
Reborn as the Tycoon: A Second Uncle's Fortune

The protagonist is unexpectedly reborn in China in the 1980s, but instead of returning to his former self, he assumes the identity of his second uncle. Armed with knowledge from the future, the protagonist navigates the challenges of this era, using his insight to alter the fate of his family. He gradually transforms from a common man into a successful business magnate, reshaping his family's destiny and building a powerful business empire

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · Thành thị
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324 Chs

Chapter 305: Several Major Events

As the political landscape of the Forestry Bureau increasingly tilted in favor of Xu Chaoyang, consolidating his power despite various constraints, Li Xian was also experiencing a string of good news.

Firstly, regarding the Bangye Distillery:

On the day after Accountant Liu was taken away for investigation by the Forestry Police, Li Xian received a phone call from Liu Weihai.

After a month of reassessment and asset liquidation, the shares of the Bangye Distillery had been clearly delineated. Previously, Li Xian held 75% of the distillery's shares, while Bangye held 25%.

During this period, Bangye had invested 21 million yuan to upgrade the distillery's equipment, optimize the production line, and allocated a piece of land valued at 5.5 million yuan as the new production base. This included a grain company valued at over 5.8 million yuan and a specialized sub-industry demonstration base valued at 4.2 million yuan, as well as other crucial facilities like storage and packaging plants, totaling an investment of over 43 million yuan.

The distillery's fixed assets now totaled nearly 50 million yuan. With Li Xian's previous investment of 32 million yuan, the distillery was no longer the small factory on the verge of bankruptcy it had been a year ago.

In the newly redistributed shares, Li Xian held 68%, Bangye 30%, and 2% was allocated to a collective fund for the employees.

Of Li Xian's 68% share, 5% was previously allocated to the management shares for Lao Zhu and his son. With the expansion of the operation, Li Xian decided to allocate another 3% from his shares to the 13 members of the management team, excluding the Zhu family.

After all adjustments, Li Xian personally held 60% of the shares. If he liquidated this portion, he would get around 30 million yuan. Initially investing about 2 million yuan, this had multiplied nearly tenfold in less than a year.

But this was just the current stage.

More importantly—Li Xian's proposal for the golden-time advertising bidding with CCTV had been completed with the joint efforts of Liu Weihai and the county's Investment Promotion Bureau.

According to Li Xian's plan, he prepared to use almost all of the distillery's liquidity, which was his previous investment of 32 million yuan, to go all-in.

Despite ongoing skepticism in the county, which considered the 15 million yuan base price for the CCTV bid excessive, Li Xian had borne the pressure during this time.

In his memory, the first CCTV bid winner was Kongfu Banquet Liquor.

Although handled by the county's Finance Bureau, Li Xian clearly remembered that in the first CCTV advertising bidding, Kongfu Banquet Liquor won the bid with a price of over 30 million yuan. Even though the current bid was a year earlier and there had been some changes, the bid winner's value would definitely not be this low!

Fifteen million yuan might not even get a look-in at the bidding meeting.

History had changed due to his intervention, but the era's progress seemed unlikely to see major shifts. With the nationwide trend of marketing and advertising aggressively capturing the market and creating one commercial spectacle after another across China, winning the bid—even at a hundred million yuan—would be worthwhile.

Especially the first batch of bid winners, which carried a legendary buff. Li Xian believed that if this wave of operations succeeded, the distillery's valuation of 50 million yuan would likely multiply several times.

Even if it cost more, Li Xian didn't want to miss this opportunity.

With everything prepared, Li Xian handed the glorious and significant task of participating in the bidding to Liu Weihai and Zhu Feng.

While the chance to participate in the bidding at CCTV was exciting, it wasn't as important to Li Xian. As a private enterprise owner, such honors were nice but not necessary. Moreover, from a metaphysical perspective, almost all entrepreneurs who won the bid at CCTV before the millennium faced unfortunate outcomes.

Most likely bankruptcy or imprisonment.

He was wary of such bad luck.

However, for Liu Weihai, a local leader, if the distillery could win the bid, it would be significant.

Such an honor would undoubtedly be a brilliant political credential for a young government official. At a time when economic reform was deepening nationwide, this credential could make him a rising star in reform.

After discussing this decision with Liu Weihai, the county head was extremely excited. As a person within the system, he understood how much capital could be gained from winning the bid and appearing on CCTV.

Thus, upon hearing that Li Xian wanted him to personally go to Beijing for the bidding, Liu Weihai secretly noted this favor in his heart.


At the Forestry Bureau, after more than ten days of streamlining, the two factories began to show profitability.

In Harbin, Wang Hongfei had organized a group of followers according to Li Xian's teachings, collaborating with major hospitals' cardiologists. They used a "fishing" method by offering free eggs or other small gifts to attract elderly people to lectures, where they were then frightened about cardiovascular diseases. This was followed by promoting the benefits of the company's Baizhen Tang Brain and Heart Health Oral Liquid and the company's direct sales strategy.

After a week of this model, sales of Brain and Heart Health Oral Liquid had surpassed 400 boxes per day. With more consumers joining the direct sales team, sales continued to grow at a gratifying pace.

In this favorable situation, the Berry Research Institute's pharmaceutical factory and the initial processing plant at the forestry farm were naturally busy with production.

As for the sauerkraut factory, after clearing all obstacles in the forest farm, it successfully produced the first batch of sauerkraut products using Chen Guixiang's familiar pickling method.

After Accountant Liu was taken away, the former Youth League Secretary of the forestry farm, Liu Changfa, was also dismissed by the locals. The previously inactive youth were organized by Li Xian into a sales team of over fifty people, who went to the Forestry Bureau, Bangye, Beilin, and nearby areas to promote the products to restaurants.

In November, entering the peak season for restaurants, half of the first batch of sauerkraut was sold within a week. With successful returns of over 40,000 yuan, the workers at the sauerkraut factory were elated.

It is said that joy does not come alone and misfortune does not come singly, but after experiencing a severe hail disaster in October, the fortunes of the Eight-Nine Forest Farm under the leadership of Li Xian and his son had indeed improved.

Just as both factories were thriving, the forest farm welcomed another piece of good news—following Xu Chaoyang's report to the General Bureau of Forestry, the hail disaster at the Eight-Nine Forest Farm was confirmed as a medium-level natural disaster. The Forestry Bureau sent personnel to assess the damage and promised to repair houses and provide subsidies for the affected people.

Such good news made all the disaster-stricken people in the forest farm very happy.

However, on the second day after the Forestry Bureau's disaster relief team arrived at the forest farm:

While Li Xian was busy at the sauerkraut factory, Chen Lao Wu came to the factory.

"Not good, Xianzi, your father and the disaster relief team are arguing!"