking force managed to achieve orbital supremacy over a target world, or some manner of gravity, they will've gained such a massive advantage as to render any further form of resistance completely pointless." Thanos says as if repeating something said to him.
"Do we have orbital supremacy?" Thanos asks the collective of people rhetorically.
"We have a fleet of starships in orbit, there's no need to send down hundreds of thousands or even millions of troops to take control of the planet." Thanos says.
"Send down 5 ambassadors to discuss surrender deals. If they refuse, bomb 2 of their most populated cities, if they kill our ambassadors, orbital bombardment at random intervals throughout the course of….lets do...6 weeks." Thanos orders his people.
They scramble to do as they're told.
"They will remember my name."
Thanks wiki!