
Tavern Fight (III).

Chapter 81: Tavern Fight (III).

Kein's POV


With the mention of money everyone got up to their seats and started picking sides on who to fight with and who to fight against. 

"¡Retirarse! I'm the one getting that money!"

"Si! When I'm dead!"

"¡Deja de pelear!"

It turned into quite a ruckus. 

Avery was really drunk from the looks of it she barely could stand on her own.

"Whoah~! Is it just me or there's a floating gun in the sky? Oh… I see croissants hehehe… Quaso!"

Good lord she's gone insane.

"Kazari, grab that woman before I drag her myself." I instructed, and she understood the importance of the mission immediately. She tried holding Kazari's arm but the blonde girl had the nerve to push her away and asked if she wanted to have a drink.

"Kazariii! Have a drink! Come on! Hic!" (Avery) was down, I shouldn't have let her take any alcohol because she has our inn keys.